Wind out awning accept a figure 8?



Looking to buy

How woukd I go about attsching my driveawsy awning without removing my wind out awning? Any ideas?
Ta very much

Look up some things on the forum using " search" and find out all you need to know.
Tip: look at your wind out awning in detail....:thumb
That's helpful, thanks.
Glad i could help , serious now not trying to be a pain in the ass , it is all there just look at the wind out awning and you will find it .
I am on a trip in the UK , if i was at home i problally look it up for you but at a campsite using WiFi i got other things to check first;)
Hi Sean, as above. Drive away anwning kit, we use one with out Vango Airbeam as it means you can drive away just by unclipping the fig of 8
Seriously, thanks. These VW designers really did their homework!
An alternative method is to fit a figure of eight on the top lip of the wind out bit. This also lifts the the drive away awning up a bit and is easier to refit if you do take the van out for the day. Below shows the two options.

An alternative method is to fit a figure of eight on the top lip of the wind out bit. This also lifts the the drive away awning up a bit and is easier to refit if you do take the van out for the day. Below shows the two options.

do you have to wind out the awning a bit to fit then back in to hold it cheers

VW California Club
