Bored now... waiting for our Cali



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Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK
Westy Sven Hedin
Oh I didn't think the wait would be this bad, but it's agony!

We placed our order in the penultimate week of October, which (as we knew orders were coming quicker than normal) we asked for it to be put on the VW computer in the last few days of October to delay it as much as possible but not get hit with the price rises.

So, that was done and all was well.

We then went to the Cali mini-meet at the factory shop and fell in love with Silver, so the next day (early Nov) we rang and asked for the colour to be Silver, not white. This was updated on our order and the factory confirmed our order on the 13th November.

And that is now still the current status!! Confirmed/received by the factory on the 13th November and no build week assigned - preliminary or otherwise.

I've just checked with Ismahil on the online chat again (doing it almost daily at the moment) and it's still the same today :(

I'm now getting concerned that i'm going to get walloped for the 1st April tax hit on it too. Not that it bothers me all that much but just a bit of a pain. Ideally wanted 1st March delivery but looks unlikely now i'd think.

The only info I have is that the dealer says 'it's normal to take a while, relax' and VW CS have said that my dealer in particular put through a lot of orders (unusually high number) just before the 1st Nov price rise, so it may be an allocation issue that is holding it up.

I don't know how VW allocations etc work, but i'm a bit stuck really. I can't order elsewhere without getting the price hit, we are quite particular about our spec and took a long time over choosing it so don't want a demo van from somewhere else, so think we just have to sit it out.

It's just killing me!!

Any advice?!
I thought the tax rises were already in effect? anything after April 2017
I'm sure it was April 2017 mate. have a double check. if so no rush. if not......get onto them to speed things up. I thought the 400 quid was a 'premium tax' on all vehicles over 40 large . for the first 5 years. and came into effect in april
@itguy is correct .new Road Tax rates April 2018.

Road tax changes from April 2018
In the Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond announced that all new diesel cars from 1 April 2018 will face going up a VED band if they fail to meet the latest Euro 6 standards under real-world testing.

New cars will have to meet the real driving emissions (RDE) step 2 test that forms part of the current EU type approval process. This means new cars can pollute up to 1.5 times the current 80mg/km NOx limit under real-world driving if they are to avoid going up a tax band.

According to the Treasury's estimates, less than two million cars will be subject to the VED band jump, though cars like the Ford Fiestaare expected to see a £20 rise in the first-year VED rates. Higher polluting models, like the Porsche Cayenne are expected to see their first year rates go up by £500.

The changes only apply to new diesel cars, not vans, and do not impact the subsequent £140 yearly fees all cars have to pay after the first year. The table below shows how the new rates will work. Any car failing to meet the Euro 6 standars in real world testing would move up a band, and thus pay anything from £15 to £500 more in first year rates.

New diesel tax bands from April 2018
CO2 emissions (g/km) Current first year VED rates First year VED rates for diesels bought from April 2018 not meeting real world Euro 6 standards
0 £0 N/A
1 - 50 £10 £25
51 - 75 £25 £100
76 - 90 £100 £120
91 - 100 £120 £140
101 - 110 £140 £160
111 - 130 £160 £200
131 - 150 £200 £500
151 - 170 £500 £800
171 - 190 £800 £1,200
191 - 225 £1,200 £1,700
226 - 255 £1,700 £2,000
Over 255 £2,000 TBA
I'm baffled. I'm sure it was 2017. hey ho. anyway this guy needs to get the pressure on to beat that
if you Google ' when did rd tax change' it clearly says 1st April this year. with the premium tax on vehicles less over 40k coming into effect etc
This is nothing to do with the 40k tax, its a further penalty for not meeting a different emissions standard, worst case its a one off increase of up to £500 on the first year VED rate. If the van doesn't meet the new test it gets bumped up a tax band.
Thought the T6 was Eu6 compliant?
Oh I didn't think the wait would be this bad, but it's agony!
What a pain, but if it's any consolation, it is definitely worth the wait. On the plus side, if it doesn't arrive until the Spring you might not have to wash it so often as hopefully by then there won't be so much ise, snow, slush and salt about!

I am sure Ismahil [does he know he still has cult status?] will have good news any day now.

Is there any news from @Properjob and @Jans2 - have you collected yours now or anytime soon? I recall you were expecting a December delivery.
What a pain, but if it's any consolation, it is definitely worth the wait. On the plus side, if it doesn't arrive until the Spring you might not have to wash it so often as hopefully by then there won't be so much ise, snow, slush and salt about!

