Think the idea is to keep a particularly virulent type of canine tapeworm out of the UK, think it's the known as the Swiss tapeworm (or maybe the Mongolian death-worm?

) and as we're a 'clean' nation the continentals don't require the same for dogs visiting them from GB.
We had our cocker with us for 66 days last year, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Lichenstein and Germany, and there was absolutely no problem anywhere, in fact the French make a fuss of dogs and he was welcome in all restaurants, bars and cafes - they'd often bring him a water-bowl, unasked. They're much more accepting of dogs than the jobsworth establishments over here, and we're supposed to be the nation of dog lovers. Mind you, if we'd had something like a dobermann or a bull terrier they might not have been as welcoming. We will be taking him back to France this summer.
One tip - make sure the continental vet who administers the tapeworm pill signs, dates
and times your pet passport. We were passing through a small French town en route back to Calais, saw a vet and just pitched in. They were very friendly and we got by OK in our Franglais, and were charged 40 Eus. When we got to the tunnel pet check-in next day, they noticed he hadn't put down a time. This was OK as we were within the allowed period, but if we had been there the next day the time of treatment would have been crucial.