Some useful technical hints and tips for the Cali from Holland.



Part 1

Hello Calinistas,

Yesterday we had a meet-up at our Dutch California dealer Campercentrum Amersfoort. An astonishing two hunderd Cali owners showed up. We were packed like herrings in a tin.

Owner Rob Marshall did a very informative three hour stand up one man show, whith lots of information about T5/T6 technical aspects. We had a good laugh, as he was of course trying to sell us the articles of his shop. At the end almost everybody went home with two or three products. Almost like a tupperware party.

Anyway, some of his tips and hints may be of interest to others here on the forum, so I try to recapitulate some of the stuff here (also for my own aging brains...)

The Boss is speaking.jpg

Pop top roof:

– Sagging of the roof is normal if you camp somewhere for three days. Going down more than ten centimeters in an hour is not normal. Temporarily solution: move the pop top roof down and up, and you’re sorted for the day. Visit the dealer soon, maybe the oil cylinders that keep the bellows up are damaged or leaking.

– After removing the keys from the ignition, a sagging roof pumps itself up again automatically within twelve hours. Of course this happens preferably when you have just fallen asleep.

-The upper bed under the pop top is a safe place during thunderstorms (cage of Faraday). Sleeping upstairs or downstairs with an open roof is equally safe.

BUT: first thing to do when lightning is approaching is to remove the 230 V cable from the hook up outlet/inlet of your van. The lightning is attracted by copper cable.

– Malfunction of the pop top can be solved many times by resetting the camper unit (the computer above your head at the ceiling downstairs), by pushing the reset button (the button just under the scroll knob) for at least 15 second, WITH THE MOTOR RUNNING. This solves eight out of ten problems with the roof.

– Exploding cylinders were a regular event in Calis until 2008. Reason: VW had economized on the quality of the cylinders. In stead of double rolled steel (that is strong enough for 190 bar pressure), they used single rolled steel with a max of 150 bar.

To be sure, you can stick a sun protection alu foil on the black plastic casing that surrounds the cylinders (these casings are under the closed roof in the middel of the left and right gutters).

– Always open the roof with the motor running. This avoids differences in voltage between the motor batterie and the leisure batteries. Voltage differences can provoke malfunctoins in the electrical system, in case the motor batterie is almost empty.

Next: The motor
Part 2

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– Biodiesel is the cause of many a contaminated motor and motor parts like the turbo and the diesel particle filter (DPF). Biodiesel is made of fat from fries and slaughter waste, combined with petroleum. This mix results in a fat soot.

The soot problem is enlarged by certain Cali drivers at age who drive, lets say, rather relaxed. They hardly reach 2000 cycles per minute during driving.

Solution is to give the motor a good boost by driving at least 15 minutes at 3000 cycles per minute. That is: driving 100 km/h (62 mph) in gear 4. Do this once per week. This cleanes the turbo and the DPF by burning the soot out. (It is the same as the automatic regeneration that the motor system fullfils every now and then. Many drivers never seem to complete the regeneration process on short trips).

Expensive fuels like Excilium, Ultimate or V-Power all have some obliged percentage of biodiesel, due to legal mixing rules, so they don’t cure the sooting problem completely.

– Water in the diesel tank: if you don’t use the van for longer periods, fill the diesel tank to the brim. This prevents that water from the air condensates in the tank, which is bad for the motor (though cars nowadays have walterfilters in the tank).

- Even if you use solar panels, hook up the Cali on 230 V for 12 hours every 8 weeks, to top up the motor and leisure batteries. Driving everyday is no garantee for completely topped up batteries. Many trickle chargers are also not able to top up a batterie to 100 percent, because they cannot emulate the charge/dicharge cycle that is needed to keep the batteries healthy.

TIP: regularly use electrical users in the Cali to discharge the leisure batteries somewhat; this prevents drying out the AGM batts.

TIP: do not connect the batteries 24/7 to the 230 V mains plug, when not using the Cali for months. This too will disturb the charging/discharging cycle. Use a timer clock to interrupt the loading for some hours or days.


Next: Theft
I'm of tomorrow to Amersfoort to witness it also...
Part 3

A new bag.jpg
Novelty: canvas bag


All T5 vans are vulnarable to theft by manipulating the OBD computer port under the dashboard. With smart software thieves connect to these ports and bypass the immobilizer and just drive away in minutes. In the Netherlands some camper insurance companies demand the installation of a OBD lock (like the Bearlock for the gears). This means another key again on your key bunch...

