Quentin SF
We're thinking about buying a Cali, probably in about a year's time. Our camper van experience so far has been a couple of trips with a friend's larger and elderly Ducato-based van, which was great fun but, we felt, a bit too big and lumbering for the long-weekend type of trips we're likely to do.
So the VW seems ideal, though terrifyingly expensive
We'd like to rent one to try out before buying, and I wondered if anyone had done this and found it useful, or had any suggestions about good rental places? We're in Cambridge, so somewhere in N.London, East Midlands or East Anglia would be easiest.
Have come across the websites of Campervantastic and LTH Campervan hire...
Any thoughts, warnings or recommendations most welcome!
So the VW seems ideal, though terrifyingly expensive
Have come across the websites of Campervantastic and LTH Campervan hire...
Any thoughts, warnings or recommendations most welcome!