California Beach Insurance Quotes



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Cali now sold

Well its time to renew my insurance at the end of this month. Im currently insured with Safeguard and my renewal was £396.
Phoned a couple of the usual suspects and its all pretty much of the same. Until I tried Admiral. £189, £200 with protected no-claims.

Almost fell off my chair...!!!

Double checked everything and I cant see any problems with this cover.
35 years and married, on driveway, fitted 18s alloys do around 9k a year with 1o years no claims and no penalties £250 excess. Decided I no longer need to shop around anymore :cool
Lets hear some more great Beach quotes.
We went with Admiral as they were the cheapest.
We spoke to them about the vehicle and they knew exactly what it was. The only thing they wouldn't do is add on the hire car as they said the Cali beach would take longer than a normal car to repair.
Roof and everything is covered.

Hubby checked the small print the other day after I read about the 36 hour clause mentioned on another thread and it doesn't seem to apply either. :D
Serendipity C said:
We went with Admiral as they were the cheapest.
We spoke to them about the vehicle and they knew exactly what it was. The only thing they wouldn't do is add on the hire car as they said the Cali beach would take longer than a normal car to repair.
Roof and everything is covered.

Hubby checked the small print the other day after I read about the 36 hour clause mentioned on another thread and it doesn't seem to apply either. :D

i'd be a bit annoyed about that - I have a hire/courtesy car on my policy. Mine's been repaired and it takes no longer than any other car.

Might want to go back to them with that

I chose Admiral last year. I declared the extras and they have it listed as a camper and we have agreed that that constitutes having the pop top and awning and as a Beach it doesn't have many of the internal fittings of an SE that seem to cause some contention with mainstream insurers. The only thing that they insisted I wouldn't get is a replacement camper as a loan vehicle (but would get a standard car as a loan vehicle contrary to previous poster) in the event that it was being fixed, but I can accept that risk as its a daily driver so can get by with just a car.

I paid about GBP450 but it is insured for class 1 business too which is essential for me.
Hi all,

We took our insurance out in Feb this year so they may have changed the policy since you guys got yours.
I have just pulled up the Admiral Policybook for policy's since 01/01/14 and on p20 it says

"A courtesy car will not be provided if your car..... Is a classic car or campervan."

Soulstyledevon if you do go with admiral please let us know what they say about the courtesy car. Hopefully none of us will need to use it though!
Must admit.
The courtesy car situation its a consideration for me, as we have a second car and push bikes :thumb
Hi All
Just negotiating my insurance with Admiral, for the New Beach I pick up next Friday, 14/03/14.
They are quoting that it covers a standard Cali Beach.
Do I need to discuss the list of extras that we all pick to make our own Cali special to our self's.
The Beach do's not come with the following, but are all extra options.

RNS510 with Dab
3 Zone Air con
Front & Rear parking + camera
Fog lights
Xeonn head lights.
Parking heater
5th seat
Lam privy glass & windscreen
Bike Rack.
Various other bits & pieces

I don't want to under insure but don't want to be ripped of by them.


I'd tell them if I were you as I'm sure they'll use non-disclosure as a reason to not fix these things. I'd imagine the bike rack will not be insured as a part of the vehicle but as some sort of removable accessory but the rest should be fine. I think it's only fair that an insurer can charge an additional amount** for expensive to replace and vulnerable items such as posh alloys, fog lights and parking radar and so these might put the price up but the air con, 5th seat etc should be fine.

** but not exhorbitant.

ISTR my Admiral premium went up 20-30 quid to include cover for non-std bits.
Yep, took out my insurance yesterday and went with admiral.
I usually put money away each month in-advance for my renewal. Which means this year I have a couple of hundred quid extra in my pocket for some new Cali toys :bananadance

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