Buying a Coast: questions

James Robbie

James Robbie

Looking to buy
Hi all,

I’m about to take the plunge and buy a new Coast, and was hoping for advice. It'll be my vehicle for normal daily use, as well as for multiple trips a year in the UK and around Europe, some short and some over several weeks, including during winter.

I’m thinking about getting it with shower connection, bellows with the panoramic window, heated seats, extra storage, 80 litre tank, mudflaps, 4 keys, privacy glass option, all weather tyres, reversing camera. Any thoughts on this configuration would be much appreciated, in view of my proposed use.

I’m finding the prospect of buying the van exciting and scary in equal measure! (Well, no, obviously the excitement wins out! - though from what I’ve read on here I can see I’m going to need to exercise some patience after ordering...)

This is my first post on here, please forgive me if some of my questions have already been answered in the forum. I have had a look around, but may have missed info. I have also tried asking a local dealer, but so far without joy.
I'd be really grateful for any advice on the points below:

1. Can anyone recommend a dealer in Scotland, pref in or near Edinburgh? One I’ve tried has offered advice that seems to be incorrect. I’m looking for a dealer who knows what they are talking about, first of all, and, preferably, offers discounts!

2. Heating. As mentioned I’m expecting to do winter trips both in Scotland and in mainland Europe. When I asked the dealer about the Climatronic aircon option at £990 he said this is for the parking heater. I think that’s wrong - from my reading of the brochure the Coast comes with parking & auxiliary heater as standard. Can anyone confirm therefore that the only advantages of buying the Climatronic Aircon with the Coast are for the zonal aircon, not for additional heating?

3. I’ve no means of home-charging batteries via the standard hookup point as I live in a block of flats. Can anyone advise a workaround? e.g. can the leisure batteries be easily removed and charged separately? I guess not! If there’s no easy workaround I’m wondering how big an issue this is, really - i.e. can one manage the leisure battery power levels just through driving?

4. Has anyone gone for a limo tint for the windows in the rear area (i.e. added post-purchase) rather than privacy glass? I like the idea of complete privacy, but would appreciate any views especially on issues with doing this. For e.g. I might be put off, if it would make the interior appreciably darker.

5. How big an issue is theft using key cloning? I’d know about the Ghost Immobiliser - but obviously would rather not go there if this method of theft is very unlikely, or if there’s a cheaper security workaround. Any advice appreciated.

6. I’m thinking of buying the bellows with the panoramic front window, but wondered the extent to which the zip creates an issue for water ingress. I will be spending a lot of time in “Scottish conditions”! Has anyone got first hand experience of leakage through the zip being a problem or am I over-thinking this?

7. Do LED headlights make a significant difference compared with the halogen 7s? As mentioned I expect to be doing a fair amount of winter driving.

8. Alloy spare wheel option: when I asked the dealer about the extra cost for this he told me that the Coast doesn’t come with a spare wheel as standard. On checking the brochure I’m pretty sure he’s wrong, it’s standard to get a steel spare, the extra is to upgrade to alloy. If anyone could confirm this that’d be great.

Thanks very much,

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3. I’ve no means of home-charging batteries via the standard hookup point as I live in a block of flats. Can anyone advise a workaround? e.g. can the leisure batteries be easily removed and charged separately? I guess not! If there’s no easy workaround I’m wondering how big an issue this is, really - i.e. can one manage the leisure battery power levels just through driving?
Some people will tell you your batteries will be knackered if you don't hook them up to 240v periodically. It's true that driving will only top them up to about 80 percent but I very rarely hook mine up when parked at home (sheer laziness rather than lack of facilities), rarely use campsite hookups either, and my leisure batts are still completely fine after 5+ years.

5. How big an issue is theft using key cloning? I’d know about the Ghost Immobiliser - but obviously would rather not go there if this method of theft is very unlikely, or if there’s a cheaper security workaround. Any advice appreciated.
Not an issue at all if you keep your keys in a foil lined pouch off fleabay etc. (Discussion on our local Nextdoor website recently: someone suggested keeping car keys in the microwave as a clone guard - several horrified responses about the damage you'd do to them... duh yeah, if you switched it on I guess :) ).

