Where have all the ladies gone?



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
There used to be a good bunch of girlies on here but they seem to have but disappeared, I know we have GJ but what about all the others? Where have you all gone?
Should we think about making a "girls only" section on the forum .....?
Go on girls , chat and gossip all you can , i wil not look:D

Checking in! Recently sold cali number 2 and eagerly awaiting cali number 3! So girls...what things have you done to your van to make it more 'girly'?
Checking in! Recently sold cali number 2 and eagerly awaiting cali number 3! So girls...what things have you done to your van to make it more 'girly'?

Wind Witch here. Not sure about "girly" ut looking out for the bits and pieces to make the middle space a proper living room :)
Checking in! Recently sold cali number 2 and eagerly awaiting cali number 3! So girls...what things have you done to your van to make it more 'girly'?

Its a tricky one isn't it! Having had many air-cooled buses in the past and had the sheer joy of making them very individual, be it period retro accessories, curtains, cushions and the like, the Cali, whilst an amazing piece of kit, is, let's face it, very 'blokey'. The living area, whilst very efficient, is very grey, dull and uninspiring in my view.

So, in my Cali bottom drawer I have a colourful mexican blanket to cover the rear seat, I have some twinkly lights to brighten the interior up, a light green folding Coleman kettle with some very nice matching kitchen 'bits', and I spend ages on Instagram searching #vanlife for inspiration :)

And Tom, I agree, we shouldn't have a 'men-only' any more than a 'women-only', section on here (surely we are all too grown up for that?!) BUT... there is a massive movement of women who own VW campers, from splits, bays, T4's, T5's and Cali's, and if you have ever been a part of the VW Scene you will see that there are as many women as there are men who love nothing more than restoring their beloved campers, doing anything and everything from rebuilding an engine to sewing bunting for the interiors!

So girls, if you want a girlie group that love their VW Campers, from splitties to T6 Cali's, head over to 'VW Camper Chicks' on Facebook, there you will find a lovely group of women who will happily chat campers and interiors all day :thumb
Gillian here...I read the forum every day too
Agree about the never ending search for bright accessories to cheer up the dull grey interior. I have a multi coloured blanket I made myself and the folding electric kettle matches the blue seat covers perfectly. Little things!
I am so proud of Luis and the fact that he is mine, all mine. He makes me smile every single day...
Going to check out the FB group now....
It's lovely to make a Cali more like home but a nightmare to stop everything clattering all over the place once you move off :D It's not so bad if you are stationary for a few days but otherwise ..... :(

I resort to practicality. Bright coloured microfibre towels to both protect the back seat and add a splash of colour, I have a couple of lovely bold print cushions that manage to sit still on the back seat when travelling and convert to pillows when the seat becomes a bed.

I am waiting and waiting for the orange -stripe carpet to be available in the club shop. Royal blue and orange are Alberts colours :D The Kettle is Royal blue, all my tea towels are orange, my personal towels are blue and orange.

I did have in the early days a lovely crystal heart vase with a posey of small silks in it but they became an early "travelling" casualty and have given up now. Tossing Lalique around a tarted-up transporter van is an expensive, and poor, idea :shocked

At the end of the day as much as I am in love with Albert, and as much as we are almost an inseparable item, he has predominantly practical purposes in my life which severely limits just how far I can go.
Is there not a single thread, just one, that you won't try and turn political?

I merely expressed a view that a "girls only" sub forum doesn't seem appropriate in this era. I do not feel that is an unreasonable view to express when the idea has been mooted by a third party.
Its a tricky one isn't it! Having had many air-cooled buses in the past and had the sheer joy of making them very individual, be it period retro accessories, curtains, cushions and the like, the Cali, whilst an amazing piece of kit, is, let's face it, very 'blokey'. The living area, whilst very efficient, is very grey, dull and uninspiring in my view.

