Hello, this is my first ever post. I have searched for the answer to my query and I wasn't sure if I should start a new post, but thought that may be best. Apologies if this has been dealt with before.
We have had our California for just under two years and I have plugged it in to an outside socket every few weeks whenever we haven't used it much, particularly over the winter.
Recently I have noticed that after being on charge for 24 hours or more, all of the bars have not been turning blue (all except the end one), whereas previously I'm sure they would all turn blue. I switched the outside socket off last night after being connected for about 36 hours and the control panel still showed one bar had not turned blue (I didn't take any photos or record the voltage). I went back to the van this afternoon (about 16 hours later) and there were now 2 bars that were not blue (there had been nothing switched on over that period) The first photo is of the control panel at this point.
I switched on the EHU again, the next two photos are immediately after switching on the EHU and then 5 minutes later. The second photo of these shows the voltage at 14.5v and I think I've read somewhere on here that the voltage shouldn't be that high, but cannot find that now, so I switched the EHU off just in case I was causing any damage.
The final two photos are after switching off the EHU and again after another 10 minutes.
My query is, does this all seem ok or not? Any thoughts will be much appreciated.

We have had our California for just under two years and I have plugged it in to an outside socket every few weeks whenever we haven't used it much, particularly over the winter.
Recently I have noticed that after being on charge for 24 hours or more, all of the bars have not been turning blue (all except the end one), whereas previously I'm sure they would all turn blue. I switched the outside socket off last night after being connected for about 36 hours and the control panel still showed one bar had not turned blue (I didn't take any photos or record the voltage). I went back to the van this afternoon (about 16 hours later) and there were now 2 bars that were not blue (there had been nothing switched on over that period) The first photo is of the control panel at this point.
I switched on the EHU again, the next two photos are immediately after switching on the EHU and then 5 minutes later. The second photo of these shows the voltage at 14.5v and I think I've read somewhere on here that the voltage shouldn't be that high, but cannot find that now, so I switched the EHU off just in case I was causing any damage.
The final two photos are after switching off the EHU and again after another 10 minutes.
My query is, does this all seem ok or not? Any thoughts will be much appreciated.