Velma's Dad
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VIP Member
So coming back on topic, yes we can expect to see all sorts of charges cropping up to recoup extra outlay. Campsite fee's probably another example.
Yes unfortunately this is now going to get silly. The latest ONS infection survey stats (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopula...onaviruscovid19infectionsurveypilot/5june2020) show that in England at any point in past two weeks only about in 1,000 people is infectious with C19, and that is falling steadily.
Even if that one-in-a-thousand person happens to work on my vehicle, and coughs on some hard surfaces, I would guess the chances of my thereby catching the virus, would be reduced more or less to zero by a quick steri-wipe over of the main surfaces (steering wheel, door handles etc), that would take maybe 30 secs?
And by the time the campsites re-open in a few weeks (hopefully), I'm guessing that the probability of contracting C19 from shared loos will be so low as to be negligible.
Just my views.