Introducing CaliNoNameYet and Blaze and Susi



VIP Member
T5 SE 180 4Motion
Hi everyone,

I'm Susi, with prospective CaliDog Blaze and my lovely new Cali that I picked up last Monday!

I'm still trying to work out what to call the Cali.... my mother sent me a text to wish me luck in my new "Cava" (I think she meant "cave" but autocorrect got the better of her). I'm not allowed to call it Cava though, as apparently it makes it sound like a drinking den?!? (Nothing wrong with a celebratory few bubbles though is there...)

Blaze is not yet a fully graduated CaliDog as he isn't allowed inside until I've fitted my seat covers, which will happen after it (Cali not dog) has had a full wax and clean tomorrow. However, I've spent the last 4 nights sleeping in it on the drive, as you do...!!

It was great to meet a few of you last Saturday when I came to COTF as a day visitor, and thank you to all those who showed me around and gave me even more hints and tips. This forum has been fantastic as I have lurked on it over the last few months since placing my order in late Feb, and I hope you don't tire of my daft questions, which I will shortly start posting in the Beginners section.

Susi and Blaze
Hi and a warm welcome ....
Hi Susi ...a very warm welcome from me and to Blaze an ever so special yappy welcome from Bella and a deep manly type growl from Max xxx

and if you need any help celebrating with bubbles ... goodness, I have never been known to refuse an invite :D
Welcome to the club, Susi and Blaze! Do add a photo of Blaze to the Cali dogs section of the forum too - I'm not sure if we have another NSDTR on here so he may have the honour of being the first!

Maud (+ 4 typically crazy Border Collies)
Welcome , big woof woof from Millie and Maisie, 2 more Cali dogs ( who also were only allowed in the van when waterproof covers were fitted !)
Thank you very much Wim, GrannyJen, Maud, Brindisi and all associated CaliDogs for your warm welcomes and woofs!

Maud that's impressive, you obviously know your breeds. I met a Norwegian couple with a 5 year old Toller at COTF last weekend but I don't know if they are on the forum. I haven't spotted any other UK ones here in my 7 months of lurking. I shall introduce Blaze (and Harvey, my other dog, probably too large for the Cali) in the appropriate section very soon.

GrannyJen I knew I could count on you for support!! BTW I needed a stiff drink after reading about your French drive by shooting drama yesterday, good heavens!

OK, now off to attempt the fitting of the gas bottle task...(been putting this one off).
Cava is a perfect name for a Cali :thumb

Ours was going to be called Guinness but ended up being christened Pinky Ponk by our granddaughter :D

Welcome to the forum!
Welcome Susi.

I'm sure you'll have many a happy an adventure. Look forward to seeing the pictures. And remember, no matter what you name him/her...we'll aways affectionately know it as 'Cava' ;)

Best Wishes
"Cava" does seem to be getting a few votes now :thumb.

Had my fifth night sleeping in it on the drive last night :Grin; different sleeping configuration each time, that in itself is an adventure.... So many permutations to try out; upstairs, downstairs, feet front, head front, using topper, not using topper, fun fun fun!
Hi, welcome and I know you will enjoy every min of your Cali. If you want to meet a few seasoned Cali owners book in to the CC site for Busfest. Cliff.
Welcome. We also have a cali with no name. Flitted from birdy to Rex to petunia and still can't settle. Bad owner! I'm sure my cali feels very unloved, but we absolutely adore her.

My vote goes for the Cava Cali. Have fun.
.....Cava Cali....nice found ....
but that means there must be at least one botlle in the Cali-fridge at all times....:bananadance
I'd go for at least two bottles, always need a spare....
Maud that's impressive, you obviously know your breeds. I met a Norwegian couple with a 5 year old Toller at COTF last weekend but I don't know if they are on the forum. I haven't spotted any other UK ones here in my 7 months of lurking. I shall introduce Blaze (and Harvey, my other dog, probably too large for the Cali) in the appropriate section very soon.

I have met quite a few Tollers through agility training and around breed shows; they seem really happy dogs and a great size for the Cali - though I'm sure Harvey will fit too; the Deerhound club members appear to find the Cali perfectly roomy for their holidays :happy
It takes time to get to know your Cali. Ours is now firmly Starlight Express despite starting out as Skylark 2.0. Get a few thousand miles under your belt and you will know....assuming it makes it off your drive?!
It takes time to get to know your Cali. Ours is now firmly Starlight Express despite starting out as Skylark 2.0. Get a few thousand miles under your belt and you will know....assuming it makes it off your drive?!

Thank you! I'm sure the name will surface at some appropriate point, either after a number of miles or a number of sleeps (bit like those service schedules, whatever comes first!)

I did finally make it back into the house for a couple of nights as a wonderful detailing man was doing some wonderful detailing :thumb.

CaliNoNamePossiblyCava is now sparkling in more ways than one, and ready for the fitting of the seat covers (and the fitting of the gas bottle, yes I keep putting that one off) and the moving in of the CaliDog.
My Cali is named Brandy, why not name a beloved camper after something reliable as that. Heartwarming, lovely colour, comforting. Cava Cali sounds great
Aileenonroad in Brandy
Hi Aileen,

Brandy is a lovely warm name for your Cali!! :thumb

VW California Club
