Back of Beyond 8/9 November 2024

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Event start date: Friday 08-11-2024
Event end date: Sunday 10-11-2024
Registration ends: Friday 01-11-2024
Username Guest count Note
Hotel du van Hotel du van 1  
kurienp kurienp 2  
KevH KevH 2  
Calimagg Calimagg 2  
Mr T Mr T 1  
GlennR GlennR 2 Gl
Loz2286 Loz2286 2  
K Kevin5658 2  
Riggers Riggers 2  
Jabberwocky Jabberwocky 2 Rik & Terri
C CaliforniaCylus 2  
C ColSal 2  
colinmurray colinmurray 2 Colin & Maria
Glen M Glen M 2 All booked. looking forward to our first California meeting. See you all on the 8th. Glen and Sue


Top Poster
Lifetime VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204
Following the success of the meet at the Back of Beyond near Ringwood this year I have agreed with the site that we hold another one on the weekend of 9/10th November 2024. This time of year suits them best because they are less busy. This an adults only site and is a member of the Tranquil Parks group. The facilities are excellent and the Blue Tides are playing again in the bar that weekend. There are lovely walks (albeit a bit muddy this year!) and a wooded area where you can let dogs off-lead.
This is an unofficial gathering so everyone should book their pitch directly with the site and put in the request box that you are with the California Club. Please also make sure that you book a hardstanding pitch as the astroturf and grass are likely to be waterlogged.
A well-stocked shop, freshly baked pastries for breakfast and visiting food vans (Thai, pizza and fish and chips) add to the enjoyment!
If you could post here when you have booked please I can keep a tally of numbers.
See you there!

I totally understand but how about coming to Red Shoot in April? That is family friendly.
Same as Amarillo for us. Red Shoot sounds interesting though. Got any details/link available?
Same as Amarillo for us. Red Shoot sounds interesting though. Got any details/link available?
It’s on the forum under Random Meets.
Hopefully this link will work
Following the success of the meet at the Back of Beyond near Ringwood this year I have agreed with the site that we hold another one on the weekend of 9/10th November 2024. This time of year suits them best because they are less busy. This an adults only site and is a member of the Tranquil Parks group. The facilities are excellent and the Blue Tides are playing again in the bar that weekend. There are lovely walks (albeit a bit muddy this year!) and a wooded area where you can let dogs off-lead.
This is an unofficial gathering so everyone should book their pitch directly with the site and put in the request box that you are with the California Club. Please also make sure that you book a hardstanding pitch as the astroturf and grass are likely to be waterlogged.
A well-stocked shop, freshly baked pastries for breakfast and visiting food vans (Thai, pizza and fish and chips) add to the enjoyment!
If you could post here when you have booked please I can keep a tally of numbers.
See you there!

Just booked
We would like to go again. @GillianC is it definitely Sat 9th and Sun 10th this time as last year it was Fri/Sat night?
Following the success of the meet at the Back of Beyond near Ringwood this year I have agreed with the site that we hold another one on the weekend of 9/10th November 2024. This time of year suits them best because they are less busy. This an adults only site and is a member of the Tranquil Parks group. The facilities are excellent and the Blue Tides are playing again in the bar that weekend. There are lovely walks (albeit a bit muddy this year!) and a wooded area where you can let dogs off-lead.
This is an unofficial gathering so everyone should book their pitch directly with the site and put in the request box that you are with the California Club. Please also make sure that you book a hardstanding pitch as the astroturf and grass are likely to be waterlogged.
A well-stocked shop, freshly baked pastries for breakfast and visiting food vans (Thai, pizza and fish and chips) add to the enjoyment!
If you could post here when you have booked please I can keep a tally of numbers.
See you there!

Excellent! Look forward to seeing you there.
Been toying with this for a while and tonight she who must be obeyed has said ‘yes’ so we are in.
Looking forward to a chilled couple of evenings in lovely Dorset with equally chilled company.
Thanks for organising this Gillian.
Excellent. You will really enjoy it I’m sure
Been toying with this for a while and tonight she who must be obeyed has said ‘yes’ so we are in.
Looking forward to a chilled couple of evenings in lovely Dorset with equally chilled company.
Thanks for organising this Gillian.
Following the success of the meet at the Back of Beyond near Ringwood this year I have agreed with the site that we hold another one on the weekend of 9/10th November 2024. This time of year suits them best because they are less busy. This an adults only site and is a member of the Tranquil Parks group. The facilities are excellent and the Blue Tides are playing again in the bar that weekend. There are lovely walks (albeit a bit muddy this year!) and a wooded area where you can let dogs off-lead.
This is an unofficial gathering so everyone should book their pitch directly with the site and put in the request box that you are with the California Club. Please also make sure that you book a hardstanding pitch as the astroturf and grass are likely to be waterlogged.
A well-stocked shop, freshly baked pastries for breakfast and visiting food vans (Thai, pizza and fish and chips) add to the enjoyment!
If you could post here when you have booked please I can keep a tally of numbers.
See you there!

Hi Gillian
Great to meet you at the weekend, we had a great time with lovely people.
Just booked back of beyond

Excellent! Good to meet you too. BOB should be great fun.

VW California Club