I am sure Ismahil [does he know he still has cult status?] will have good news any day now.

Is there any news from @Properjob and @Jans2 - have you collected yours now or anytime soon? I recall you were expecting a December delivery.
Sorry @Pete_Hampton been chocka... But yes almost there too... It's at the dealer and I've got a guy going in to do detailing and cameras and then picking up prob early next week or maybe late this. All very exciting!

Sent from my F3111 using Tapatalk
@itguy is correct .new Road Tax rates April 2018.

Road tax changes from April 2018
In the Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond announced that all new diesel cars from 1 April 2018 will face going up a VED band if they fail to meet the latest Euro 6 standards under real-world testing.

New cars will have to meet the real driving emissions (RDE) step 2 test that forms part of the current EU type approval process. This means new cars can pollute up to 1.5 times the current 80mg/km NOx limit under real-world driving if they are to avoid going up a tax band.

According to the Treasury's estimates, less than two million cars will be subject to the VED band jump, though cars like the Ford Fiestaare expected to see a £20 rise in the first-year VED rates. Higher polluting models, like the Porsche Cayenne are expected to see their first year rates go up by £500.

The changes only apply to new diesel cars, not vans, and do not impact the subsequent £140 yearly fees all cars have to pay after the first year. The table below shows how the new rates will work. Any car failing to meet the Euro 6 standars in real world testing would move up a band, and thus pay anything from £15 to £500 more in first year rates.

New diesel tax bands from April 2018
CO2 emissions (g/km) Current first year VED rates First year VED rates for diesels bought from April 2018 not meeting real world Euro 6 standards
0 £0 N/A
1 - 50 £10 £25
51 - 75 £25 £100
76 - 90 £100 £120
91 - 100 £120 £140
101 - 110 £140 £160
111 - 130 £160 £200
131 - 150 £200 £500
151 - 170 £500 £800
171 - 190 £800 £1,200
191 - 225 £1,200 £1,700
226 - 255 £1,700 £2,000
Over 255 £2,000 TBA
This is really interesting. There is lots of stuff on this matter on Google but if you look at the DVLA web site there is nothing! It seems to me that whilst Mr Hammond made the proposal to make this change in his budget speech it has yet to be passed in law. Or did I miss something?
@itguy is correct .new Road Tax rates April 2018.

Road tax changes from April 2018
In the Autumn Budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond announced that all new diesel cars from 1 April 2018 will face going up a VED band if they fail to meet the latest Euro 6 standards under real-world testing.

New cars will have to meet the real driving emissions (RDE) step 2 test that forms part of the current EU type approval process. This means new cars can pollute up to 1.5 times the current 80mg/km NOx limit under real-world driving if they are to avoid going up a tax band.

According to the Treasury's estimates, less than two million cars will be subject to the VED band jump, though cars like the Ford Fiestaare expected to see a £20 rise in the first-year VED rates. Higher polluting models, like the Porsche Cayenne are expected to see their first year rates go up by £500.

The changes only apply to new diesel cars, not vans, and do not impact the subsequent £140 yearly fees all cars have to pay after the first year. The table below shows how the new rates will work. Any car failing to meet the Euro 6 standars in real world testing would move up a band, and thus pay anything from £15 to £500 more in first year rates.

New diesel tax bands from April 2018
CO2 emissions (g/km) Current first year VED rates First year VED rates for diesels bought from April 2018 not meeting real world Euro 6 standards
0 £0 N/A
1 - 50 £10 £25
51 - 75 £25 £100
76 - 90 £100 £120
91 - 100 £120 £140
101 - 110 £140 £160
111 - 130 £160 £200
131 - 150 £200 £500
151 - 170 £500 £800
171 - 190 £800 £1,200
191 - 225 £1,200 £1,700
226 - 255 £1,700 £2,000
Over 255 £2,000 TBA
Is the key wording in this 'Not vans'?
Two Calis? That’s just greedy, some of us are still waiting for our first ;)

Btw we watched your Hebridean vids with our 8yo who can’t wait to visit there. Maybe next year…
As the only driver, I’m not quite as enthusiastic about the schlep up from the north of Spain but I’ve promised them now….!

VW California Club
