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Ha ha!Hi Tom. I notice that you have changed your nationality to Greek! Will this help your school application??
We think the school issue is finally resolved. It was such an absurd and obviously wrong situation with Greenwich and Lewisham disowning Ben and stating the other was his home local authority.
I sent an email to our Greenwich councillors and the two heads of children's services. The result has been this email:
Thank you for taking the time to contact Royal Greenwich. I am now writing in response to your complaint of 20 February 2018. As the Admissions Manager, your complaint has been passed to me in order to respond at stage 1 of Royal Borough of Greenwich’s complaints procedure. I have now looked into your application and propose the following solution.
We understand that Lewisham Council is now prepared to accept your application for Lewisham schools from a Royal Greenwich address. We have been able to re-instate your application into the primary admission 2018 process. The address that will be used is [our home address]. We have also advised the London Borough of Bromley of this as you have expressed a preference for a school in their local authority area.
We will provide you with an outcome of your application on National Offer Day, however you will be expected to provide evidence that you have returned to the [our road] address before arrangements for your child’s admission to the given school for September are confirmed. As you return to [our road] address on 16 June 2018, please provide this evidence by Friday 29 June 2018. We are able to accept written confirmation that you have resumed liability for Council Tax. If you have not returned to Royal Greenwich, please provide confirmation of the return journey booked and evidence that your tenants have/will be vacating the Royal Greenwich property.
No apology, and no acknowledgement that this was the direction I was pushing them towards on 10 January - six weeks earlier.
You appear to have no lawful authority to reject an application purely on the basis that a child is out of the country at the time that an application is made. What matters is where the child normally lives and where the child is living when they start school. Benjamin normally lives at [our address], and Benjamin will be living there when he is due to start school. If Benjamin is not living in Greenwich when he starts school, you can then lawfully reject our application for a school place.
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