Should have taken more pictures , next time i'l be wearing a go-pro mounted on a helmet
But i did wrote some things on a note...
During bad weather with thunder&lightning , if on hook-up best to unplug it from the Cali as the cable on the ground is a potencial risk of catching lightning .
Also good to unplug it at the donorside at the same time
The roof itself is aluminium and they say it can take pretty stormy winds ( forgot howmuch speed ) but i wil be closing mine if possible.
Oh , always have the engine running while opening/ closing the roof , it's deadly for the battery if you don't have the engine running.
The 220/12v inverter is sensitive to heat , it can switch itself off if themps underneeth the wardrobe goes above 60degrees celcius
In hot country' s or very hot Brittisch summers , try to cool the left side of the Cali by providing shade to that side you do it is up to you , under trees , attatch a tarp to the side, whatever is in reach.
Leave the sliding doors under the sink a bit open and take out the plastic round caps inside the wardrobe and under the cooker . They sell a fan to put in place of the cap under the coocker but for me thats overkill...
On recent models the inverter sits above the lesure bat in the booth opening the inspection door can help also , i'm thinking of placing a vent in that little door
Other earlyer Cali's have the inverter under the fridge
That fridge also has to suffer the heat and the same precautions might help here to.
Also useful to clean out dust underneeth the fridge around the fridge motor , vaccum or by compressor -air- pressure
If somehow the bech drawer is stuck , impossible to open.
Check if not the seatbelts are pushed the whole way in the seat when using the benchseat as bed...and pull them back up
The pump in the fresh watertank can come lose of the rubber hose , due to pressure by the pump is when taking water at the tap , to open it in one time fully and than bringing it back to the position you want . That way the beginpressure floads away and less risk of disconecting the rubber hose .
Now you say if it happens , open the watertank and put a strap on it , good , but then the problem moves to the other side of the rubber hose in the tank and the risk of popping of on that side ....and it's nearly impossible to reach in the tank to fiks that!
Driving the Cali generates power thru the dynamo to charge the battery , as the Cali has three bats the dynamo is not powerfull enough to 100% load the lesure bats
Is therefore its best to plug your Cali in to 220v mains at least every month for 12h in a row.
It should extend the life of the bats.
Sparewheel is hard to reach , specialy when towbar is mounted .
Jack-up the Cali first or place it on your levelling ramps to higher it up.
Use a small wooden plank (say 20x20cm)to larger the groundsurface of the original VW jack and dropping the risk of jackfailure on lose ground/gravel
Clean both the watertanks once a year using hot water and some cheap tablets people use to clean theire fake theet in a glas water (don't know how you guys call this)
Now some of you think i wrote a lot of bulls

t , but do with it whatever you want...
If you read it up to here , you wil remember some things in the near future and i hope at that moment this tips might have helpt you!
It's mostley just rational thinking but one is better at it then the other...

If something pops up i'l be adding it here.