UK Nukemap



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IMG_0063.JPG Did anyone else see this in the press today? Thankfully in just on the edge over here in Kent.
Why is Swansea a target? (Other than for crimes against town planning)
Nah, all Calis are bomb-proof. But I wouldn't sleep in the pop-top.

I wouldn't worry too much. Just pop into your friendly Nuclear Bunker and ride out the storm.

On a positive note I guess the blast might eradicate the roof rot issue (and obliterate any other California issues in one go)
PS. Perfect topic for "light hearted chit chat" don't you think??
owners can't cope with hot weather or wet weather so there is no hope
I was rained on by contaminated rain on in North Wales after Chernobyl so I think the map has some basic errors in the spread of fall out
off to read "on the beach" to lighten my mood
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I like the way that two of the so-called "safe zones" have nuclear power stations in them. Obviously the "supposed enemy" happily assumes that they will just leak and self-destruct anyway :shocked
owners can't cope with hot weather or wet weather so there is no hope
I was rained on by contaminated rain on in North Wales after Chernobyl so I think the map has some basic errors in the spread.
off to read "on the beach" to lighten my mood

Oh cheers for the reminder. Me too (I'd forgotten about that and put my healthy glow down to Ready Brek consumption) :eek:
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I wouldn't worry too much. Just pop into your friendly Nuclear Bunker and ride out the storm.

On a positive note I guess the blast might eradicate the roof rot issue (and obliterate any other California issues in one go)

I would go there but its clearly secret so the chance of finding it are surely slim ;) ;)
We'll be ok. Got old lead mines over the road so just off there now to dump a stash of Jaffa Cakes and Coke Zero.
Are we assuming the missiles are coming from N Korea or the US? Having just seen a You Tube clip of Americans being asked to show where N Korea was on a map, I think we could be in trouble!
Fingers crossed im in a green spot.
Wouldn't fancy hanging around here having to deal with the radiation fallout...
No area would be safe if we where attacked and poking fun at our allies in the US , despite what is happening the US forces are in the UK now and US planes are being flown by the RAF as a joint operation basically our govement have cut our defence so much we would not last long going it alone I am sure we are all concerned what will happen Trump has a difficult job don't knock him he is on our side any war we would be involved with lets take a leaf out of the Australian Prime Minster who has offered the US his counties total support
In Hastings the labour held council has always declared Hastings a nuclear free zone

During cold war simulations I have heard messages saying "Missile impact" 15 mins take cover now we have no where to go for safety and what would you do just imagine the end of the world as we know it comes to an end scares the crap out of me
Lets hope it never happens and we can enjoy our vehicles and protect our children
No area would be safe if we where attacked and poking fun at our allies in the US , despite what is happening the US forces are in the UK now and US planes are being flown by the RAF as a joint operation basically our govement have cut our defence so much we would not last long going it alone I am sure we are all concerned what will happen Trump has a difficult job don't knock him he is on our side any war we would be involved with lets take a leaf out of the Australian Prime Minster who has offered the US his counties total support
In Hastings the labour held council has always declared Hastings a nuclear free zone

During cold war simulations I have heard messages saying "Missile impact" 15 mins take cover now we have no where to go for safety and what would you do just imagine the end of the world as we know it comes to an end scares the crap out of me
Lets hope it never happens and we can enjoy our vehicles and protect our children

John, this is in the light hearted chit chat section. Lighten up. If there is a nuclear war, we ain't gonna know much about it! Or maybe we'll all come and shelter in the Hastings nuclear free zone! Cali's are bomb proof anyway. I'm sure someone said so in a post I read yesterday.
Possiby a little known fact that the US had serious plans to attack the British Empire in the 1930s. They saw us as competition for the world superpower and built secret airfields on the US side of the Canadian border ready to attack Canada.
The only reason the US has forces here and on the continent is so that any land war would have been fought in Europe rather than on US soil. Like all countries they look after themselves first.

Who cares, get on with life.
Point taken Joker 1299 I read the first post and skipped though the read sorry what I had to do in the 60s scared me to death
Yes all you would need to do is make sure all your door seals are good and some how get around 8 lbs of positive pressure inside so roof down turn off your heaters , oh close off your fresh air input then nothing can get in
or head for Broad Oak Breed Pumping station there is a shelter there and it is on loan to the local radio club don't all rush cause it only has 12 loos bribes excepted to claim your place but all the generators are diesel and the 500gals wont go far
Every one is welcome come to Hastings but avoid the M21 at Pembury 4 years in building a by pass and 60 mins delays best come via Eastborne but don't park anywhere as we have the hottest parking wardens who are so thin they hide behind lamp posts
I was looking to change my van at the end of the year but with this hanging over us I may just wait and enjoy my van.
Watch out you T6 owners or Mr Trump will tweet that anyone possessing Adaptive Cruise Control must be pointing missiles at the US and needs to be taken out, bigly.

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