Have i been duped

So true. I really enjoy watching Camper Vibe and Pop Top Adventures in their self built Citroen and VW panel van conversion's. Its not about the content but the presentation and personalities. Case in point. Top Gear. I used to be an avid watcher when Clarkson and his minions were in charge. Can't stand the current lineup, so I don't watch TG anymore.
Harris and Matt (friends) were good too, but agree don’t watch it now either
So true. I really enjoy watching Camper Vibe and Pop Top Adventures in their self built Citroen and VW panel van conversion's. Its not about the content but the presentation and personalities. Case in point. Top Gear. I used to be an avid watcher when Clarkson and his minions were in charge. Can't stand the current lineup, so I don't watch TG anymore.
Isn't it great that we are all different!

I didn't mind Clarkson and the gang but my husband hated it. Watched occasionally with Matt LeBanc et al. As a family, we love the new line up and can't stop laughing. It's complete nonsense but our 11 year old loves it too, and it's a nice way to end the weekend at the moment.
I think until you're 'living it', even best laid plans don't work out as you expect them too. Did you pick your drawers up en-route or were they just installed somewhere else in the top photo?

I have seen your very impressive home made crates, in later photos, that take things to the next level.
In the top photo the multiflex was pushed hard up against the bench seat which in turn was a long way forward. The drawers were under the multiflex and the general detritus piled up behind the multiflex.

In the second photo the multiflex is at the rear, and the general detritus was packed as shown below.

Gas box, Ikea skubb underbed storage, two plasticised fabric boxes and two Ikea skubb shoe boxes. I think we got the skubb boxes when we returned to the UK for my mother's birthday 11 weeks into our trip.
As a family, we love the new line up and can't stop laughing. It's complete nonsense but our 11 year old loves it too, and it's a nice way to end the weekend at the moment.
Our kids (7 & 9) think the "Mr Nippy" episode is hilarious. I think they have watched it 3 times now!
Our kids (7 & 9) think the "Mr Nippy" episode is hilarious. I think they have watched it 3 times now!
Isn’t that the one where he also goes out to sea with his ice creams? Brilliant! .

With a dog and a baby, I think they are going to upgrade to a Beach.
....I was thinking that, perhaps with the three seater camper but then Bentley is still huge and if they all sleep downstairs, where will Bentley go? Maybe they have come up with a clever bunk for the front seats just for Bentley....he is adorable and deserves his own bed!

We will all be completely wrong of course, but it's kind of fun working out different options. ;)
With a dog and a baby, I think they are going to upgrade to a Beach.
The subliminal teaser at the end has a Crafter front end and a side shot of rear steelies so not a GC.
The subliminal teaser at the end has a Crafter front end and a side shot of rear steelies so not a GC.
There are a few GCs out there on steelies , so that doesn't 100% rule one out.
There are a few GCs out there on steelies , so that doesn't 100% rule one out.
Incorrect colour for a GC would be surprised to see one on steels outside europe Andy.
Incorrect colour for a GC would be surprised to see one on steels outside europe Andy.
A lot of the press vans were on steels. Theres one on auto trader now.
Incorrect colour for a GC would be surprised to see one on steels outside europe Andy.
Agree: I double checked and would have to have a white bonnet if it were a GC, as only available in two tone with blue in UK.

They definitely drove one with steelies on at a VW event, because I remember they liked them but not available that I can see on the configurator.
Maybe but colour tells

Colour wasn't mentioned in the post I responded to.

I responded to "a side shot of rear steelies so not a GC."
It’s very interesting to see that people jump to conclusions and then form an opinion of us based on their newly formed conclusions. We don’t get “back-handers” for any van we film. We’ve often been asked how much we charge for a van tour and we always inform the owner/builder that we never charge. We get paid via YouTube ad revenue which goes towards our filming and editing time.
Also we’ve never been offered a “cheap” van. We film tours, every camper van customer has different requirements so once they’ve watched our tour they can then decide whether they want to look in more detail at that particular van and form their own opinion and subsequently decide to buy it or not.
We don’t charge anybody to watch our videos so if it’s not for you you’re more than welcome to scroll right past.
Thank you to those who have continued to offer support.
12 months ago we went into lockdown. My thoughts turned to the places we hadn’t seen and the fact that getting from A to B misses the point of travel, it’s the journey, not the destination that matters. We’re close to retirement, so a chance to see these places and enjoy the time we have focussed the mind. We have never had a Cali before and a daily driver is not important to us. A bit of space inside, a bit of comfort too and the option to fit on the drive is.

