California is not fun any more in UK weather!


steve and lisa

VIP Member
So we had been waiting excitedly for our weeks holiday on the South coast for six months now and when it arrives it rains every day for us! This is not the first time this has occured, last year we had the same problem in Cumbria!

We have now come to the conclusion that the California is really not suited to UK weather, when it rains we are all stuck inside a very confined place playing board games with a wet and smelly dog and two kids, it is no fun at all.

On our journey home we looked at some larger motorhomes that were the same price as a Cali but had a proper lounge area and bathroom etc.. and thought this could be the solution.

We realise we lose the flexibility of the compact size of the Cali which would restrict where we could go, we would also not be able to just pop out for the day but we are now feeling the advantages of a small motorhome outweigh the things we don't like about the Cali.

We are still undecided and before people tell us to head to France or Spain, this is only an option for us once per year due to our jobs and shift patterns.
I can understand where you are coming from. Two wet and smelly dogs without the children would be hard going stuck in with rain falling outside, two children very difficult.
So we had been waiting excitedly for our weeks holiday on the South coast for six months now and when it arrives it rains every day for us! This is not the first time this has occured, last year we had the same problem in Cumbria!

We have now come to the conclusion that the California is really not suited to UK weather, when it rains we are all stuck inside a very confined place playing board games with a wet and smelly dog and two kids, it is no fun at all.

On our journey home we looked at some larger motorhomes that were the same price as a Cali but had a proper lounge area and bathroom etc.. and thought this could be the solution.

We realise we lose the flexibility of the compact size of the Cali which would restrict where we could go, we would also not be able to just pop out for the day but we are now feeling the advantages of a small motorhome outweigh the things we don't like about the Cali.

We are still undecided and before people tell us to head to France or Spain, this is only an option for us once per year due to our jobs and shift patterns.

So very true sadly. This is why mine lives on the Iberian peninsula, apart from yearly return to UK for its MOT when I use it a bit here. Same goes for sailing, have given up on UK weather.
I feel your pain, we are currently sat in the van on a wet and rainy campsite in Cornwall with a temperature of 16 degrees ( is this really summer? ) The idea of the Cali is to be sitting outside doing BBQ's and playing cards on a warm and balmy evening however I cant see this happening this week :(

I look forward to hearing your decision as we too can't head to the continent as much as we would want to.
It could be worse - we used to have a big white motorhome, changed to a cali so that at least when it rains you can go somewhere. We were fed up being stuck on campsites in devon & cornwall knowing that there was no way we would be able to get parked if we headed for a town centre.

The ability just to be able to go to the cinema / swimming pool etc to keep the kids quiet for an afternoon is worth a lot.

Ours was 8.5m long 3m high & because of the huge rear overhang needed four spaces in a supermarket parking space, even then it wasn't big enough for the kids to play indoor football, hide & seek etc. I don't know what you think you would do with the (little) extra space you gain)

Get a drive away awning connected properly & you can have substantially more space without loosing the flexibility.

We managed 13 days of rain in Cornwall in a fortnights holiday one year with 4 children & the dog - that was a memorable holiday for all the wrong reasons so I do sympathise with your situation.
Had a Motorhome previously and can verify the lack of wet weather space in the Cali.
The motorhome market is large and you should find the options that you require easily.
Have you considered a small caravan as a solution?

At the end of the day you will still have the weather problem which caused us to give up on UK holidays about 30 years ago.
Strange that they never show the Cali in bad weather in any of the publicity photos!

There're only 2 of us and the dog, but I think we'd miss the convenience factor of being able to get into most places a car can...
We cut short our 10 day Gower trip to 5 days this week because of the weather so we feel your pain. Fortunately we're off for a while so will head out again next week when things pick up but I'd echo what others say about a small second hand caravan or even a trailer tent with good lounge section. Tow it with the Cali and then you get the best of both worlds and keep the Cali for shorter trips too. Sadly we don't have a driveway or any local storage options to make this work.