I actually really like the clean greige interior - it's one of the things that sold the California over most of the conversions I'd seen. However, you definitely need something warm underfoot and a comfy pillow to lay your head on at night :) It also needs a nice warm blanket for the sofa/bed and as for twinkly fairy lights, well....
Girly, Blokey? Must it be one or the other? Particularly in this age? No way......All inclusive I say. Its an adventure/journey for all. Bring it on, I sure as hell am going to enjoy it from here on with everyone. Life's too short.......... etc......you get the picture! (apologies if this is too much!!). Where would we be without the input from our ladies???
I collect mine on Saturday (hopefully). Going for a lime green velvet cushions and fur throw look. And 1970s coordinated pots and pans - homage to T2 van life but with better engine.
Girly, Blokey? Must it be one or the other? Particularly in this age? No way......All inclusive I say. Its an adventure/journey for all. Bring it on, I sure as hell am going to enjoy it from here on with everyone. Life's too short.......... etc......you get the picture! (apologies if this is too much!!). Where would we be without the input from our ladies???

Damn right! Great post JW :thumb

You're right, by saying that the interior of a Cali is 'blokey' is unfair. I guess what I meant was that it was a bit 'functional'...

The great thing about campers is that they are as individual as their owners, and I think to have one in the first place means that you are a bit of a free spirit. In a way they are almost our second homes, so they will reflect our personality as much as our permanent homes.

Hopefully mine is being built this week...:bananadance2YAY!!!!!!!
I collect mine on Saturday (hopefully). Going for a lime green velvet cushions and fur throw look. And 1970s coordinated pots and pans - homage to T2 van life but with better engine.

HOW EXCITING!!!!! :thumb

And interesting that we've all picked up on the green theme, must be the grey interior, green and grey go very well together!

Keep us posted, and I love the retro homage idea, pics please when it arrives :)
Damn right! Great post JW :thumb

You're right, by saying that the interior of a Cali is 'blokey' is unfair. I guess what I meant was that it was a bit 'functional'...

The great thing about campers is that they are as individual as their owners, and I think to have one in the first place means that you are a bit of a free spirit. In a way they are almost our second homes, so they will reflect our personality as much as our permanent homes.

Hopefully mine is being built this week...:bananadance2YAY!!!!!!!
Yo! I like the "functional" description because it fits with what I would expect from a German organisation and actually starting from there allows the individual aspects to be overlaid. Perfect!
You make a very interesting point about second homes and I must share a little story. Last Saturday I was at a family 70th Birthday celebration and someone was telling everyone else that they were just about to move into there new house (a saga that had been going on for some time....) and I just dropped into the conversation that we were in the process of buying a second home! When they found out it was a Cali, well, no more talk about the new house, just universal, young and not so young, approval amid cries of "I so want one", "can I borrow it" etc. From that point on the conversation was very much Cali focused. Amazing!!
HOW EXCITING!!!!! :thumb

And interesting that we've all picked up on the green theme, must be the grey interior, green and grey go very well together!

Keep us posted, and I love the retro homage idea, pics please when it arrives :)
Yellow theme on our Indium Grey. We also like the modern utilitarian look offset with a bit of colour. Grey/Yellow lavender bags are evidently in production

I'm here!! Look at the forum most days but not much to contribute at the moment. We too have tried to brighten up the interior with a red square rug (IKEA), cushions and when parked up we have lots of lights that appear from all sorts of nooks and crannies (perils of having another half who's a bit of a gadget geek).

Love looking for new bits and bobs to furnish the van with. Latest addition was a cushion from the grandchildren:

Damn right! Great post JW :thumb

You're right, by saying that the interior of a Cali is 'blokey' is unfair. I guess what I meant was that it was a bit 'functional'...

The great thing about campers is that they are as individual as their owners, and I think to have one in the first place means that you are a bit of a free spirit. In a way they are almost our second homes, so they will reflect our personality as much as our permanent homes.

Hopefully mine is being built this week...:bananadance2YAY!!!!!!!

YAY as well!!! If it is, you'll get it before Christmas with any luck - and then you'll need the thread about cooking Crimbo dinner in the California :cheers

VW California Club