I saw the @aBusAndBeyond video of their trip to Portugal On YouTube. I asked them some questions, they were kind enough to respond.

We decided to spend a fortune buying a GC. That video persuaded us. Thank you.

I’m looking forward to many years of travel and experiences and memories.

For me the point of forums like this, video channels like theirs is to encourage people who want to try something new and give them the confidence that they aren’t making a massive mistake.

We are now looking forward to the next chapter with relish. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
I’ve watched some more of ABAB and Travelling Tog’s videos today. Some fab content that I’ve missed and I have to say, some great ideas to add to my wish list of destinations (Thank you especially ABAB!). However, I digress; I have to admit that I’d missed that most of the vloggers that I had watched with enthusiasm in my early Cali journey had decided to move on. I’m ashamed to admit that when I first read this, I felt a bit indignant, as if it was some sort of revolt against the California, but having seen the videos, I know that really isn’t the case and people are just evolving in their lives and adapting to their changing needs.

It reminded me that we could all do with some of that sometimes. When things work well for us, that’s fab, but when things aren’t working, we shouldn’t be afraid to make changes. When we don’t try change, we tend to get stuck, and that’s not good for anyone. So work out what works for you and hold on to it. When it comes to the stuff that doesn’t, even if it cost you money, be grateful for the experience, move on and don’t let stuff or other peoples negative opinions tie you down.

So, having watched more of ABAB's video's yesterday, I think my money is now on a Vanworx Crafter, if they don't go completely bespoke. The beds are all on one level, which helps enormously with baby in tow, and there is plenty of space for Bentley. Whether they go for the bathroom as well, I'm not sure.

Will wait to see the big reveal...
So, having watched more of ABAB's video's yesterday, I think my money is now on a Vanworx Crafter, if they don't go completely bespoke. The beds are all on one level, which helps enormously with baby in tow, and there is plenty of space for Bentley. Whether they go for the bathroom as well, I'm not sure.

Will wait to see the big reveal...
That’s exactly what I thought too,
I ordered my vw ocean in September 2020 and I am due to get it at the end of March. I spent hours watching a bus and beyond; and travelling togs on you tube and telling my wife they were living the dream but to my horror they are now doing blogs about selling their calis!!! No hope of meeting them now.. what is the world coming to these people leading us youngsters up the garden path!:) Really though all in jest...I will set up my own you tube channel...I don't think there's a fat bald old accountant on there yet!
A bus and beyond became too commercial for me. They were getting free campsite stays, to review the site, then free equipment to review, then a free loan of a California Grand.

Another couple (Scottish photographers) who swore by their California, have now sold it and bought an Ayres Rock. That would be my choice too.
A bus and beyond became too commercial for me. They were getting free campsite stays, to review the site, then free equipment to review, then a free loan of a California Grand.

Another couple (Scottish photographers) who swore by their California, have now sold it and bought an Ayres Rock. That would be my choice too.
I just watched their Vanworx Maxtraxx vlogs and they come across as pure marketing fluff pieces. I was not impressed by the Vanworx product and any obvious deficiencies were downplayed or ignored.
ABAB have done a good job with their channel. I don’t always agree with some of their conclusions. But they have some good footage and the channel setup is pretty slick.
It’s an obvious step to attract a more diverse audience.

It has made me chuckle, the need for a bigger unit already with one kid and a dog...

As for the travelling togs. Jesus wept are they boring...
You're so right about Travelling Togs. I gave up after a couple of videos. They could spend half an hour talking about their jumpers or rucksacks or shoes.

They have now sold their California and bought an Ayres Rock.
I was sad when Cali Camper family sold theirs last year :-( they were my favourite, I don't care that they have 3 growing children, I wanted more of their cali vlogs!
Not heard of Travelling togs so another one to watch at least
I didn't realise so many owners watched these other owners who made videos about being owners. Eye opening.

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