Changing rear leisure battery with safe above



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
Does anyone have experience of changing the rear leisure battery in a can that has a cupboard safe and a black metal box between the battery and the safe?
Please see photo. I fear the battery won't come out without removing the black box, the safe, and the wardrobe!!!?

That's the ehu charger. You need to use something like a paint scraper to help slide it out unless you have strong fingers.
Took mine out today to hook up a solar panel. Real bitch to get it out. Release the bolt and remove the fixing bracket at bottom, slide battery to the rear. I then lifted the front corner up and onto the lip and then gradually got the rest out. Before I lifted the battery I pushed the cables on the battery to the back of the cupboard.
Thanks, good to know it's doable. Time to make an attempt. My reason is the same; have had the solar panel fixed on the roof for weeks already.
About halfway through my guides first post I describe how to remove the battery. The unit above the battery is what converts 240V EHU to battery juice.

About halfway through my guides first post I describe how to remove the battery. The unit above the battery is what converts 240V EHU to battery juice.

I managed, job done fingers crossed. Weird thing happened with the cupboard strip light after fitting. It was permanently on, then off, seems to working normally now.

And the instructions that came with my panel said to put the black wire to the negative, not to the clamp, so I did that.

Thanks for responding.

And the instructions that came with my panel said to put the black wire to the negative, not to the clamp, so I did that
This will almost certainly end in tears or, at least, dissatisfaction.

I'll see if I can find some examples and add them to this post.

Edit: Here's one.
This will almost certainly end in tears or, at least, dissatisfaction.

I'll see if I can find some examples and add them to this post.

Edit: Here's one.
I have a T6 like the OP, and my solar panel is directly connected to the negative terminal too. Never had a problem for 2 years. The battery of the T6 is not connected to the chassis in the same way as on the T6.1.
I have a T6 like the OP, and my solar panel is directly connected to the negative terminal too. Never had a problem for 2 years. The battery of the T6 is not connected to the chassis in the same way as on the T6.1.
Seems right. The seller of the panel says this:

Black to the chassis is for 6.1 vans an on, not pre-6.1 . On your van it makes no difference at all, you can connect it either way. There are no problems with connecting to the battery – you’ll be customer 700 or 800 or so that’s made the same connection to the battery. You can connect to the chassis if you prefer, but it’s exactly the same as connecting to the battery negative terminal unless you have a 6.1
I have a T6 like the OP, and my solar panel is directly connected to the negative terminal too. Never had a problem for 2 years. The battery of the T6 is not connected to the chassis in the same way as on the T6.1.
Yeah, sorry I misread t6.1.

VW California Club
