Breaking down solids



We wild camp a lot and normally only do only number ones in our Thetford 335 but this has been restricting us over the the last few months as we would like to stay longer as spots and for more than one night and we will obviously need to have a number two at some point.

So a couple of questions

1. Which chemicals breaks 'solids' quicker and better? I am assuming the ones with more chemicals will break the solids down better but they will have a stronger smelll than the organic ones.

2. What if one of us needs a number two at 2am in the morning, would it be acceptable to 'poo' in front of your partner even if they are asleep? Also, if you poo during the day, do you do this within the van?

Thanks and sorry if this subject offends anyone :Nailbiting
Where are you going to get rid of it, broken down or not?

Thetford 335's fill up very quickly. It was always my big problem with carting around the contents of a Thetford 335, where an I going to empty it? I travel mostly on my own but even with just one of me after two nights I would be anxiously watching the red line come up.

My solution eventually was to opt for BIAB, using 70 day compostable bags with bio degradable contents acting as the gelling agent. They can at least be kept somewhere until a good place for disposal can be found, if nothing else buried well away from heavy human footfall.
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Get a toilet tent?
I'm with Jen. A bog in a bag.
I 'number one' in a bottle as it is easy to dispose of, and keeps the volume in the bag down.
Most of the time however, I find a cafe, have a coffee and use their facilities.
I also have a spade, if in the wilds, dig a hole, and the cover it , aiming to leave the site totally disguised .
As far as pooing in front of anyone.....I prefer privacy, but we are all different.
As far as pooing in front of anyone...... I expect they prefer privacy too!
I love this forum lol

I often have a poo whilst my other half is having a bath, really annoys him.
We wild camp a lot and normally only do only number ones in our Thetford 335 but this has been restricting us over the the last few months as we would like to stay longer as spots and for more than one night and we will obviously need to have a number two at some point.

So a couple of questions

1. Which chemicals breaks 'solids' quicker and better? I am assuming the ones with more chemicals will break the solids down better but they will have a stronger smelll than the organic ones.

2. What if one of us needs a number two at 2am in the morning, would it be acceptable to 'poo' in front of your partner even if they are asleep? Also, if you poo during the day, do you do this within the van?

Thanks and sorry if this subject offends anyone :Nailbiting
As GJ says you will have to empty it long before any solids are broken down. The chemicals just help with the smell I think.

And as for 2am number 2's unless you have some sort of digestive disorder surely you can get into a routine of daytime pooing.
just read a copy of auto trader while you do it. then you don't notice who's watching. the only person I know who likes to watch is called 'scat of the antartic'. ha.
When one of us wants a poo the other will vacate the Cali.

I have never needed a poo at 2am though?
And to think people complain about the smell after cooking in their Cali.. :D
No way will I cook fish or bacon in my Cali but I will happily use it as a toilet. Lol.

(Just to clarify I have never taken a dump in my Cali)
This must be the weirdest question ever raised.
Gotta love this forum!!!

We take a toilet tent, but when we're sleeping upstairs we sometimes bring the portapotti and put it downstairs so we don't have to wake the campsite up at 6am when I need a wee and the door opens and closes. I confess to having done a poo downstairs while my beloved was upstairs sleeping. He did notice (apparently the smell drifted upstairs!), and I got barracked for it.

Re breaking down the solids, we use the Thetford green solution, and when we empty out it all seems to be fairly liquid and mushed up together - easy to empty out. The green stuff smells luvverly, and so the whole experience is not too unpleasant. Tbh, having dealt with a million nappies and the contents of cat litter trays for many years, I am completely unmoved by poo. It's just poo.

There, that's been way too much information for a Sunday night. I'll leave you with those thoughts :)
I have to admit to having a poo whilst the Cali was in motion when Steve was driving in a very slow moving traffic jam on the M1 this summer.

It was very off putting when we both made eye contact via the rear view mirror.
I actually ran out of a toilet to jump in the Cali to use as a toilet.

Eurotunnel depart, Calais. Very glad to reach the terminal after a long delay checking in. Jumped out of the vehicle, ran to the loo - ever so elegantly of course ... only to find a queue practically the length of the channel!

Albert! You are needed!
There are more specialist websites dealing with the whole pooing in front of people thing - its a the next big thing apparently

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