Uninterested Cali Owners



T5 Beach
We just had another Cali pitch next to us on a site near Padstow, once they were settled in I went over and said hello and was about to discuss how wonderful the Cali is but they had no interest in talking to me at all, they then went and locked themselves in their van and made a cuppa. I would understand if it was a hire vehicle but they said the collected it last week.

I always speak to other Cali owners and never met anyone as misserable as this before.

If you are on here, the invitation for a glass of wine is still available
We have always found this with some Cali owners, I dont think some undestand the VW scene, we have never had a problem with Splitty, Bay, T4 owners etc but some Cali owners are just not interested and see the Cali as just a vehicle. It is the same as the Cali owners that don't wave.
There is something hugely consistent with me and unannounced cali-enthusiast visitors. They always catch me looking my worst :sad

My last visit was when I had just finished walking a section of the SW Coast path.

I had returned home, kicked off my trail shoes, was in my bright pink socks, had replaced my soaked walking trousers for a creased, beat-up old denim skirt, let my hair down to let it dry and was windblown and tangled, had made a cup of tea and some soup, had emptied my rucksack and had rubbish strewn all over the cali floor.... when a knock on the door by someone wanting to talk cali's.......

His look when this vision of loveliness opened the door ...... :shocked I thought he was going to run for the hills
Ah, the campsite conundrum: to socialise or not to socialise...

It happened to us on Friday, at an utterly lovely little campsite in the Welsh borders**. Amazingly for the bank hol w/end it was almost deserted. So as soon as we'd pitched up - making full use of the space so as not to crowd in on the be-tented family up the hill - Mrs VD thought it proper to say a brief hello to our neighbours, en route to the loo block. And I said a few nice and respectful things about their shiny Landrover Defender, as the bloke was an obvious Landy geek.

To cut a long story short... after their 10-ish year boy old had come down and spent about a hour playing with our dog which was tethered next to our van, and telling us every detail of his school, his football team, where his local park was in relation to his house, etc etc, his parents drove past on their way off site into town. They called out of their window a cheerful "It's okay if he hangs around with you for a bit, yes? His granny is up in our tent, if he's any trouble..."

Well, no, actually, it wasn't okay as it happened, we were just getting our barbie lit and cracking open a bottle of nice plonk for a quiet sundowner... but what can you say to the rear end of a Landrover as it speeds into the distance?

Moral of story: on a campsite you can't grow a big Leylandii hedge between you and your neighbours, so just be careful before you encourage them too much...

** Bredward Farm, on the east side of Hergest Ridge near Kington in Herefordshire. Highly recommended. Although if there's a Defender parked up at the top of the hill, you might want to give it a miss,
There's a diffrence between the normal saying hi and maybe a 2min conversation on , where your from -where your heading....
Than spending the whole afthernoon at one others van/mobilhome.

I try to be friendly saying hi and see how the other person react , but in the end i also like my privacy and think most people on holliday are glad to finally have some time on theire own or theire family.

A chat can do no harm , but not all people are open for conversation.
It's always polite of course to say hello perhaps but it isn't compulsory as a Cali owner to engage in anything more unless that's what you want to do.....we like to do our own thing but that doesn't mean we are rude or miserable.....not sure what the 'VW scene' is.....sounds scary....
We just had another Cali pitch next to us on a site near Padstow, once they were settled in I went over and said hello and was about to discuss how wonderful the Cali is but they had no interest in talking to me at all, they then went and locked themselves in their van and made a cuppa. I would understand if it was a hire vehicle but they said the collected it last week.

I always speak to other Cali owners and never met anyone as misserable as this before.

If you are on here, the invitation for a glass of wine is still available

sorry about that I was sick of Cali talk
not sure what the 'VW scene' is.....sounds scary....