7. Do LED headlights make a significant difference compared with the halogen 7s? As mentioned I expect to be doing a fair amount of winter driving.
The Beach has/used to have poor lights and LED upgrades have been very popular. Not sure though if the Coast has the Beach or Ocean spec lights as standard. worth checking that carefully before you take the expensive LED option (but sorry that's not a 100% helpful answer).
Not an issue at all if you keep your keys in a foil lined pouch off fleabay etc. (Discussion on our local Nextdoor website recently: someone suggested keeping car keys in the microwave as a clone guard - several horrified responses about the damage you'd do to them... duh yeah, if you switched it on I guess :) ).
Only of use for the “ Keyless Entry “ system, which the California does not have, whereby the vehicle can be unlocked and even started if the key fob is within a certain distance.
The VW California key has to be physically present and registered to the vehicle using a VW Computer System.
1. Maybe @AlisonF can help , i think she got a dealer in that region
2. Climatronic (rear aircon) if you travel a lot with kids in the rear in the summer , yes , travel allone , no
parking heater - must have
3. Solar panel
4. get it factory fitted
5. Lots of different security options , all depending on personal need for piece of mind .
6. The zippers don’t leak they are coverd under a flap , the fabric leaks in heavy wind .
7.personal choise , i would not pay that much money if LED not comes standard
8.spare wheel - must have

these are my opinions , i’m pretty sure others will disagree
do a search on the forum and find lots of answers on your Q’s , seems you been member since 2017 so you must heve read a lot since then and this first post.
My experience of dealers has not been best. If you are prepared to travel then I would suggest going south of the border to order and potentially for servicing as well.
Only of use for the “ Keyless Entry “ system, which the California does not have, whereby the vehicle can be unlocked and even started if the key fob is within a certain distance.
The VW California key has to be physically present and registered to the vehicle using a VW Computer System.
Okay I thought the latest Calis had keyless. Sorry, belay that.
Nice spec. Very close to what I ordered. These are my thoughts.
I think you should also get the removable tow bar or tow bar prep at a minimum. It adds resale value and can also be used to carry bikes.
The parking heater isn't standard on the coast and its not the Climatronic. These are independent systems. Get the parking heater and think whether you need the expensive AC control to rear of the Cali (useful of traveling with kids or pets).
Alloy spare is an unnecessary expense. The steel spare is perfectly adequate.
Limo tint could make the interior too dark and negatively affect the view out of the Cali. At times when you need complete privacy drop the blinds.
James reading your original post I've a feeling you've not tried the VW configurator. You may find it helpful to fiddle around with your options there.

The outdoor shower option triggers the addition of the fancy internal lighting so £1100 total onto the cost. The rear Aircon option is described: "Climatronic with second evaporator and second heating system"

I suggest have a fiddle with the configurator and click "show standard configuration" to see what you're going to get. Compare to the ocean which has many options as standard (eg the shower on the ocean is only £300 odd)
Also, it bears mentioning that lead times are currently 7+ months.
I’d recommend the auxilary / parking heater AND the 3 way climatronic.

I had limo tint on my Ocean and about to get it in my Beach. With the panoramic bellows you can get more light in whilst still having privacy.

I had a loan vehicle with LED lights - was very impressed so added to my order. If you are travelling a lot in winter in Scotland I think you will be glad to have them.
Looks like the UK gets the parking heater w/remote as standard on the UK spec Coast. Euro spec is an option.
Some people will tell you your batteries will be knackered if you don't hook them up to 240v periodically. It's true that driving will only top them up to about 80 percent
T6.1 charges to 100% using the option on the control panel & the advice to charge monthly from the mains has been dropped unless the van hasn’t been driven.
So don’t worry about not being able to hook up.
Coast was my ideal vehicle but not available where I live so went for the Ocean. Coming from a T5 the LEDs will be like, ahem, night and day.
I also intend to fit solar, maybe just a single 100w panel. Can’t hook up at home and the van will be garaged underground, and I rarely stay on sites with EHU. I figured the leisure batteries will last a long weekend with the fridge and/or the heater running, and recharge on the way home, but I’d like a bit more leeway than that.

