Privacy glass

Anthony Murphy

Anthony Murphy

T6 Coast 150
The new Coast I ordered has arrived into the supplier but I have a issue with the Privacy glass in the rear passanger and load area. I ordered Privacy glass QL5, but when I looked over the camper the glass looks green in colour, looks like heat-insulated glass.The glass is not black and you can see into the camper so easily that there is no privacy in the back.What I am looking for is photos of Privacy glass QL5. Does the glass have any ref numbers printed on it to match QL5.or the numbers printed on the glass for Heat-insulating glass in passanger area.
i have just typed "privacy glass" into search box and up came 10 threads. i am sure some one will help. Some one was also complaining of see through privacy glass.
Had my windows done by local company with really dark privacy tint
The new Coast I ordered has arrived into the supplier but I have a issue with the Privacy glass in the rear passanger and load area. I ordered Privacy glass QL5, but when I looked over the camper the glass looks green in colour, looks like heat-insulated glass.The glass is not black and you can see into the camper so easily that there is no privacy in the back.What I am looking for is photos of Privacy glass QL5. Does the glass have any ref numbers printed on it to match QL5.or the numbers printed on the glass for Heat-insulating glass in passanger area.
What are the Options on the sticker under the RH front Seat or in the Handbook?
VW Cali Privacy Glass isn't anywhere near dark as would be found on cars with the same glass description. As you say virtually no privacy.

Only solution is to have it fitted with a tint film.
Various ones on the market, I went for a ceramic heat insolating product with a light tint on the drivers and passengers windows, No hot legs/arms even driving in France with 38 degrees temps. Also had a shade band on windscreen top.
Reduced condensation on cold nights compared to windscreen.

£50 per window regardless of size.
Don't know all the details but is the insulated glass in combination with darker tint possible on the Coast ? Is it double or single glazing that you orderd and/or got ?
VW Cali Privacy Glass isn't anywhere near dark as would be found on cars with the same glass description. As you say virtually no privacy.

Only solution is to have it fitted with a tint film.
Various ones on the market, I went for a ceramic heat insolating product with a light tint on the drivers and passengers windows, No hot legs/arms even driving in France with 38 degrees temps. Also had a shade band on windscreen top.
Reduced condensation on cold nights compared to windscreen.

£50 per window regardless of size.
Sorry, I have to Disagree. I have the Standard Privacy Glass and you cannot see if anyone is sat in the back, with the light off, unless standing next to the window.
The only T5/6 vans round here are the Black vans with Limo tint used by the local Funeral Directors, and they don’t have any seats in the back.:Nailbiting
Well i have limo tints & a gamekepper came by and looked through windows & could’ see us in van, quite funny
This is a photo of the privacy glass QL5 on the Coast tint is Green not Black.

Where the wardrobe is the tint is Jet Black and the window over the fridge is light green tint, easy to see through.
This is a photo of the privacy glass QL5 on the Coast tint is Green not Black.

View attachment 26517

Van is looking well Anto, wear well!

I ordered my van, a Beach, with double-glazing.... The standard tint was not dark-enough for me, looked green as you've described.... I got them tinted locally, £200.... Pretty good job, and happy with the tint/privacy now, but there is a reflection due to the double-glazing.... Not much I can do about it tho....
Sorry, I have to Disagree. I have the Standard Privacy Glass and you cannot see if anyone is sat in the back, with the light off, unless standing next to the window.
The only T5/6 vans round here are the Black vans with Limo tint used by the local Funeral Directors, and they don’t have any seats in the back.:Nailbiting
Seems lots of us that have had a tint done were mistaken??
Talking about daytime why would you have the light on and would it make any difference?
Blinds down at night so no privacy issue.
Seems lots of us that have had a tint done were mistaken??
Talking about daytime why would you have the light on and would it make any difference?
Blinds down at night so no privacy issue.
At dusk if it is lighter inside than out then you will be seen.
Mind you I have a T5 so maybe the tint has altered between the 2 models just as the transparency of the roof " canvas " has between the 2 models.
Anyway, if someone has jumped into having an additional tint carried out - with the funny mismatch behind the wardrobe on the Ocean, not many are going to admit they got it wrong.
It would be better to wait and use for a while before jumping to a tint.
I wonder who is in the majority, No Tint, VW Privacy or Limo Tint?
The big problem with having the windows aftermarket tinted is it looks pants as you can't tint the windows where the wardrobe is resulting in two different shades of darkness.
Just thought I'd show mine as I have no issue with wardrobe window. Shows up the same as the other side where sometimes it looks lighter due to double glazing.

20171008_143123[1].jpg 20171008_143152[1].jpg
I think @Anthony Murphy has hit the nail on the head here (in post 8).
VW's privacy glass offering is a Green Tint according to the configurator.
I also have read that the bit behind the wardrobe is black but I'm not getting that impression from photo's or VW claims.

