Emergency hammer/ windowbreaker

  • Thread starter Hotel California
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Hotel California

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Cali now sold
Top class! Why did you cut out that bit of plastic? Would it obstruct the hammer when sliding down the handbreak?
Top class! Why did you cut out that bit of plastic? Would it obstruct the hammer when sliding down the handbreak?
It can not be refit without cutting a pice off because the srew i put in to hold the bracketholder, you don't notice it's been cut away...
First idea was screwing it in the metal part of the seat but can not drill a hole , handbreak in the way .
Wanted it exactly in that place so it wil never ever be in the way
They are also excellent for breaking chunks of ice when one wants a cool refreshing drink in the evening ...

Mineral water ... or something .....
Aha, I understand. I guess right before realizing you had to cut the plastic you said "damn, I am screwed" :D Beautiful job, perfect fit, perfect place.
Nice work, but I think the hammer will be unreachable when you're hanging upside down in your seatbealt after a rollover. Of course lets hope that is not going to happen.
Nice work, but I think the hammer will be unreachable when you're hanging upside down in your seatbealt after a rollover. Of course lets hope that is not going to happen.

Can't see why you hink thats not a good location . Do you carry yours on a lanyard round the neck?
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Ive not seen a photo of a rolled cali that has its windows intact. Therefore if I'm hanging upside down the windows will be gone already. If I can reach the hammer I can reach the seatbelt release.

Having read some of the other posts it would be a waste of time anyway. Ive got Brandrup seat covers so my airbags won't of worked and I don't always turn the gas off at the cylinder so will have perished in a huge fireball long before Ive thought of finding the hammer.

Thats all of course if Ive still got a cali - I don't have a tracker so it will have been nicked never to be seen again, although if I park on so much as grassy verge it should still be there mine being only a lowly 2 wheel drive version will obviously need a tow to get it off the grass

Sorry if it comes across wrong I'm sitting in the Costa Brava sampling the local wine surrounded by empties - surely the best use of a cali, transporting wine from warehouse to point of consumption:cool:
Ive not seen a photo of a rolled cali that has its windows intact. Therefore if I'm hanging upside down the windows will be gone already. If I can reach the hammer I can reach the seatbelt release.

Having read some of the other posts it would be a waste of time anyway. Ive got Brandrup seat covers so my airbags won't of worked and I don't always turn the gas off at the cylinder so will have perished in a huge fireball long before Ive thought of finding the hammer.

Thats all of course if Ive still got a cali - I don't have a tracker so it will have been nicked never to be seen again, although if I park on so much as grassy verge it should still be there mine being only a lowly 2 wheel drive version will obviously need a tow to get it off the grass

Sorry if it comes across wrong I'm sitting in the Costa Brava sampling the local wine surrounded by empties - surely the best use of a cali, transporting wine from warehouse to point of consumption:cool:

and whilst you are hanging upside down, watching the flames shooting out from the ruptured gas tank, the Brandrup covers doing their job of preventing nasty airbags making the interior untidy, do manage a look rearwards as someone nicks your spare wheel without having to get their knees dirty :sad
no Gran you i alright there I've got the spare safe although having already bought 2 I've yet to get one that takes the same size spanner as the wheel nuts.

Still another bottle of this 65cents a bottle local vino and I'm past caring.

I love my cali its probably the best car I've ever owned, I've had a lot that are faster, more expensive more luxurious but as an all rounder its probably the best compromise. We've done 1500 miles 6 up in an se in the last week or so, its provided cold drinks at the beach, an emergency toilet, somewhere to make a brew, ok so we are not camping in it apart from on the way here, but the money we've saved on air fares & car hire for the past 2 weeks pays the finance for another year...
Given the choice between selling this and the porsche I think this might be the one staying...
It'll only be of use on the side windows. The screen is laminated so won't shatter.
Can't see why you hink thats not a good location . Do you carry yours on a lanyard round the neck?

Let me try to explain this. The lifehammer contains also a seatbelt-cutter. With a car on it's roof, you will be hanging up-side-down in your seatbelt. Your head, neck, and shoulders contact the roof and the there will be a distance between your bottom and the seatsurface. Releasing your belt the normal way will not be easy; caused by tension on it by your weight. So hanging there, you want to find this cutter within the reach of your arms in this situation. That is probably not at the carfloor but at the carroof.
All greatfully not my personal experience, but showed to me at a safetytraining earlier.
Let me try to explain this. The lifehammer contains also a seatbelt-cutter. With a car on it's roof, you will be hanging up-side-down in your seatbelt. Your head, neck, and shoulders contact the roof and the there will be a distance between your bottom and the seatsurface. Releasing your belt the normal way will not be easy; caused by tension on it by your weight. So hanging there, you want to find this cutter within the reach of your arms in this situation. That is probably not at the carfloor but at the carroof.
All greatfully not my personal experience, but showed to me at a safetytraining earlier.

I get your point believe me;)
We all carry a firextinguisher witch is usles also , ....
Those things are all "just in case" and in "some circomstances"
If you should get to reach it , it can help you ....
If you don't got one in the verhicle at all , it can't
Every time I've been in a vehicle when it's fallen over I've found myself sitting in the road. :talktothehand:talktothehand

VW California Club
