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The sad demise of cash.

I still carry cash in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Coins definitely in Switzerland to pay for parking and toilets. I think Covid changed a lot, but there are still places that are cash only. USA certainly changed due to Covid and I didn't use any cash on recent stays, comparing to pre-covid stays.

I did some work in Germany 10 years ago and there used to be issue with foreign credit cards in supermarkets, everyone used local debit cards.
I haven't used cash for some time but Covid finally killed it off. I think I had £50 in my wallet for a few years with most of it being handed out to people I didn't know. Far easier to swipe or phone touch.

Its all digitial for me but I appreciate that some people prefer cash or use it to budget, which I do think is a great idea.

Both my Mother and Sister would draw out maximum sums of cash, from the cash machine, as part of their daily lives. For my Mother that would be a 20mile round trip.

I was with my cousin at a funeral last year, in a remote part of Wales, and he had £1000 cash wad on him.......just in case. He certainly feels lost if he doesn't have a wad of notes in his pocket, even at a funeral.
Banning cash payments was an excellent move for London buses, which can now be loaded in seconds rather than minutes.
Much less likely now for two to come along at once…