Quoted delivery to Spain was October, ordered in Feb so a fair bit more than 7 months (150 DSG)
Looks like the UK gets the parking heater w/remote as standard on the UK spec Coast. Euro spec is an option.
A dealer in the UK told me it wasn't. Someone on this forum kindly pointed out that it was.
Hi all,

I’m about to take the plunge and buy a new Coast, and was hoping for advice. It'll be my vehicle for normal daily use, as well as for multiple trips a year in the UK and around Europe, some short and some over several weeks, including during winter.

I’m thinking about getting it with shower connection, bellows with the panoramic window, heated seats, extra storage, 80 litre tank, mudflaps, 4 keys, privacy glass option, all weather tyres, reversing camera. Any thoughts on this configuration would be much appreciated, in view of my proposed use.

I’m finding the prospect of buying the van exciting and scary in equal measure! (Well, no, obviously the excitement wins out! - though from what I’ve read on here I can see I’m going to need to exercise some patience after ordering...)

This is my first post on here, please forgive me if some of my questions have already been answered in the forum. I have had a look around, but may have missed info. I have also tried asking a local dealer, but so far without joy.
I'd be really grateful for any advice on the points below:

1. Can anyone recommend a dealer in Scotland, pref in or near Edinburgh? One I’ve tried has offered advice that seems to be incorrect. I’m looking for a dealer who knows what they are talking about, first of all, and, preferably, offers discounts!

2. Heating. As mentioned I’m expecting to do winter trips both in Scotland and in mainland Europe. When I asked the dealer about the Climatronic aircon option at £990 he said this is for the parking heater. I think that’s wrong - from my reading of the brochure the Coast comes with parking & auxiliary heater as standard. Can anyone confirm therefore that the only advantages of buying the Climatronic Aircon with the Coast are for the zonal aircon, not for additional heating?

3. I’ve no means of home-charging batteries via the standard hookup point as I live in a block of flats. Can anyone advise a workaround? e.g. can the leisure batteries be easily removed and charged separately? I guess not! If there’s no easy workaround I’m wondering how big an issue this is, really - i.e. can one manage the leisure battery power levels just through driving?

4. Has anyone gone for a limo tint for the windows in the rear area (i.e. added post-purchase) rather than privacy glass? I like the idea of complete privacy, but would appreciate any views especially on issues with doing this. For e.g. I might be put off, if it would make the interior appreciably darker.

5. How big an issue is theft using key cloning? I’d know about the Ghost Immobiliser - but obviously would rather not go there if this method of theft is very unlikely, or if there’s a cheaper security workaround. Any advice appreciated.

6. I’m thinking of buying the bellows with the panoramic front window, but wondered the extent to which the zip creates an issue for water ingress. I will be spending a lot of time in “Scottish conditions”! Has anyone got first hand experience of leakage through the zip being a problem or am I over-thinking this?

7. Do LED headlights make a significant difference compared with the halogen 7s? As mentioned I expect to be doing a fair amount of winter driving.

8. Alloy spare wheel option: when I asked the dealer about the extra cost for this he told me that the Coast doesn’t come with a spare wheel as standard. On checking the brochure I’m pretty sure he’s wrong, it’s standard to get a steel spare, the extra is to upgrade to alloy. If anyone could confirm this that’d be great.

Thanks very much,

Hi James
We have just got our coast - a MY20 with 3000 miles on the clock. We couldn’t quite go new in terms of cost but managed to pick up a really nice spec and i laboriously used the configurator to see what each different option was worth because it seems you almost can go to an ocean spec on a coast. WIth such a big purchase we were determined to stick to our budget as it would be easy to go a bit crazy (even crazier!). The really nice to haves would be the zonal climate control and the panoramic window - but we decided we could live without them. If we ever replace the bellows we will go panoramic then - if its an option to start i think its worth it.
On batteries - i guess you could charge at any opportunity on campsites too once in a while?
We found the privacy glass great as it is - not too dark when inside, looks nice from outside, and can just use blinds for extra privacy.
We dont have them but i have seen lots of people on this forum talk about extra covers for bellows for bad weather or winter? I‘ve seen some great DIY insulation too!
Our coast definitely has the spare wheel - but we need to get the spare safe. also need to practice taking it on and off - not that i ever changed a tyre in my life! It’s steel - i dont think i would bother with an alloy spare.

Just wanted to check you know the shower is cold (I think!). We dont have one but think it would be handy for washing down - but we are going to get one of the pump showers which can be heated in the sun or warm water added.

