Starlight Blue Ocean 4Mo MY2023 older bellows
Lifetime VIP Member
Thank you @calibusje, those two maps relate only to fuel, I think, which is of course a concern (we plan to arrive in France with a full 70l tank and perhaps even take a further 20l in a can); but perhaps my bigger concern is blockages - I see in the alternative media (my preferred news source these days) quite a lot about road blocks (mainly around Paris, Marseilles and Bordeaux) and in the past the French fishermen have gone for the odd port blockade. Hence my thinking that perhaps Dunkirk might be less prone to civil disturbance than Calais (where we are booked currently).ah ok, then I refer to post #17 (and #16) put I put it here again:
Useful map that you can enlarge. Would be up to date.Carte temps réel des stations service en difficulté d'approvisonnement
Essence&Co : Carte en temps réel des stations-service en difficulté d’approvisionnement..penurie.mon-essence.fr
No one has a crystal ball and can predict what may yet come. On various Belgian Facebook pages I read from 'no problem at all' to taking into account that some gas stations are closed, so refuel when you can. Happy travels!
If anyone is travelling via Calais or Dunkirk over the next couple of weeks it would be interesting to hear if there are any issues (other than fuel) on the peage routes to Switzerland - I suspect there will nothing problematic, but though I would ask.
The Main Stream Media is not reporting anything much about the civil protests in France, but the they are happening by all other accounts.