In summary I think,
1) the perception of the tint % being less than some manufacturers may be down to it being green.
2) the reflections in the double glazing are different than single glazed sections in a lot of lighting conditions, which is clear to see in a lot of photos. But thats what it is mostly....a different reflection not a tint % difference. Your ability to see beyond it (in to the van) will surely not be more than the other sections. In fact 2 lots of X% because it's double glazed will be darker right? so have they halved it on each sheet for the double glazed bits during production or is the tint 2 lots of X ?
3) Any interior film added to the accessible windows is unlikely to match the non accessible green one behind the wardrobe even if it somehow appears to even up the appearance. So that will be about choice and experimentation with film and I'm sure there are different results out there.

Is it all opinion or does anyone know? happy to learn more before my Cali arrives (plenty of time :( ).
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Hi I have a 2014 CALIFORNIA and like others I was shocked at the so called privacy glass which I’d paid extra for. I took it down to Twilight TInt in Chichester-took him a few hours doing,a,95%tint but he was thorough and careful you really don’t notice the wardrobe bit at all.
I’d had a new 2012 Cali with privacy glass previously and that was nothing like,as,see through as my 2014 new model-maybe the spec. Has changed.
Privacy tint is easily removable if you decide you don’t like it.
DSG 180 4motion with extra bits and bobs.
I think @Anthony Murphy has hit the nail on the head here.
VW's privacy glass offering is a Green Tint according to the configurator.
I have read that the bit behind the wardrobe is black but I'm not getting that impression from photo's or VW claims.

In summary I think,
1) the perception of the tint % being less than some manufacturers may be down to it being green.
2) the reflections in the double glazing are different than single glazed sections in a lot of lighting conditions, which is clear to see in a lot of photos. But thats what it is mostly....a different reflection not a tint % difference. Your ability to see beyond it (in to the van) will surely not be more than the other sections. In fact 2 lots of X% because it's double glazed will be darker right? so have they halved it on each sheet for the double glazed bits during production or is the tint 2 lots of X ?
3) Any interior film added to the accessible windows is unlikely to match the non accessible green one behind the wardrobe even if it somehow appears to even up the appearance. So that will be about choice and experimentation with film and I'm sure there are different results out there.

Is it all opinion or does anyone know? happy to learn more before my Cali arrives (plenty of time :( ).
My thoughts on yours
1) I had a VW Passat some years ago with green tint and privacy on the rear which was much more private than on the Cali. It wasn't as dark as is currently found on cars about 80>90% I'd guess.
2)I think but not certain that only one layer of glass is tinted in double glazing from the factory.
3)Tint on my vehicle on the window part in front of wardrobe looks the same normally as the wardrobe area, obviously it is possible to see through when slide shutter is open. The glass area behind the wardrobe appears to be a blackout not a green tint.
Additional Tint actually makes the whole pane look the same.
My thoughts on yours
1) I had a VW Passat some years ago with green tint and privacy on the rear which was much more private than on the Cali. It wasn't as dark as is currently found on cars about 80>90% I'd guess.
Yes OK so the green may come in different levels too.
My thoughts on yours
2)I think but not certain that only one layer of glass is tinted in double glazing from the factory.
I never considered that. It would make good sense.
My thoughts on yours
3) The glass area behind the wardrobe appears to be a blackout not a green tint.
I took the liberty of editing '3' just to say...if so, that is good for anyone wanting aftermarket tinting.

I'll live with mine for a while before deciding what to do. I'm not obsesed with total privacy (it has blinds right?) so my decision will be about how the Cali looks with or without additional tints.
Yes OK so the green may come in different levels too.

I never considered that. It would make good sense.

I took the liberty of editing '3' just to say...if so, that is good for anyone wanting aftermarket tinting.

I'll live with mine for a while before deciding what to do. I'm not obsesed with total privacy (it has blinds right?) so my decision will be about how the Cali looks with or without additional tints.
One of the deciding factors in going down the tinting route was that I didn't like everything inside being on show to passers by when parked in a street or public carpark.
Entirely agree with @BJG i used mine for work and carried expensive spare parts and test equipment. Hence the limo tint
We hired a van with the factory tint and didn't have any overriding issue with it.

However having read a few of these topics i've flipped from factory to aftermarket tint and back a few times.

I've finally decided to do both....if needed. So have ordered the factory tint and will have that initially. If we subsequently feel we would like it darker i'll get the windows tinted as needed.
I would bet a lump of money that the tint % has changed at some point. If not for the T6 then in the last one or two years prior of the T5.
Our T6 beach was just like your Coast and there's no way our previous 2012 SE was that see through, never crossed my mind to tint it even allowing for the cupboard in the back.

VW California Club