The electrical connector of the towbar is just as vulnarable to this OBD-manipulation. No solution yet.

The Bearlock is also vulnarable to thieves using an angle grinder, though this takes a lot of time and makes quiet some noise.

Fresh water and waste water

Cleaning the water tanks is easy using hot water and five tablets of Steradent. Fill the tanks about 90 percent and drive with this about a week. The sloshing cleans any algae. Open the tap ten seconds to flush the Steradent water through the pipes. Afterwards clean the fresh water tank and the tap several times with clean water.

Often the grey water tank is contaminated by grease mud at the bottom. To cure this, throw very hot water in the tank, together with a hand of soda (bicarbonate) or soft soap. After a day or so the plaques will let loose.

After having cleaned the fresh water tank, always fill with water you trust. An often overseen source of drinking water is the tap at a graveyard.

You can use some drops of Micropur purifier to kill bacteria in the fresh water tank.

As an alternative you can put a so called silver sponge with silver ions in the fresh water tank. Officially this works for a year, in practice the sponge keeps its purifiyng magic for two years or more. Rather expensive: 28,00 euro overhere. You put the sponge in the tank via the filler opening.


A Cali is not an insulated winter sport camper. But even with temperatures below minus 5 tot 10 C, the waterpipes will not frese if you:
– keep the heater on all day and night (level 1 or 2 will do)
– keep the left cupboard door open, warm air then circulates the fresh and waste water tanks.


Next: Sleeping & next generation Calis
Part 4

Experimenatl bag.jpg Experimental bag, it fits into the place of the chairs in the back, without the chairs of course.


Upstairs the bed will hold a maximum of 250 kilogram, two persons spreaded left and right (avoid point-loading at one spot…)

The bed downstairs is more easily moved to the front if you sit in the middle of the couch and “walk” the bench forwards.

Next generation Cali:

There wil not be a new Cali in the coming three years, according to our dealer. Maybe in 2019 an update of the T6 will appear, with cosmetical changes.

In 2020 or later a new Cali will certainly still be a diesel van. Advice from the dealer: don’t panic about the diesel scandal, do not sell your Cali too hastily. Though extra taxes on diesel vans will vary country to country.

VW is working on an additive liquid that solves the problem of biodiesel soot, but governments have not approved this technique until now. Mixing biodiesel will therefore still stay obliged by law.


TIP: Stop the mirror heating, to save fuel.

TIP: do not use a fire extinguisher with powder, these are less reliable in the long run. Instead use foam extinguishers. These suffocate flames. Also, these can be reused even after you sprayed them half empty.

TIP: you can clean the fabric of the seats with carpet cleaner. Do not forget to re-impragnate the textile afterwards, otherwise the slightest drop of water leaves big discolored marks.

TIP: you recognize a blown fuse at its black spot.

TIP: during periods of not using the van (months rather than weeks), it’s best to inflate the tyres to at least 4 bar, to prevent them misforming. Also, do not use floor heating in your garage, this weakens the tyres.

Although for many of us these hints are known territory, maybe the information is helpful for new Cali enthousiasts.

Regards from Amsterdam,

Great stuff

I’ve read most of it on this B.B. but very useful for those who haven’t.

Edit: Very reassuring on many issues. Theme comes through to use it or lose it and give it a good blast. Mine being a DSG gets an occasional drive in manual to hold the gear and up the revs.

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Fantastic thank you for this!

This should be pinned
What's this experimental bag for?

It's a new gadget from CCN for those who don't use the original folding chairs . These bags fit perfect in place when you leave out the chairs.
In holland many folks take larger and more comfortable camping seats allong and don't use the originals
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The soot problem is enlarged by certain Cali drivers at age who drive, lets say, rather relaxed. They hardly reach 2000 cycles per minute during driving.

Solution is to give the motor a good boost by driving at least 15 minutes at 3000 cycles per minute. That is: driving 100 km/h (62 mph) in gear 4. Do this once per week. This cleanes the turbo and the DPF by burning the soot out. (It is the same as the automatic regeneration that the motor system fullfils every now and then. Many drivers never seem to complete the regeneration process on short trips).

