Advice on current fuel situation in France

So yet again the unions and the government clash, and we decide to spend our euro elsewhere. When will the French learn the knock on effects are so harmful.

For example last May I was off on a motorbike tour in Spanish Pyrenees, and supposed to be travelling by ferry from Pompey to Caen and motoring down. However a strike at Caen port meant I was forced to change plans and ended up taking ferry to Santander (and back). Net result no money spent on French soil for fuel, tolls, hotels, food, drinks and this probably saved me considerably over the increased ferry cost.

This Easter I flew 6,000 miles to Vietnam however I had to change planes at Paris CDG, a flash strike by air traffic controllers delayed our arrival by an hour. As a consequence the luggage handlers cocked up and I arrived without any luggage for 24 hours....

These are just 2 examples that have affected me in the last year, if I think back further there are certainly plenty more.

I will be making a conscious effort to avoid France (unless it's for skiing!) for the foreseeable future, which is sad as I speak the language and love the people and lifestyle very much.

I don't think the French want people like you in their country anyway. Noble people are protesting massive inequality and parasitic neo-liberalism and all you care about is your convenience.
A strike here means fuel isn't getting through to garages so if you are heading over make sure you fill up in the UK.
Seems it's worse in the north. I just nipped out to fill up at our local garage in the Pyrenees and no problem there at the moment.
TV news full of blockages and some violence at garages where are queues and twenty litre allowances.
Just on my way north through France over the last couple of days and the situation hasn't been too bad so far, at least as far as Laon. More than half of the country stations I've seen have had fuel, and I've seen only one motorway station with some empty pumps. The day the news broke was alarming - it seemed that everyone was panic buying and there were long queues everywhere especially at the supermarket pumps. It's not surprising that lots of stations ran out. But it seems that the government had at least a month's "strategic reserves" which they have now released, and they are sending in the heavies to relieve the blockaded refineries. I'm now just waiting for the strikers to turn their attention to the car ferries again!
We arrived back in the UK this morning after a month touring France, we did not have any problems until we reached Chalons en Champagne Tuesday/Wednesday where fuel in Carrefour was restricted to €30 per fill. We understood frlom other campers that there was plenty of fuel on the motorways.
Thanks for the warning. We're driving down to Austria on Friday. I was weighing up whether to drive down through France or Germany. France is quicker but Germany has no tolls. I think the potential fuel issues settle the matter. A German route it is.
Driving from Calais to Austria through Belgium and Germany is about 20km longer. I suggest you travel by night, there are many road works in Germany and it can be very painful to stay in queue for hours. I came from the UK yesterday. On the way up three days ago, I lost several hours in road block, on the way back I drove in the night and could drive very fast.
I don't think the French want people like you in their country anyway. Noble people are protesting massive inequality and parasitic neo-liberalism and all you care about is your convenience.
That is a bit over the top.
The original poster was just stating a fact that due to the Unions actions he changed his travel plans and the French economy lost out as a consequence.
It's about time some of the French Employment Laws were brought into the 21st century and in line with EU Directives and Regulations or do such requirements not relate to France.
Went to Villereal market Saturday then to local intermarche filled up my golf no problem and no restrition on volume

That is a bit over the top.
The original poster was just stating a fact that due to the Unions actions he changed his travel plans and the French economy lost out as a consequence.
It's about time some of the French Employment Laws were brought into the 21st century and in line with EU Directives and Regulations or do such requirements not relate to France.

Totally agree with WG.
The French have no idea the damage being done to their economy
That is a bit over the top.
The original poster was just stating a fact that due to the Unions actions he changed his travel plans and the French economy lost out as a consequence.
It's about time some of the French Employment Laws were brought into the 21st century and in line with EU Directives and Regulations or do such requirements not relate to France.

I don't think you fully appreciate the situation. "Austerity" is being forced onto the most vulnerable people in society. Its a race to the bottom with wealth being siphoned from the people to the elite. This isn't just going on in France. Just because you and your children are not going hungry does not mean that you cannot find empathy for those who are hungry or unemployed, having wages slashed, etc. Life is grim and getting much worse for many, particularly the young.

