Yellow beach says hello



VIP Member
T6 Beach 150
Hi All
Picked up our T6 grape yellow beach a few days ago. Loving it so far, such a great vehicle.
Give up on finding one during lockdown but luckily found a private sale and pounced!
Going to take our time to kit her out and learn how we use her first. But immediate purchases will be a fridge and a tow bar bike rack.
Driving it so far has been fun, waves from other California's and trying to find any lesser-spotted grape yellows on the road.

Hi All
Picked up our T6 grape yellow beach a few days ago. Loving it so far, such a great vehicle.
Give up on finding one during lockdown but luckily found a private sale and pounced!
Going to take our time to kit her out and learn how we use her first. But immediate purchases will be a fridge and a tow bar bike rack.
Driving it so far has been fun, waves from other California's and trying to find any lesser-spotted grape yellows on the road.

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:welcome Beach is a fab vehicle, you will have such fun. Do you have the rear 2 or 3 Seater?
Welcome from a Lancashire based Grape Yellow! Maybe we'll pass each other on the M6 one day!
Great choice, most fun and brilliant colour (in my biased opinion!).

Hi All
Picked up our T6 grape yellow beach a few days ago. Loving it so far, such a great vehicle.
Give up on finding one during lockdown but luckily found a private sale and pounced!
Going to take our time to kit her out and learn how we use her first. But immediate purchases will be a fridge and a tow bar bike rack.
Driving it so far has been fun, waves from other California's and trying to find any lesser-spotted grape yellows on the road.

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It's the 2 seater, I could see pro's and con's with both so wasn't a dealbreaker when deciding. :)
We have the 2 seater, love it, it was a deliberate choice for us as we feel it’s more spacious.
Enjoy getting to know yours:)
:welcome Looks awesome! Our first Cali was a Grape Yellow Beach, absolutely loved it. I'm sure you'll have lots of awesome trips away in her!
...and you've already got a matching Teletubby as well

I thought that was their dog! One of those trendy flat faced breeds. But didn't like to say.

(Welcome, beforecolour)
:welcome You'll never look back now enjoy your adventures and by the way that's the best colour for a beach :thumb
:welcome Van looks great and Grape yellow is a fun colour. However, does your profile name suggest you will be transforming it to an ‘after colour’?

VW California Club
