On the SD card you make a folder called PersonalPOI and you place the file called PersonalPOI.db3 into that folder. The SD card should be Fat32 file system.
Sorry if I wasn't clear.[/QUOTE
I thought it was clear, I am usually pretty good at doing these things.
Here is what I did.
I got a Panasonic 32 MB SD card, and formatted it on my windows 7 Toshiba laptop. It was FAT format. I called it PERSONALPOI
I then opened it and created a file called
I then downloaded your .db3 file onto my computer, and then dragged it into the file called PersonalPOI
I then put that in the 501.
It showed. Reading file please wait..
And I waited for 5 mins, but nothing happened, and it didn't show it had an SD card in media or in search for destinations
Any ideas??