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You'd like to think so, but that wasn't the reaction I had when ringing round for insurance on our Caravelle when I was telling them about my modifications - conversation went along the lines: -I told them i use it for business use / euro holiday use - i didnt bother telling them i use a camper for camping tho - i assume they know that
"...converted the front seat to swivel, with a safe, and also a leisure battery"
"Leisure battery, what's that for"
"To supply the electric cool box and lights when we are camping."
"Do you mean you camp in the vehicle."
"Yes the back seat converts to a bed."
"You should have said that earlier; we can't insure you if you sleep in it."
"But you've quoted me on the vehicle and it has a standard back seat which is advertised as converting to a double bed, so surely that was always a possibility."
"Sorry, we don't have that information, but now you've told me you sleep in it I can't continue with the policy - we don't insure motor homes."
I just don't want to risk some jobsworth finding a reason not to pay out should we ever need to claim.