Viewing Forum via Tapatalk



VIP Member
I have struggled for months viewing the forum using the browser on my Galaxy S6 and was about to give up until I discovered Tapatalk. It makes viewing the forum on a phone or tablet much more enjoyable and has loads of extra features, I even get an alert if someone replies to my post. It fully syncs with your login so it remembers if you have already viewed posts on a desktop etc..

Really easy to install, just go to the Play Store or App store and search TAPATALK and then do a search for VW CALIFORNIA , login and bobs your uncle.

I have just read this back and it sounds like an advert, I am no way connected with this app!
Members have been using tapatalk for a few years now

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
I use it as well on my phone. I tend to use it when I want to upload a photo as it uses tapatalks own hosting.
+1 for Tapatalk, I having been using it for a good few years now and in the old days it was a bit clunky, it is now very user friendly and easy to use, I can't imagine going back to browser viewing on my tablet/phone.
Agreed. You can only "like" and not agree etc unless you switch to web view but other than that it is excellent.

Tapatalk is a must if looking at the forum on a phone, it is now totally free as well.
I use Opera for my forum usage/browsing never had problem. You don't need another application. Plus it's synched with each device.
However, if you do use it please change the settings to remove the annoying "sent by tapatalk from my xxx" from the advance setting. Tapatalk filters this out from tapatalk itself but web users have to see this annoying unnecessary advertising.

KR Victor Meldrew :)

Not sent from Tapatalk with its annoying signature that tapatalk users don't see and is easy to remove!
Tapatalk test, 'cos it says I can't post.

The little liar!

VW California Club
