black or silver/grey?



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T6.1 Coast 150
So we got our new california and have waited 20 months for the right one. It's great as a campervan (minus all the rattles and creaks, really, I cannot say it gives me a premium feel but maybe the dealer can fix the worst creak: the front window... at least I think it's the front window).
When it was just ordered at the end of August 2020, I met a man who just had his new (a very nice black) coast. It also had the standard 17 inch steel rims just like the ones we ordered. Why those steel wheels? Somehow I think they look cool, simple and clean. Since ours is a 5 seater we had to take the bigger front brakes and hence the 'upgrade' to the 17 inch rims. He told me he would spray paint his rims black and leave an outer trim in grey.
I saw the result later and it was done professionally; it is also part of his profession: spraying paint and he wanted to do it for me too.
He then made a photo presentation: what do you think? Now -after 20 months of waiting and 3 months in our possession- I don't know it anymore. Do or leave the default grey/silver?


Some of you might know a cherry red coast was deliverd at first and then he made that one also with the 'black rims'; so just for fun: a picture of it.
Somehow I think they look better on the red... ;)
unnamed (1).jpg
I think the painted wheels look great. Go for it if you’re happy with the price.
I reckon the black looks much better on the Ascot grey than the plain steels; go for it.
Plain steels all the way for me ... or maybe dark steel grey. Black just looks 'orrible and dull.

Dark Steel Grey!
Plain steels all the way for me ... or maybe dark steel grey. Black just looks 'orrible and dull.

Dark Steel Grey!
dark steel grey is very cool, indeed. Thanks for thinking along.
Don't really see the point of having posh alloys then having them black.
Now those steels, black with a silver rim, it's a YES from me.
Don't really see the point of having posh alloys then having them black.
Now those steels, black with a silver rim, it's a YES from me.
No alloys, all are the 17 inch steel wheels. Thanks for you ‘yes’ and thinking along :thumb
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Nothing wrong with either but I'm preferring the spartan appeal of the factory standard rim from the images.
I like both, but the painted do look posher depends on what look you are after.
Less cleaning with black that’s what I went for, plus wanted to tone down the copper bronze
I like both, but the painted do look posher depends on what look you are after.
Less cleaning with black that’s what I went for, plus wanted to tone down the copper bronze
Thank you for your response; I like the copper bronze and can believe your black rims tone it a bit down and that must look good.
The look I'm after is rather a pure look (hence a coast and not to much bling on it).
Thank you for your response; I like the copper bronze and can believe your black rims tone it a bit down and that must look good.
The look I'm after is rather a pure look (hence a coast and not to much bling on it).
Leave it as is then, as I think them steels look great.
If they get rust spots down the line or you fancy a change then look into spray job.
Save your money for adventures!
my van was due to come with steels too (didn’t long story).

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