Sorry - another rattling awning question



Hello and sorry for another thread about awning rattles. I have used the search function but couldn't see anything that pointed towards what I suspect might be the problem.

I wondered if anyone had play in the front of their roller tube? The front end of mine has vertical movement but the rear end with the gear assembly has nothing at all.

So far I have swapped the rubber pads for the newer clips, put felt pads around the leg clip, used countless 3M rubber dots, stretched the springs, and used the charity wrist bands on either end of the outside casing. The next thing to try will be setting it on fire.

I'm pretty sure it is the awning. I asked my wife to tap the casing while I was sat inside and the noise sounded like it does on the road. Basically like something is slapping around in there, but most things have been damped now. I wonder if parts 9 and 18 could be the solution.

It was 'fixed' by SMG Tonbridge last year but I suspect this was moving the pads and sending it back out.
Hello and sorry for another thread about awning rattles. I have used the search function but couldn't see anything that pointed towards what I suspect might be the problem.

I wondered if anyone had play in the front of their roller tube? The front end of mine has vertical movement but the rear end with the gear assembly has nothing at all.

So far I have swapped the rubber pads for the newer clips, put felt pads around the leg clip, used countless 3M rubber dots, stretched the springs, and used the charity wrist bands on either end of the outside casing. The next thing to try will be setting it on fire.

I'm pretty sure it is the awning. I asked my wife to tap the casing while I was sat inside and the noise sounded like it does on the road. Basically like something is slapping around in there, but most things have been damped now. I wonder if parts 9 and 18 could be the solution.

It was 'fixed' by SMG Tonbridge last year but I suspect this was moving the pads and sending it back out.
At one point I was also accusing the front of the roller having more play than the rear, but this didn’t turn out to be the culprit, so I think that might be normal. SMG Tonbridge fixed the rattle under warranty by installing a generous amount of felt padding tape around where the feet and elbows end up resting.

Prior to throwing in the towel and taking it to the dealer, I had shoved pieces of foam into every conceivable part of the awning, all to no avail.
I suspect the front roller tube on mine too. MY2019, I’ve gaffer taped everything else solid and it still rattles on bumps.
I suspect the front roller tube on mine too. MY2019, I’ve gaffer taped everything else solid and it still rattles on bumps.
I'm thinking of wedging the roller tube this evening to see if that helps. It's also booked in at SMG again.
Are you sure it is the awning? Where and when do you notice the noise?

There is a case, in my van, of a noise coming from near my right shoulder/ear (RHD UK vehicle) each time I go over a rough patch/bump. It is not the awning, but the top door latch that connects the door to the body.

If you are able to describe where and how you hear the noise, it may help better. If you have fitted the newer plastic strips and also vary many 3M plastic dots, the awning should not be making much noise.
Have you checked for play in the arms? I've had a few where the pin has dropped and the arm then touches the cassette when retracted. If you are careful, you can slide a flat screwdriver under the dropped pin and push it back up.
Are you sure it is the awning? Where and when do you notice the noise?

There is a case, in my van, of a noise coming from near my right shoulder/ear (RHD UK vehicle) each time I go over a rough patch/bump. It is not the awning, but the top door latch that connects the door to the body.

If you are able to describe where and how you hear the noise, it may help better. If you have fitted the newer plastic strips and also vary many 3M plastic dots, the awning should not be making much noise.
Yes, also a suspect. Mine is metallic and only rattles over pot holes and rough road.
I’ve tried opening the window, to hear if awning or door latch i.e inside or outside van, but sods law it always seems to stop when I drop the window.
Yes, also a suspect. Mine is metallic and only rattles over pot holes and rough road.
I’ve tried opening the window, to hear if awning or door latch i.e inside or outside van, but sods law it always seems to stop when I drop the window.
I have a suspicion that one culprit that cannot be completely addressed is that when the arms are fully retracted, the internal tensioning cables are under reduced tension and “rattle” inside the arm tubes.
Packing the awning storage “can” with pieces of high density foam seems to reposition the arms stowage position and increases the tension in the cables, reducing rattling.
Unfortunately, it does not last as the cables must stretch a little and the rattling returns.
After 2 years of trying to cure my awning rattle with most of the fixes mentioned in the previous threads have found the best fix is turn the radio up :thumb
Awning is being replaced. The tech was of the opinion that no amount of felt could stop the rattle. Just waiting to hear back on availability.

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