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Perhaps no change of order is the problem.
A couple of months ago I did some calculations to work out the number of possible variations of the California Beach. My calculation, which is almost certainly an over-estimate, it that there are 5 quitillion possible factory ordered variations of the Beach.
It is almost certainly an overestimate because there are various options which will not work with other options. When we ordered our Beach, it turned out that we were trying to order two radios, discover media + comp media (I thought one was sat nav and the other a radio).
With so many possible variations, some impossible combinations might slip through the dealer's configurator, the order goes off and you get an unconfirmed build date. When it comes to a confirmed build date, the factory spots the error and cannot confirm the build, so the order returns to the dealer. It goes into your dealer's in tray, other stuff goes on top, and the error is not corrected. You lose your unconfirmed build slot, and get shunted back another 10 weeks.
It is only a theory, but I think plausible even if unlikely. There may be other possible explanations which are not dissimilar. That is why I am now making monthly visits to my dealer - to keep my order at the forefront of my dealer's mind, so there is a smaller possibility of dealer related errors being overlooked. If I get shunted back again I will increase the frequency of my visits.
So my suggestion to you is to keep pressing your dealer for information. Visit weekly if it isn't too far, phone if you cannot visit, don't leave messages, keep phoning until he or she picks up. You should also be calling VWCS, and try to get a named person who will be investigating your case. You have waited long enough.
We are in weekly contact with the dealership and VWCS with a named contact.
Neither have a clue about what is happening to our order other then it keeps going back.
Getting a straight answer out of either ofthem is difficult because the factory gives no details away as to the hold up.