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Toilet - what to buy

Hi paddyg. Some use the Porta Potti 335 other use alternatives. You will find several camps of thought but I prefer the 335 as the most convenient. Best advice I got was to search the forum as almost every subject has been discussed at length. The advice within the forum is well worth joining for even for non California owners.
We have a Porta Potti Cube 335. Keep in the rear trunk (not in the sink/cooking area for us). We cover it with an IKEA SKUBB box and cover that with a hand made cover that matches our Cali'sPoti-1.JPG Poti-2.JPG colour scheme.
Can now be used as a poti, a foot stool or small table without any embarrassment. Here are a couple of photos.
Just don't mention keeping it in the lower RH cupboard of the kitchen unit...a huge can of worms will open otherwise....

:shocked :D
And don’t fill your water tank with the garden hose! ;)

VW California Club
