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Lifetime VIP Member
I disclosed in another thread that my Mum suffered a stroke on Saturday,
Wherever I can I will leave a note of my appreciation of Worthing hospital in particular and in general that national treasure that is so under-appreciated and often over-abused, the NHS.
A blue-light paramedic was at my house within three minutes of my dialling 999. An ambulance arrived shorty afterwards. Upon arrival at Worthing she had scans and all sorts within the hour, found a bed in the acute stroke unit, and stabilised.
All this against the backdrop of whilst we were there tannoys were blaring to clear outpatients and casualty of the walking wounded as a Major incident had taken place 4 miles up the road, the Shoreham air crash.
Her care has been exemplary.
I have been treated in hospitals all around the world, in the UK thanks to medical insurance all my treatment, the last for cancer, has been in private hospitals such as the London clinic, until May last year when I was a guest in Worthing for 5 days being treated for acute kidney infection. My treatment could not have been equalled anywhere in the world.
Lord William Beveridge, Nye Bevan, may I say thank you for what you brought into the UK and for all those at the coalface in the NHS, just what a fantastic, brilliant job you do.
Wherever I can I will leave a note of my appreciation of Worthing hospital in particular and in general that national treasure that is so under-appreciated and often over-abused, the NHS.
A blue-light paramedic was at my house within three minutes of my dialling 999. An ambulance arrived shorty afterwards. Upon arrival at Worthing she had scans and all sorts within the hour, found a bed in the acute stroke unit, and stabilised.
All this against the backdrop of whilst we were there tannoys were blaring to clear outpatients and casualty of the walking wounded as a Major incident had taken place 4 miles up the road, the Shoreham air crash.
Her care has been exemplary.
I have been treated in hospitals all around the world, in the UK thanks to medical insurance all my treatment, the last for cancer, has been in private hospitals such as the London clinic, until May last year when I was a guest in Worthing for 5 days being treated for acute kidney infection. My treatment could not have been equalled anywhere in the world.
Lord William Beveridge, Nye Bevan, may I say thank you for what you brought into the UK and for all those at the coalface in the NHS, just what a fantastic, brilliant job you do.