The small amount of money lost to France because he "changed his travel plans" will not correct for systemic injustice and state violence.

You and all those who Agreed with your post should do some soul searching.

Eventually, this ugly form of Capitalism is going to get you too. But for now you just wag your little, bigoted finger at those who have the courage to stand up in solidarity for those who are suffering. No matter to you I long as you don't have to alter your pretty plans in your campervan.
Totally agree with WG.
The French have no idea the damage being done to their economy

The French have a very good idea of whats going on economically and politically. Its you who have no idea.

A little bit of inconvenience to some people on this forum because of hugely important social protest and how very quickly comes the bigotry and nationalism. Seems to be lots of conservative, UKIP, little-englanders associated with this forum.
Probably a good plan to keep the politics to the EU debate thread and this one to the facts of the fuel situation. Not a problem for me but I have some sympathy with those who chose not to get involved.

Probably a good plan to keep the politics to the EU debate thread and this one to the facts of the fuel situation. Not a problem for me but I have some sympathy with those who chose not to get involved.


A few people on here seem to be fairly relaxed about bashing the French people as well as trying to shame those who care about the poor and disenfranchised.
The French have a very good idea of whats going on economically and politically. Its you who have no idea.

A little bit of inconvenience to some people on this forum because of hugely important social protest and how very quickly comes the bigotry and nationalism. Seems to be lots of conservative, UKIP, little-englanders associated with this forum.

As I live in France I think I do have an idea of what is going on!!!!!!!!
As I live in France I think I do have an idea of what is going on!!!!!!!!

Your "living" in France is not evidence that you have the faintest idea of what's going on. And given your casual, smug and arrogant denigration of the French gives you zero intellectual credibility on this matter.
We are off to the Vendee early Sat am, and have just been sent this link. Looks like I will be filling up at Clackett Lane services even tho it breaks my heart to pay their prices !

God only knows how we will get home a week later, if it wasn't for school exams I would be happy.

You are much better off using the Sainsbury's at Ashford, 30 sec off the motorway, and sensible fuel prices
We've just driven from Italy on the Autoroute to Calais all the way through France and have experienced no problems with regards to fuel at the services we stopped
Your "living" in France is not evidence that you have the faintest idea of what's going on. And given your casual, smug and arrogant denigration of the French gives you zero intellectual credibility on this matter.
Touched a raw nerve have we!
Best leave it there lads.....I will be wanting to get back to the UK in one piece !

Still think France is the place to be,especially driving a VW camper :bananadance

Welshgas, you may think that my defending against bigotry and mocking of the poor is funny but I take it as an affront to humanity. I've been a lurker on this forum for awhile and many of the posts are shockingly bigoted and unkind.

This forum unquestionably skews to the politically conservative end of the spectrum and I cannot in good conscience leave it alone this time. It makes me seriously question the kind of people that make up the UK VW California community.
This is so funny, troll or what !l have lived in France for 30 odd years, and nobody thinks like Europe1, except perhaps the 2.8% of the working population represented by the CGT ( union responsible for the strikes). Interesting that he has been a member of the forum since June 2014 and has never posted before this thread. Bonjour Mr. Martinez!!
Sorry, I even forgot you name... I meant Hippie1
It makes me seriously question the kind of people that make up the UK VW California community.
Excuse me?, you are reacting to 2 or 3 members posts and suddenly every Uk forum member (of which there are thousands) is a Tory bigoted little englander. I find your posts quite offensive, in every one you are dishing out the insults and suggesting we are all alike. Grow up.
Excuse me?, you are reacting to 2 or 3 members posts and suddenly every Uk forum member (of which there are thousands) is a Tory bigoted little englander. I find your posts quite offensive, in every one you are dishing out the insults and suggesting we are all alike. Grow up.
Yes, so prepare for it rather than fight it. You can't win against globalization. Swim or drown.

Or why not work together to create a better society that isn't so exploitative? Why not share resources instead or hoarding? Why not work in cooperation with one another instead of shark-like competitiveness?

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