Have you considered the fly net for the side window? I am in the middle of making my own - but if it turns out terribly will bite the bullet and buy. Hopefully DIY ones for the tailgate and sliding door will work out okay.

Good luck with your purchase - we kept an eye out for months for what we wanted (including colour)- just waited for the right thing to come up and to meet the RDE1 on NOx emissions (a personal requirement). We are happy with the spec on the coast and little practice we are good with the manual roof and esp the reversing camera!

Hope useful (from a beginner!)

The Beach has/used to have poor lights and LED upgrades have been very popular. Not sure though if the Coast has the Beach or Ocean spec lights as standard. worth checking that carefully before you take the expensive LED option (but sorry that's not a 100% helpful answer).
Thanks, will do.
Some people will tell you your batteries will be knackered if you don't hook them up to 240v periodically. It's true that driving will only top them up to about 80 percent but I very rarely hook mine up when parked at home (sheer laziness rather than lack of facilities), rarely use campsite hookups either, and my leisure batts are still completely fine after 5+ years.
Many thanks. That's reassuring to know about the leisure batteries
2. Climatronic (rear aircon) if you travel a lot with kids in the rear in the summer , yes , travel allone , no
parking heater - must have
Thanks - that's what I thought. Might get a dog sometime but I'm sure I'll find a way of keeping it cool enough without

3. Solar panel
Thanks yes I'm considering getting one
4. get it factory fitted
I didn't know you can specify extras like this which aren't listed as an option, and still have them factory fitted...
6. The zippers don’t leak they are coverd under a flap , the fabric leaks in heavy wind .
Nice to know about the flap, thanks.
Is it the case that the newer canvas bellows leak in heavy wind too? Nice to know. I should have guessed nothing would withstand "Scottish conditions"
these are my opinions , i’m pretty sure others will disagree
do a search on the forum and find lots of answers on your Q’s , seems you been member since 2017 so you must heve read a lot since then and this first post.

seems you been member since 2017 so you must heve read a lot since then and this first post.
Yes I've wanted a van for a few years but only recently came by the means to get one..
My experience of dealers has not been best. If you are prepared to travel then I would suggest going south of the border to order and potentially for servicing as well.
Thanks - happy to travel. If anyone has a recommendation for a dealer in northern England please let me know
Nice spec. Very close to what I ordered. These are my thoughts.
I think you should also get the removable tow bar or tow bar prep at a minimum. It adds resale value and can also be used to carry bikes.
Thanks that makes sense. I'd discounted the idea as I couldn't see myself using a trailer, but I'll look into it.
Alloy spare is an unnecessary expense. The steel spare is perfectly adequate.
Thanks. I agree.
James reading your original post I've a feeling you've not tried the VW configurator. You may find it helpful to fiddle around with your options there.
You're right I hadn't, I just worked from the brochure & price list. Cheers!
The outdoor shower option triggers the addition of the fancy internal lighting so £1100 total onto the cost.
Yes, I've just seen that. All I wanted was the shower!
The rear Aircon option is described: "Climatronic with second evaporator and second heating system"
"Second heating system" - interesting. I suppose the question is whether the standard heating system will cover me for winter trips in Scotland or Scandinavia, say -10 to -15C - can anyone advise? I don't need the Climatronic option if that's the case.
I suggest have a fiddle with the configurator and click "show standard configuration" to see what you're going to get. Compare to the ocean which has many options as standard (eg the shower on the ocean is only £300 odd)
I’d recommend the auxilary / parking heater AND the 3 way climatronic.

I had limo tint on my Ocean and about to get it in my Beach. With the panoramic bellows you can get more light in whilst still having privacy.

I had a loan vehicle with LED lights - was very impressed so added to my order. If you are travelling a lot in winter in Scotland I think you will be glad to have them.
Many thanks, Alison, I'm now tending toward the LED headlights.
T6.1 charges to 100% using the option on the control panel & the advice to charge monthly from the mains has been dropped unless the van hasn’t been driven.
So don’t worry about not being able to hook up.
Good to know! Many thanks
I also intend to fit solar, maybe just a single 100w panel. Can’t hook up at home and the van will be garaged underground, and I rarely stay on sites with EHU.
I'm in a similar situation. Solar is tempting...

VW California Club
