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On the SD card you make a folder called PersonalPOI and you place the file called PersonalPOI.db3 into that folder. The SD card should be Fat32 file system.
Sorry if I wasn't clear.[/QUOTE
I thought it was clear, I am usually pretty good at doing these things.
Here is what I did.
I got a Panasonic 32 MB SD card, and formatted it on my windows 7 Toshiba laptop. It was FAT format. I called it PERSONALPOI
I then opened it and created a file called
I then downloaded your .db3 file onto my computer, and then dragged it into the file called PersonalPOI
I then put that in the 501.
It showed. Reading file please wait..
And I waited for 5 mins, but nothing happened, and it didn't show it had an SD card in media or in search for destinations
Any ideas??
This is my SD card . It is labelled POI. I don't know if that is the problem and it must be FAT32 file structure.
Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 07.54.58.jpg
Is the SD card recognised? Is it FAT 32 - Windows can do some funny things.

Just wipe the files off and add some MP3 files. Does it work playing the music?

Faulty card?

Reset RNS 510.

Is the SD card recognised? Is it FAT 32 - Windows can do some funny things.

Just wipe the files off and add some MP3 files. Does it work playing the music?

Faulty card?

Reset RNS 510.

It is FAT 32, and in properties it shows it has the data on it.
I added an MP3 and it played it no problem......amazing bass !
I then deleted everything and started again, including deleting and RE downloading the db3 file
Still nothing
Is there another poi file I can try as I am slightly reluctant to reset my 510 when everthing else works so well
I'm at a loss what to try next.
I've tried it on my unit without any problems, but it did take a while to read the card fully. Longer than 5 mins and didn't show an SD card on the Media screen.
I'm at a loss what to try next.
I've tried it on my unit without any problems, but it did take a while to read the card fully. Longer than 5 mins and didn't show an SD card on the Media screen.
I have just sat for 15 mins watching the screen, apart from the initial ...reading notice, that lasts a second, there was nothing....apart from some interesting music on Asian network
Thanks for trying anyway Welshgas
I may just try doing on another laptop if I can borrow one
I have just sat for 15 mins watching the screen, apart from the initial ...reading notice, that lasts a second, there was nothing....apart from some interesting music on Asian network
Thanks for trying anyway Welshgas
I may just try doing on another laptop if I can borrow one
Mine was an old XP laptop.
You can use Poinspector to create your own files.
I have just sat for 15 mins watching the screen, apart from the initial ...reading notice, that lasts a second, there was nothing....apart from some interesting music on Asian network
Thanks for trying anyway Welshgas
I may just try doing on another laptop if I can borrow one
Check for a hidden file extension on your poi file by using view>folder options and untick hide known file extensions
Check for a hidden file extension on your poi file by using view>folder options and untick hide known file extensions
I didn't get that option exactly in windows 7, but I have set it as read only
It has exactly the right amount of MB in it
I am now using a 2GB SD card, as it is more modern,,,,,,but still no joy
Just, reading data,please wait.....Shows on the screen for a second and then that is it.
I've just reloaded my POI file.
Switch on
Insert card
My Points of Interest
Just thaught, as I formatted the card, it is unlikely to have anything hidden on it, I think
No that's not what I mean.
Normally on windows they hide the file extension so "file.txt" looks like "file" on your pc. When you rename a file to say "file.db3" it might really be "file.db3.txt" and that would make the system ignore the file as it is not looking for "xxx.txt" files.
I've just reloaded my POI file.
Switch on
Insert card
My Points of Interest
That took me 1 minute.......woohoo....done
If you weren't married , and i wasn't heterosexual, then I would offer marriage
Thanks Welshgas ....sorted
Next trip in a fortnight, to the Cambrian mountains of your fair land....
With my two sisters, who both have non Cali campervans.
Let's hope the POI can find us a campsite
No that's not what I mean.
Normally on windows they hide the file extension so "file.txt" looks like "file" on your pc. When you rename a file to say "file.db3" it might really be "file.db3.txt" and that would make the system ignore the file as it is not looking for "xxx.txt" files.
Thanks, no txt.....and now sorted, I didn't realise I had to go into setup
That took me 1 minute.......woohoo....done
If you weren't married , and i wasn't heterosexual, then I would offer marriage
Thanks Welshgas ....sorted
Next trip in a fortnight, to the Cambrian mountains of your fair land....
With my two sisters, who both have non Cali campervans.
Let's hope the POI can find us a campsite
It will, but whether it will be open!!

If you know a local town/village nearby and do a search you'll get the campsite address etc: and , I think, a telephone number.
It will, but whether it will be open!!

If you know a local town/village nearby and do a search you'll get the campsite address etc: and , I think, a telephone number.
So I am pretty sure it is working,
I didn't memorise what sites were there before, and don't want to unload and reload...VW had some sites already, but not many
Do the sites I have loaded only come up when I enabled campsites on the RNS, I couldn't see a separate button to enable just my own POI files. .? How does it know they are campsites??
So I am pretty sure it is working,
I didn't memorise what sites were there before, and don't want to unload and reload...VW had some sites already, but not many
Do the sites I have loaded only come up when I enabled campsites on the RNS, I couldn't see a separate button to enable just my own POI files. .? How does it know they are campsites??
Never tried showing POI's on the Map. I just search for POI campsites near my position or a Town selecting C&C, ASCI or Archies. Archies includes all the C&C and ASCI campsites already.
How do you select between the different c and c or Archie's etc, on the RNS 510, I only get the option for campsites
Go to POI categories. Scroll down to the bottom - Do Not Select Campsites - at the bottom you should have the Folder for your Personal POIs. Click on that and you get a new list. Archies - ASCI by Country - C&C CL, C&C European and C&C Sites.
Go to POI categories. Scroll down to the bottom - Do Not Select Campsites - at the bottom you should have the Folder for your Personal POIs. Click on that and you get a new list. Archies - ASCI by Country - C&C CL, C&C European and C&C Sites.
Got it, Thanks
Mine are stored as a sub file of campsites, but I can turn them on and off.....great
Now I may get bold, and try and merge the searchforsites map, with your file, and then overwrite what I have.....getting bold, but I do like the middle of nowhere free car parks, where i can stop alone.....especially not the main season is ending
Got it, Thanks
Mine are stored as a sub file of campsites, but I can turn them on and off.....great
Now I may get bold, and try and merge the searchforsites map, with your file, and then overwrite what I have.....getting bold, but I do like the middle of nowhere free car parks, where i can stop alone.....especially not the main season is ending
Have fun.:thumb

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