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- Vehicle
- T6 Beach 4Motion
After changing a set of tyres in Norway my luck is playing with me again.
First of all a pressure detection system is pretty nice and detected a deflating tyre right away.
I moved to the flatest possible part of the unpaved road and went with a standard plan to fit a spare, while wife was on a phone with VW assistance (vehicles is 1.5 years old) which turned pretty useless as I expected.
To the point. The key for undoing the tightly screwed bolts is useless, you won't unscrew the security one 99% chance. It requires the cross key that can apply an even pressure from both sides. After messing with bolts for an hour and even with help of passers by and their wrenches security bolt did its job protecting the wheel. Original vw wrench was damaged inside pretty fast after just 2 bolts.
I ended up simply repairing the tyre with a cheap kit I wisely thrown in some time ago.
My triumph was short lived as when lowering the jack which is very poorly designed with assymetric load, most probably slightly slipped under the car, on a wet muddy surface and cut into underside body pretty bad. So more repairs
Some guy called from a big Finnish road assistance company callcenter around 2 hours later when I was done with tyre repairs. So it took the VW assistance 2 hours to just redirect a call from a company most probably found on google. And like 30 mins with them on the phone asking all nonsense questions like
-odometer numbers
-when was the last service made and at what milage
-address of a person vehicle registeted to
-did we miss any service plan
New lessons learned the hard way. Get yourself a good jack and a decent cross wrench. Might probably throw away security bolts.
Only VW's warning triangle did a fine job. No complaints here.
First of all a pressure detection system is pretty nice and detected a deflating tyre right away.
I moved to the flatest possible part of the unpaved road and went with a standard plan to fit a spare, while wife was on a phone with VW assistance (vehicles is 1.5 years old) which turned pretty useless as I expected.
To the point. The key for undoing the tightly screwed bolts is useless, you won't unscrew the security one 99% chance. It requires the cross key that can apply an even pressure from both sides. After messing with bolts for an hour and even with help of passers by and their wrenches security bolt did its job protecting the wheel. Original vw wrench was damaged inside pretty fast after just 2 bolts.
I ended up simply repairing the tyre with a cheap kit I wisely thrown in some time ago.
My triumph was short lived as when lowering the jack which is very poorly designed with assymetric load, most probably slightly slipped under the car, on a wet muddy surface and cut into underside body pretty bad. So more repairs
Some guy called from a big Finnish road assistance company callcenter around 2 hours later when I was done with tyre repairs. So it took the VW assistance 2 hours to just redirect a call from a company most probably found on google. And like 30 mins with them on the phone asking all nonsense questions like
-odometer numbers
-when was the last service made and at what milage
-address of a person vehicle registeted to
-did we miss any service plan
New lessons learned the hard way. Get yourself a good jack and a decent cross wrench. Might probably throw away security bolts.
Only VW's warning triangle did a fine job. No complaints here.