Breaking down solids

I understand there’s a 12volt Nutrithingy coming out that might help smooth things!

Seriously though the Thetford has a 1 or 2 ‘solid visit’ capacity then needs emptying and there’s not much breakdown of solids.
Popaloo or BIAB do seem to be a better solution and agree with the toilet tent idea, we use the tailgate awning as the ‘throne room’.
No way will I cook fish or bacon in my Cali but I will happily use it as a toilet. Lol.

(Just to clarify I have never taken a dump in my Cali)
Cali to a 'dump' is another issue.
Where are you going to get rid of it, broken down or not?

Thetford 335's fill up very quickly. It was always my big problem with carting around the contents of a Thetford 335, where an I going to empty it? I travel mostly on my own but even with just one of me after two nights I would be anxiously watching the red line come up.

My solution eventually was to opt for BIAB, using 70 day compostable bags with bio degradable contents acting as the gelling agent. They can at least be kept somewhere until a good place for disposal can be found, if nothing else buried well away from heavy human footfall.
BIAB is this it?

really confused now but makes sense to many for a mobile beer source.
Was tongue in cheek.

Thought so, hence my smiley, but as the font (or should that be cistern) of all knowledge related to bogs I thought I would put it in.:D
Thought so, hence my smiley, but as the font (or should that be cistern) of all knowledge related to bogs I thought I would put it in.:D
We have "my wife and I" have the problems that 'encapsulates' this issue.
I have a short range fluid retaining capacity whereas she has a very long range capacity.
In relation to 'solids' capacity our roles are reversed.

We only stop where toilet and shower facilities are available. Do carry a Thetford 335 and a urine bottle for overnight. Thetford tends to be left in boot area as the bottle has proven to be more convenient in space and access terms.
I now think that BIAB plus bottle would be the most space efficient solution.
Thought so, but as the font (or should that be cistern) of all knowledge related to bogs I thought I would put it in.
Was tongue in cheek.
We have "my wife and I" have the problems that 'encapsulates' this issue.
I have a short range fluid retaining capacity whereas she has a very long range capacity.
In relation to 'solids' capacity our roles are reversed.

We only stop where toilet and shower facilities are available. Do carry a Thetford 335 and a urine bottle for overnight. Thetford tends to be left in boot area as the bottle has proven to be more convenient in space and access terms.
I now think that BIAB plus bottle would be the most space efficient solution.

I used to cart around a thetford and made a padded cover for it so it could be left in the habitation area and used as a stool (pun intended). My problems were a) bulk and b) disposing of the contents when off main highways for long periods of time. BIAB is a neat solution offset by the cost of branded bags (about £1 a throw in small quantities, as dear as an old British Rail station toilet).

Of course unbranded solutions are much cheaper, my favourites being allbio compostable bags with a bamboo sourced nappy liner, which in worst case could be buried as they compost down very quickly and will not cause problems if dug up by animals, and the disposa-john which whilst not boasting the same "green" credentials does come with a sleek zippered-foil container and more suitable for those of sensitive disposition.
We wild camp a lot and normally only do only number ones in our Thetford 335 but this has been restricting us over the the last few months as we would like to stay longer as spots and for more than one night and we will obviously need to have a number two at some point.

So a couple of questions

1. Which chemicals breaks 'solids' quicker and better? I am assuming the ones with more chemicals will break the solids down better but they will have a stronger smelll than the organic ones.

2. What if one of us needs a number two at 2am in the morning, would it be acceptable to 'poo' in front of your partner even if they are asleep? Also, if you poo during the day, do you do this within the van?

Thanks and sorry if this subject offends anyone :Nailbiting
Ooof.............I'm having my breakfast! :eek:
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No, the weirdest question is Manual or DSG as the answer is so obvious!!
Do they do a DSG version of the Thetford 335? If they do, then how does Sport Mode work?
I love this forum lol

I often have a poo whilst my other half is having a bath, really annoys him.[/QUOTE
If you use the toilet in future he might get less annoyed.
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Why oh why did I click on this thread first! There were so many other options, such as the 'Nov '17 Increase' or the 'Electrical Hookup Length'.... but no, I had to click on this one :confused: DOH!
Don’t forget you can convert the B in a B into a “ stool “.:Iamsorry
I'm a fan of the disposa john when necessity strikes. Much cheaper in bulk.

That price definitely would make me more disposed to buy but I don't quite understand how they work - is it just a bag that you have to fit into something like the stool thing that Granny Jen recommended?

I have a 'shitbox' that I used to use when camping on my trike but the bags for that are just.... bags. Perhaps the disposajohn bags would work with it?
That price definitely would make me more disposed to buy but I don't quite understand how they work - is it just a bag that you have to fit into something like the stool thing that Granny Jen recommended?

I have a 'shitbox' that I used to use when camping on my trike but the bags for that are just.... bags. Perhaps the disposajohn bags would work with it?
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The bog in a bag is basically a tripod that opens up and has a seat with a hole in it.

The disposa-john is a bag with a sterilising and congealing agent in it that you push through the hole and wrap the open top end of the bag around the seat.

Do whatever is necessary into the bag, Tie it up, then put it into the zip-closure foil bag attached. A nice, neat, double-enclosed bag that you can then dispose of in any waste bin.

As a nice touch each dispose-john bag comes also with 22 sheets of loo paper and a sterilising hand wipe.

32p a bag if bought by the hundred. They are quite bulky to cart around but cheaper than an old BR station loo.
Just a word of caution BIAB, not so great for us blokes. If anyone's looking for a similar set up I can recommend the PETT system by Clearwaste. Uses bags but much more like a proper look when set up. The seat lifts up and the design allows the bag to tucked inside, so you don't sit on the bag. Three legs just fold out so takes seconds to set up. Much quicker than the Popaloo that many use. Packs down to briefcase size and we even got a rucksack to put it in, so can be grabbed and carried into a discreet spot in an emergency (try that with a Thetford). Best thing I've bought for the Beach so far. Downside: it's not cheap.

The bog in a bag is basically a tripod that opens up and has a seat with a hole in it.

The disposa-john is a bag with a sterilising and congealing agent in it that you push through the hole and wrap the open top end of the bag around the seat.

Do whatever is necessary into the bag, Tie it up, then put it into the zip-closure foil bag attached. A nice, neat, double-enclosed bag that you can then dispose of in any waste bin.

As a nice touch each dispose-john bag comes also with 22 sheets of loo paper and a sterilising hand wipe.

32p a bag if bought by the hundred. They are quite bulky to cart around but cheaper than an old BR station loo.

Thanks GJ - the only problem is if I tried to use the three legged stool option I would probably fall over and certainly wouldn't be able to get up! Think I'll order some and see how best I can use them, I'm sure if they didn't work for me I could pass the unused ones to someone else.

22 sheets for one sit! :eek:
Thanks GJ - the only problem is if I tried to use the three legged stool option I would probably fall over and certainly wouldn't be able to get up! Think I'll order some and see how best I can use them, I'm sure if they didn't work for me I could pass the unused ones to someone else.

22 sheets for one sit! :eek:


If I was that bad I would take the imodium
I find this, a "good-setup" with IKEA FÖRSLUTAS bags, which are a good fit.... Doubles-up, as a bucket and storage.... Fits nicely under multi-flex.... £16.43 delivered, and £1.20 in Ikea for a roll of 20 bags.


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