Canopy split

Despite being shot down in flames for suggesting it is a ridiculous design it really does appear to be a design fault. What use is a sun awning that comes apart in high temperatures?
Hi Leighton.
Yes, I agree. Why have a a seam anyway other than to reduce production costs. If Fiamma can produce an awning to fit the T5/T6 without joining/gluing two pieces together why can't Thule/Omnister?
Does anyone know if this specific awning fits any vehicles other than the VW T5 or T6? I' m just wondering whether Thule produce this awning in such small quantities and therefore to reduce costs are willing to use remnants from the more lucrative awnings they manufacture.
At this rate, I'll be on my 12th replacement awning before the 3 year warranty expires. (Please read previous thread)

Despite being shot down in flames for suggesting it is a ridiculous design it really does appear to be a design fault. What use is a sun awning that comes apart in high temperatures?
Not shot down in flames just a comment regarding why there is a seam, which involves an extra manufacturing step, if they are getting so many returns, at their cost, rather than VW's. I am awaiting a reply to an email but they are on Company holiday at present.
Mines been in use in 36c temperatures in S Germany and now Florence at 37c.
I'm sure the company would have noticed if they had lots of returns as it must impact on their finances.

A cold Peroni will put out the flames.
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Apologies but I'm answering my own question asked in the previous thread.

In the 2016 Thule catalogue (page 19) it states; "Thule Omnister 5102. Conceived for the VW T5. The Thule Omnister 5102 is developed together with and approved by VW. For T5 with rack rails".

Large production costs for relatively small demand. Cost cutting in manufacture?
I think you
Apologies but I'm answering my own question asked in the previous thread.

In the 2016 Thule catalogue (page 19) it states; "Thule Omnister 5102. Conceived for the VW T5. The Thule Omnister 5102 is developed together with and approved by VW. For T5 with rack rails".

Large production costs for relatively small demand. Cost cutting in manufacture?
I think you'll find the demand is a lot higher than you think. VW don't just make the California for the UK. And the only difference is the fact that the VW awning fits to a VW built in mounting system as against theroof gutter or roof rails.
It does seem a bit mad to put a glued joint across the awning when Fiamma manage to make one without. The goal of manufacturing is to have zero returns and I wonder why, if they can't avoid the joint, they don't run a couple of lines of stitching along it?
It does seem a bit mad to put a glued joint across the awning when Fiamma manage to make one without. The goal of manufacturing is to have zero returns and I wonder why, if they can't avoid the joint, they don't run a couple of lines of stitching along it?

If mine hadn't been in warranty that's exactly what I would have done myself.
I'm intending to start a new thread regarding this subject titled "Awning Failures List".
The thread would invite owners of the California to provide details of any defect issue involving the Thule/Omnister 5102 awning not withstanding any normal wear and tear.
I think it would be interesting to collate numbers of defective awnings due to the failure of the glued seam in the awning fabric experienced by owners of the T5 and T6.
It could provide an indication as to whether an issue of build quality exists.

Thoughts please.

Go for i
I'm intending to start a new thread regarding this subject titled "Awning Failures List".
The thread would invite owners of the California to provide details of any defect issue involving the Thule/Omnister 5102 awning not withstanding any normal wear and tear.
I think it would be interesting to collate numbers of defective awnings due to the failure of the glued seam in the awning fabric experienced by owners of the T5 and T6.
It could provide an indication as to whether an issue of build quality exists.

Thoughts please.

Go for it.
Hi BeachyBird,

Just returned from France. Whilst there, we noticed the awning seperating along the seam. Each day the split proessively got worse. The temperature we predict was in excess of 30°C. The Ocean is only 3 months old, obviously under warranty so it will need replacing. Could you please provide an update on the service provided to you regarding the replacement of the awning by Listers, Droitwich, Worcester as we need to find a competent dealer to carry out the work.

