GB stickers no longer valid

Agreed stupid costs for no real reason. I think I will leave my GB sticker on just to state my annoyance. Typical of the EU rules.
Not EU Rules.
It's the International country identifier which BJ changed from GB to UK.
No doubt EU Countries just as baffled by it as most are here.
Currently in France and proudly displaying my Ecosse sticker as it generally wins brownie points with the locals. Haven’t displayed a GB plate in over forty years of travelling over here. I was aware of the new UK plate before crossing over in early September and out of interest asked in Halfords if they had one. Drew blank looks in store, plus, the onboard shop on the ferry didn’t have them either. May take a while for people both sides of the channel to become aware of this.
Brittany Ferries were still selling (or trying to) GB ones on 19th Sept.
Do you realise / Care, that isn't valid for Spain?
Didn’t realise but have an oval UK sticker that i’ll stick on the rear window when going over the channel. Is that OK for Spain?
According to the Government it’s supposed to symbolise our “Unity” as a nation. Tell that to the people of Scotland and Wales. It’s only a matter of time and it will be England Ireland Scotland and Wales on our own . I’m keeping my Wales plate because I’m from Wales. My country is Wales not England.
Just needs to be the big version.
I’m good to go then :)
Actually looking to do the northern Spain next year including Los Picos de Europa.
According to the Government it’s supposed to symbolise our “Unity” as a nation. Tell that to the people of Scotland and Wales. It’s only a matter of time and it will be England Ireland Scotland and Wales on our own . I’m keeping my Wales plate because I’m from Wales. My country is Wales not England.
I’m a mongrel - half Welsh, half English. Always difficult watching the 6 Nations clashes.
Might get a CYMENG plate made :)
Would have been far more cost efficient to allow Northern Ireland to use NI rather than the rest of the Uk having to change.

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