Water tank

They say you should never talk about sex, politics or religion. I think we may have to add gas bottles in camper vans to the list ;-)

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Possibly so but I feel it's a major safety issue.
Emergency services have enough to deal with on crash sites without having to worry about leaking gas.
The whole point of turning the gas off at the bottle is to prevent it leaking if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a crash.
The pipe from bottle to tap under rhe sink could easily rupture in an accident leaving the gas free to escape. All ferries and the tunnel will insist it's turned off for the same reason. Big signs at all the ferries in Norway saying make sure it's off as well.
It was me who said it's a faff,which it is compared to some conversions, but we still make sure to do it.
I hadn't thaught of that....thanks....but...if we were meant to turn it off , it would have an eaisy acess nob....like under the cooker
Surely VW are very safety and sue conscious....why would they put the tap under a shelf inside a sealed container
I hadn't thaught of that....thanks....but...if we were meant to turn it off , it would have an eaisy acess nob....like under the cooker
Surely VW are very safety and sue conscious....why would they put the tap under a shelf inside a sealed container

They (VW) started to put the gasbotlle in the watertank on the T5 as the idea is that "if" something might happen and a explosion should occure the (hopefully filled) watertank is a first barrier to minimise damage.
Thanks for the input, I didnt realise the compartment was sealed for safety.

Spent all day today at Malvern motorhome show and didnt see any totally sealed gas compartments.
The whole point of turning the gas off at the bottle is to prevent it leaking if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a crash.
The pipe from bottle to tap under rhe sink could easily rupture in an accident leaving the gas free to escape. All ferries and the tunnel will insist it's turned off for the same reason. Big signs at all the ferries in Norway saying make sure it's off as well.
It was me who said it's a faff,which it is compared to some conversions, but we still make sure to do it.
Gulp. I am now imagining a fire, and the pipe melting, and the hose then acting like a blow torch.......
Possibly so but I feel it's a major safety issue.
Emergency services have enough to deal with on crash sites without having to worry about leaking gas.
And the tank full of fuel ......
Agreed but it takes quite bit of heat to set off diesel rather than just a single spark for gas.
Rear shunt. Bottle burst.
Won't make any difference if tap is On or Off.

Do the Rescue Services know where your gas bottle is?
In fact do they know you are carrying one?
You may not be in a state to tell them!
So do you have the appropriate signs on the outside of the vehicle and inside to show the location?
Remember they should be self explanatory as you may not be in a fit state to tell anyone.
If you don't, then all this talk of driving with or without the cylinder closed and disconnected is , in my opinion, a little hypocritical and putting others, the Rescue Services, in unnecessary danger by not warning them . A crash of sufficient force to severe a gas pipe is also of sufficient force to rupture the cylinders.
Sorry WG disagree completely.
The gas pipe is nowhere near as strong as the cylinder.
A side impact could easily break the pipe without touching the cylinder. I really don't see how it's hypocritical to be concerned about safety and do your best to avoid making matters worse.
Each to their own of course.
Thanks for the input, I didnt realise the compartment was sealed for safety.

Spent all day today at Malvern motorhome show and didnt see any totally sealed gas compartments.
We were at the same show looking for a new van, too. Prob going to buy a Cali though.

We had the misfortune of our beloved T5 conversion being stolen and burned. The fire service certainly seemed to know where the gas bottles were- they used an angle grinder to cut through the side of the van to remove the bottles and prevent an explosion. Our van was a Bilbo's and had a sealed metal gas cabinet, vented to the outside through its floor. Superior to the Cali in that respect IMO.
Sorry WG disagree completely.
The gas pipe is nowhere near as strong as the cylinder.
A side impact could easily break the pipe without touching the cylinder. I really don't see how it's hypocritical to be concerned about safety and do your best to avoid making matters worse.
Each to their own of course.
So you have the appropriate Universally accepted signs to indicate that LPG is carried on board the vehicle, as I do, or just depend on switching off the cylinder.
My T6 came with a small silver sticker on the tailgate, is that not for the gas?
My T6 came with a small silver sticker on the tailgate, is that not for the gas?

Thats the TUV sticker , says it's TUV approved( think it goes three years from new) ....only counts in Germany and comes factory fitted.
+ HC: do you know wheter in Belgium a gass test like the TUV in Germany is required?

About the gass botlle in the water tank: it has a sealed cover to prevent gass from (small) leaks entering the van. In the bottom of the tank there is a gass venting system to evacuate gass from (small) leaks at the same time the fresh water tank is drained

In the bottom of the tank there is a gass venting system to evacuate gass from (small) leaks at the same time the fresh water tank is drained

View attachment 15869
Strange wording on that diagram. The gas vent is open at all times; the water drain passes through the same orifice when the valve is opened.
You have got the drain stopcock open.

Lift out the bottom of the rear cupboard, there is a red lever the should be pushed fully back towards the rear of the van. This will close the stopcock. It may be stiff, but has to go fully back.

Use this to drain the tank at the end of the year. The water drains out of the gaz vent and will spill out all over the splash covers under the van.

Thanks you helped me too

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