Many thanks,
Sorry it's took me so long to reply we have been away. We had the awing replaced at VW Droitwich no problem at all in fact they did it while we waited and we enjoyed nice coffee and biscuits. I have always found this dealership very helpful, by the way we did buy our Beach from them, they have 2 technicians that are California trained and are very knowledgable about all things Cali. Hope you get your sorted.

Our seam went in France recently, not extreme temperatures over 4 weeks or so but occasionally hot, will post pics but it's quite clear the glue has melted, we managed to wind it in before it totally went....will be looking to replace with a Fiamma awning (will be discussing with dealership in near future) but if it has to be a the current model (I sense that will be what is offered) we will ensure that if the awning is out for any length of time it is always rolled in at least to cover the seam....the design is quite clearly flawed.....
Well all I can say is after over 3 weeks with temperatures in excess of 34c every day with the awning out I have had no problems with the " seam ". If it was a design fault then I would expect a problem. If it was a manufacturing fault then I am one of the lucky ones.

I received this email reply today, from Thule.

Good morning,

Thank you for sending your e-mail.

Unfortunately, I could not answer earlier, due to the holidays.

I have forwarded your e-mail now to our Quality Department.

However, they still have another week of holidays.

I will answer you, as soon as I get an answer of the Quality Department.

Mit freundlichen GrĂĽĂźen,

Kind regards,

Sincères Salutations,

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Customer Service


Thule nv

Kortrijkstraat 343

BE 8930 Menen, Belgium

Phone +32 56 52 88 99

Fax +32 56 51 02 05


Van: []
Verzonden: woensdag 20 juli 2016 18:30
Aan: Inforv
Onderwerp: Motorhome & caravan accessories

First name: Paul
Last name: Woodsford
Country: GB
Language: en
E-mail address:

Message: I have the Omnistor 5102 on my Volkswagen California Campervan as supplied by VW. The awning material has a Glued Seam about 10cms from the cassette roller. A number of owners of this vehicle have had the awning split along the seam in hot weather. The awning was replaced by VW - BUT can you explain why there is the seam there instead of one piece of material like your competitor. There are many posts on this problem and we would like to know why this product cannot cope with sunny weather.
I will post a picture but you can clearly see the glue running away from the seam, we were mid to west France so not as hot as further South....this obviously doesn't happen to everyone but I would be cautious about leaving the seam exposed for any length of time in the heat in the future (if I get the same awning as a replacement etc)...if it goes completely it could be a bit of a nightmare if away for will be interesting to see if there is any response to you query, I will be following this up myself with the manufacturer and VW...thanks for the info above
Well all I can say is after over 3 weeks with temperatures in excess of 34c every day with the awning out I have had no problems with the " seam ". If it was a design fault then I would expect a problem. If it was a manufacturing fault then I am one of the lucky ones.

I received this email reply today, from Thule.

Good morning,

Thank you for sending your e-mail.

Unfortunately, I could not answer earlier, due to the holidays.

I have forwarded your e-mail now to our Quality Department.

However, they still have another week of holidays.

I will answer you, as soon as I get an answer of the Quality Department.

Mit freundlichen GrĂĽĂźen,

Kind regards,

Sincères Salutations,

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Customer Service


Thule nv

Kortrijkstraat 343

BE 8930 Menen, Belgium

Phone +32 56 52 88 99

Fax +32 56 51 02 05


Van: []
Verzonden: woensdag 20 juli 2016 18:30
Aan: Inforv
Onderwerp: Motorhome & caravan accessories

First name: Paul
Last name: Woodsford
Country: GB
Language: en
E-mail address:

Message: I have the Omnistor 5102 on my Volkswagen California Campervan as supplied by VW. The awning material has a Glued Seam about 10cms from the cassette roller. A number of owners of this vehicle have had the awning split along the seam in hot weather. The awning was replaced by VW - BUT can you explain why there is the seam there instead of one piece of material like your competitor. There are many posts on this problem and we would like to know why this product cannot cope with sunny weather.
Look forward to hearing their response, interesting, thanks for taking the time to send this email sure a lot of us will be watching for their reply.
Well all I can say is after over 3 weeks with temperatures in excess of 34c every day with the awning out I have had no problems with the " seam ". If it was a design fault then I would expect a problem. If it was a manufacturing fault then I am one of the lucky ones.