Loved this. Applies just as much to cars with petrol engines, they need a good hard (ahem) drive up near the rev limit every so often, and usually just before an oil change, to shake out all the crud. Back in the day, we used to call that an Italian Tuneup.
Capital G capital S!! Great Stuff!
If only UK dealers did this kind of event........will try and visit you guys in July as we head north to Denmark.
What's this experimental bag for?

Experimenatl bag.jpg

This tailgate bag is experimental because it is still a prototype. Some Calinistas prefer longer chairs for a daily nap, and trow out the two VW folding chairs. They store the bigger chairs in the back of the Cali. The empty pockets in the tailgate can then be used for storing things like towels and clothes. These bags fit into the pockets.

TIP: you can even enlarge the storage room in the pockets by removing the tempex linings in there, they come out easily with some careful wiggling. The designer of the pockets deliberately choose not to enlarge the pockets that much, because he felt people like to restore the VW seats at any time.

Regards from Amsterdam,

At the Amersfoort meet I discovered another nice small invention: magnetic textile patches for stopping wind or rain entering the attic through the vents in the top of the bellows. The magnets are sewn into the seams of the patches. You only need one pair to stop the draught.
Bit pricy with 44 euro, I think. Maybe a DIY project. Personally I plug a handkerchief in the vents when it's too windy during sleep.

Regards from Amsterdam,


flaps against draught.jpg
All T5 vans are vulnarable to theft by manipulating the OBD computer port under the dashboard. With smart software thieves connect to these ports and bypass the immobilizer and just drive away in minutes. In the Netherlands some camper insurance companies demand the installation of a OBD lock (like the Bearlock for the gears). This means another key again on your key bunch...
I did not know this thankyou :)
Just arrived in Amersfoort , took 1/2day off work to be here in time and without traffic jams . Friday is my day off anyway so i'm spending the night here nice and cosy on in theire parkinglot and head home tomorrow passing De Wit in Schijndel a mega campingstore...
All normal for now but later they are expecting lots of Cali freaks , the front of the showroom is cleared out and filled with seats.
The back of the showroom still holds plenty 2nd hand Cali's , new are parked outside , including a nice Kurcuma Yellow ( probally spelled wrong)
At the Amersfoort meet I discovered another nice small invention: magnetic textile patches for stopping wind or rain entering the attic through the vents in the top of the bellows. The magnets are sewn into the seams of the patches. You only need one pair to stop the draught.
Bit pricy with 44 euro, I think. Maybe a DIY project. Personally I plug a handkerchief in the vents when it's too windy during sleep.

Regards from Amsterdam,


View attachment 31466

Here's how it looks like when attached , one piece on each side held together with magnets. You can easy put it on tight/closed or a bit fluffy still giving some ventilation.
Simple but clever and can be made DIY !
For those who don't like the draft or midges entering...
IMG_7446.JPG IMG_7447.JPG
Brilliant information.

Hopefully these posts are seen by Irish VW dealers. I would love to visit a VW organized (dealer organized) workshop / info event to learn more about the California Camper.

There is always something to learn and also it would be brilliant to exchange information with other California users / drivers.

So, Volkswagen Ireland - hint :help
Just arrived in Amersfoort , took 1/2day off work to be here in time and without traffic jams . Friday is my day off anyway so i'm spending the night here nice and cosy on in theire parkinglot and head home tomorrow passing De Wit in Schijndel a mega campingstore...
All normal for now but later they are expecting lots of Cali freaks , the front of the showroom is cleared out and filled with seats.
The back of the showroom still holds plenty 2nd hand Cali's , new are parked outside , including a nice Kurcuma Yellow ( probally spelled wrong)
View attachment 31469
You look like the first one there Wim. Grab yourself a front row seat.
@Rich20 , i never sit in the front row ....a habbit i develloped in my schooldays:D
In fact i sat all the way behind in the more comfy seats next to the coffeemachine .
It was a full house like thuseday ,as @marchugo sayed 200 guests , they are not allowed to have more people inside the building by insurance/fire escape.

Heard some old and new things , more old than new as i did a technical afternoon before @CCN and seen the factory now twice. but eigther way very plesant evening as always they know how to welcome theire clients....
And they know sooo much regarding the Cali , there's no thing or issue they can not solve on a Cali....

Did not leave without buying a new gadget ....will tell later what it is.
Walked outside , hopped in the Cali , heater on , goodnight...

VW California Club