Yep, it is. Had a small dose of it at Dubtoberfest last month. Lots of chopped, lowered and ratted splitties and bays. Dogs called Ripper with studded collars. I couldn't show Velma the stickers on some of the vans, she would have blushed. We parked alongside the only other Cali out near the perimeter and tried not to admit to the VW crowd that we hadn't "done our own van". But the beer was good.
Good beer...these things are important...
sorry about that I was sick of Cali talk

No worries, I was only trying make polite conversation and asking if you and your wife fancied a glass of wine this evening with us. I won't bother in future, it is a shame as everyone was so freindly at the Cali meet in June. I will keep my gob shut in future so as I dod not offend any one.
No worries, I was only trying make polite conversation and asking if you and your wife fancied a glass of wine this evening with us. I won't bother in future, it is a shame as everyone was so freindly at the Cali meet in June. I will keep my gob shut in future so as I dod not offend any one.

No seasidesteve NOT me just my wit.

I have found some people want to chat other's do not
:veryfunny:veryfunny You got me there as they are in a white Cali and I can see him sitting inside on his laptop lol
Seasidesteve - from your title and post you are making a huge assumption that the person or couple next to you aren't interested in Cali's.

What they are obviously uninterested in is sharing their precious time away with strangers. We're interested in Cali's hence membership of the forum but not interested in sharing our precious time with other campers. It's something along the lines of - you can choose your friends but not your family.
Maybe I am just too friendly! Never had this problem before with other VW owners, each to their own if they want to be miserable b&%&$£'s Just seen them again this morning and totally blanked my wife, not even a good morning. If you are like this good luck to you !
We are just back from 'restival' at The Travellers Rest in Fareham. We pitched up at noon next to an extremely well looked after blue T2. After a few minutes we got talking to the owners and before we knew it we were inside each other's vans showing off our prize possessions. We finished our last drinks with our new friends at almost midnight.
Sounds like @Bramco is one of these people thst does not like to talk to others? I am always up for a bit of Cali talk, it is just common courtesy if some approaches you for a chat on a campsite ( I have even had it at a petrol station)

I'm with you @Victor. When I go to a campsite, I take it as good manners to contribute to a smidgen of friendly banter if called on, and at least I should try smile at others - even if my gas bottle has just run out (or worse still the gin bottle).

However I wouldn't expect others necessarily to reciprocate on my 'chosen subject' for the day whether that be Calis or drive-away awnings or whippets. Or even to smile back if they're simply not in the mood.
Think you misinterpret what I said. If you meet us you'll find we're very friendly. Always chat to other folks doing the washing up etc. But like I'm sure many others don't want to live in the pocket of my neighbours who we only said hello to a few minutes ago.

So happy to say hello, lend a hand to people in need etc. But then you get on with your lives, we'll get on with ours.
Maybe I am just too friendly! Never had this problem before with other VW owners, each to their own if they want to be miserable b&%&$£'s Just seen them again this morning and totally blanked my wife, not even a good morning. If you are like this good luck to you !

I've had that a couple of times.

Said hello and people just walked straight past with no response.

I'm always open, friendly, chatty but also do need my space and don't always want to make a social evening out of it when just saying hello., but never the need to rudely ignore someone.
We just had a talk about the subject after our 4 week travel. It is very differed how people respond – including ourselves. Sometimes we are open minded and like to meet new people, and sometimes we rather stay for ourselves. And for many different reasons.

But that said, one thing has drawn our attention, it is very differed how people react on a polite gesture as just saying hello or good morning … things that not necessarily invites to further conversation, but just tell that you have noticed another person in a positive way. Many people has poor manners or self-esteem and choose to ignore. A pity. A smile gives so much to the surroundings and cost one nothing.
I think we have generally found that when abroad people are more friendly and want to chat. Generally here in the UK it's a hello and the the talk turns pretty quickly to the bloody weather whereas abroad the talk seems more interesting about their and our culture and opinions of things in general.
France in particular you get Bonjoured to death.
Maybe I am just too friendly! Never had this problem before with other VW owners, each to their own if they want to be miserable b&%&$£'s Just seen them again this morning and totally blanked my wife, not even a good morning. If you are like this good luck to you !
Still don't get this....if that's how they want to be why should you criticise them in this way? I'm sure they are very content doing what they want to do without being slated on here.....Each to their own, it is polite to say hello but as per my earlier post not compulsory to engage in a full social every time you meet a fellow Cali/VW owner.....just my view

VW California Club
