

JP senior

VIP Member
Hampshire, GB
T6.1 Ocean 150
Any ideas before I call the AA!?
Have a 2023 reg T6.1 from Breeze, Southampton; Cannot close the bonnet. Manual says pull it down until it over-comes the pressure of the gas strut. Then the [weight of] the bonnet should drop it into the catches BUT it doesn't!
Manual says do not press it down but even light pressure does not secure the bonnet into the catches.
many thanks
If you push the bonnet dow me a bit of force but ease off as it get to the halfway point and the momentum will be enough speed to close - you don’t want your hands on the bonnet by the time it reach’s the closed position- it’s like slamming a door
If you push the bonnet dow me a bit of force but ease off as it get to the halfway point and the momentum will be enough speed to close - you don’t want your hands on the bonnet by the time it reach’s the closed position- it’s like slamming a door
thanks for the suggestion. Just tried it but no luck. I am going to try again with a 2nd person fiddling with the release lever to see if this makes any difference. Otherwise, I fear I have a faulty catch [Had this problem (ie bonnet failing to close) before with a VW Golf & had to have the catch and cable replaced]
Let it drop from height
Let it drop from height
thanks; going to give this another go tomorrow, in the light.
If anything, the gas strut seems to be preventing a good old slam down. I am loath to keep forcing the bonnet down - clearly it is not 'catching'.
I see that a previous thread was suggesting ceasing up of the catch mechanism and that a strategically placed screwdriver and WD40 or similar lubricant nay be needed.
Did you check the release in the cabin to make sure it returned to its normal position? Try pulling and releasing it a few times with someone to check if the latch moves correctly.
...thanks; will try in the morning (luckily, don't have to go anywhere in the van!) when a 2nd person is around.
thanks; going to give this another go tomorrow, in the light.
If anything, the gas strut seems to be preventing a good old slam down. I am loath to keep forcing the bonnet down - clearly it is not 'catching'.
I see that a previous thread was suggesting ceasing up of the catch mechanism and that a strategically placed screwdriver and WD40 or similar lubricant nay be needed.
always best to sleep on it and come back with a fresh head
thanks all; didn't need the AA in the end! Managed to push / release something in the catch using a flat-headed screw-driver plus a squirt of WD40.
(Next door neighbour, who doesn't have a van but does have a Golf says he has had the same problem with bonnet failing to close properly)
Anyway, thanks for your comments in this thread.

VW California Club