I received this email reply today, from Thule.

Good morning,

Thank you for sending your e-mail.

Unfortunately, I could not answer earlier, due to the holidays.

I have forwarded your e-mail now to our Quality Department.

However, they still have another week of holidays.

I will answer you, as soon as I get an answer of the Quality Department.

Mit freundlichen GrĂĽĂźen,

Kind regards,

Sincères Salutations,

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Customer Service


Thule nv

Kortrijkstraat 343

BE 8930 Menen, Belgium

Phone +32 56 52 88 99

Fax +32 56 51 02 05


Van: []
Verzonden: woensdag 20 juli 2016 18:30
Aan: Inforv
Onderwerp: Motorhome & caravan accessories

First name: Paul
Last name: Woodsford
Country: GB
Language: en
E-mail address:

Message: I have the Omnistor 5102 on my Volkswagen California Campervan as supplied by VW. The awning material has a Glued Seam about 10cms from the cassette roller. A number of owners of this vehicle have had the awning split along the seam in hot weather. The awning was replaced by VW - BUT can you explain why there is the seam there instead of one piece of material like your competitor. There are many posts on this problem and we would like to know why this product cannot cope with sunny weather.
Did you get a reply on the Omnistore seam fiasco? As predicted mine has just failed again in Spain.
Did you get a reply on the Omnistore seam fiasco? As predicted mine has just failed again in Spain.
Had an initial reply but the Technical Department are still on holiday until this week , German Company who have a company summer holiday, so expect an answer in the next week or so. If not I will remind them.
Well done and thanks for following this up WG.

A bit pants to have a sun awning that's waiting to fall to pieces in the... well, sun. Keeping an eye on ours over coming few days, though somehow I think that won't actually be a problem on this trip (Mid Wales)... :cool:
Here you are - Reply from Thule.

Hi Paul,

The awning we deliver to VW for use on the California range has indeed a seam approx. 10 cm from the cassette roller.

The reason for this is quite simple. The fabric that is used cannot be delivered in a wider version. So, we are obliged to use 2 pieces and to weld them together (we don’t use glue). This process is used on all Thule awnings, where the fabric needs to be extended, as well as on the insertion of the beads. We are conscious however that faults can occur in the welding process (for instance with strong temperature fluctuations in the production environment) and are working with VW to improve on the matter.

Mit freundlichen GrĂĽĂźen,

Kind regards,

Sincères Salutations,

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Customer Service


Thule nv

Kortrijkstraat 343

BE 8930 Menen, Belgium

Phone +32 56 52 88 99

Fax +32 56 51 02 05

It sure looks like glue in the picture above, will look at it again on my larger monitor when I get to my desk.

Thule are attending the Motorcaravan show at the NEC next month, so if anyone is attending they should go along and complain.
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Great stuff. A very useful document to have should you get a problem with your awning.

What a cop out. Think Thule need to get a new buyer. Any extra cost for wider material must be offset by having to weld/glue the seam and the problems they get.
What nonsense! As the reason for the defect is quite simple, then the fix should be quite simple. Change the fabric! If not and the issue is strong temp fluctuations in the production environment (so they are saying they can't control the temperature in their factory) buy a heater/chiller and a thermostat for their 'production environment'.

They are happy to still take customers money knowing these issues exist.
IMG_3674.JPG IMG_3702.JPG Not a seam issue as mine doesn't have one, but a potential issue with the other end so to speak! Been to dealers today with this and a couple of other things and taking it back tomorrow (when I have more time) so they can investigate and take photos etc.
Dealer ordered new awning under warranty. Should be here and ready to fit before my trip to Cadwell Park for the British Superbike weekend.

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