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S339 is your cube fuse.
You can proceed by checking continuity (resistance) between the marked points.
I would start with a continuity check between chassis ground and points C and D. This checks your shunt as the path from C, D to the chassis ground is through the shunt [N162].
If those are ok probe the voltage between chassis ground and A B and E
As you can see it's a very simple system.
Edit: A24 is the wardrobe battery. A1 is the underseat battery.
Edit2: If you probe and see 12.7 V the path to the rear battery is intact (but might be high resistance). If you probe and see 11.4V your path to the underseat battery is intact (but might be high resistance).
With what we're seeing you look to have an open circuit (broken wire or something disconnected) somewhere.
Edit3: Added note about shunt in step 1.
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