We used the drive away awning but found it was getting too messy in the bad weather (with a care free 2yr old in and out)...will definitely be opting for hard standing next time.
You're all missing the golden rule of camping.

Summer time only and South of the Loire or forget it!

Simple as that. :)

And totally agree - two people stuck in a Cali in the British summertime is bad enough, add kids and dog and I'd feel like driving off Beachy Head...
Be positive. You at least have been able to afford your Cali. Most could not and would be green with envy. We have our weather and have to accept life as it is. If unhappy sell and holiday abroad. Life is too short to make an unwilling compromise. Rain is normal on the west coast of Scotland so we are more pragmatic. :Iamsorry
Think just a bit bigger. LWB high roof T6, about 14" longer, better insulated, quieter, 6 foot headroom and still a Volkswagen! You can have a double bed in the roof of you want.
It still fits in Tescos carpark every week without problems (when it's not in France).

I agree sounds like hell . Short breaks work best for us in the UK ( 2/3 nights ) ,check the forecast, East coast or West , North or South and then go for it ,if the weather changes then try to follow the good weather normally works,(Norfolk coast mainly from wells to Hunstanton is good ) and then the longer Holidays for us has to be France :)...
My sister has a big motorhome, as she has two kids. It's very civilised with modern furniture, kitchen and toilet. It cost (as an ex-rental) the same as I've spent on a conversion. However, it's her 3rd vehicle, 7m long, as wide as a Scania and she doesn't actually have the confidence to drive OH has to do all the driving. It is much better for her holidays tho. Ours is our daily driver and we have a minuscule drive but I'm not sure I'd fancy a week on a wet campsite with my OH & 3 dogs, so it's horses for courses.
I think this is part of getting used to Cali ownership for us. We need to move away from planning specific 7/10/14 day 'holidays' unless they are on the continent and look more at smaller trips. Just eyeing up 48hrs in Studland/Purbeck Hills on Monday/Tuesday, the forecast is looking nice!
Dare I disagree with everyone? I had a plush Range Rover and changed to the Cali and I love her. So when I take my son to the football in the winter snow or summer rain , I can go back to the Cali for a coffee. We can use the toilet. I can get warm and read the paper in comfort.

When it gets hot in the summer when at the football, get a cold drink out of the fridge. Son loves that.

When at work (I work away), get my favourite beer out of the fridge. Get the bike off the rack and go for a ride when away with work.

So much more space in her for taking gear away... Yet as everyone says, still parks in a large car footprint.

She cant change the weather but helps me cope with it. Off to Spain next week in her...

So change her for a car, no way, not as flexible. Change her for a mobile house? No, loss in flexibility and class..

The most flexible vehicle I have ever owned and loving every day with her... rain or sun... She puts a shine on a wet day...
Drive away awning could be a solution. Doubles the inside space or more. Simple and quick to put up. Handy to stay in when the Van breaks down.
Drive away awning could be a solution. Doubles the inside space or more. Simple and quick to put up. Handy to stay in when the Van breaks down.

I have to disagree - a huge lump that takes up half the boot - takes a lot longer than anyone thinks to put up and in the UK becomes a steam room that stops you moving the Cali and when you do take it down you are left with an even bigger lump but wet and muddy this time that needs putting up again in the garden when you get home if you don't want it to turn into a mildewey fug-monster...

[takes breath]

Being a all year UK Cali users I enjoy sea watching in all weathers and never expect a Sunny/dry holiday so plan as much as we can for wet weather. (But have to say we are only 2 up)
What helps for us in bad weather is-
  • Hard standing
  • Good shower block with laundry and dryers
  • Gortex and Wellington Boots
  • Bottle(s) beer
They could buy a Quechua popup the large green one and strap it to the bike rack? Or would it rip to shreds in the wind.
These two pictures sum up the last week for us.....a wet week in Northumberland, followed by a day today cleaning and drying everything......... The wife and I and our five that old have had a great week!

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We're currently south of the Loire and it's raining here too but only a bit and it's more like drizzle. If we were stuck in the Cali with our two boys I think my wife would have it up for sale the moment we got home.

VW California Club
