Insurance nightmare!

Direct Line - but you need to phone, the website doesn’t seem to understand
They need to be consistent. They told me last year that they do not cover the habitation aspect of a California SE.
call centre staff are completely aware of the california vehicle
listed in glassses guide...cap,,,etc and is listed in all new car prices,
to say they dont cover the habitation area is total cr..p.... its like saying are my heated seats covered....everything in the van excluding after market additions is covered
Tried C&MC, Admiral, Safeguard and not having much luck. Admiral who we are insured with at the moment couldn't find the model, gave them a reg of a VW Ocean (used VW website), then told the price of the new T6.1 was too high for them to cover!. C&MC have quoted £764, Safeguard £939 (with discount)!!! told they couldn't 'mirror' our no claims protected as we made one claim 2x years ago (first and only time in 30 years - car caught fire on the drive late in the evening, electrical fault not ours, insurance classified the car as written off). Any suggestions on who else to try, anyone know if VW insurance is any good? Never owned a California before expecting higher premium but not this high, mentioned Autowatch Ghost immobiliser insurance companies not heard of it, premium slightly lower if a tracker fitted.

Any advise greatly received :)
Try Brent acre
Comfort, I hit a stag in the highlands in my cali that caused £4500 of damaged, I couldn't fault them really. Just waiting to see what my premium will be this year.
Comfort was the first insurer with our Cali, then we switched to a company called Staveley Head. Problem with them is the web site ( was not very good )when it comes to the security bit i.e is it Thatcham approved when I said it was VW security in other (Thatcham Category 1 as the brochure ) they wanted a certificate from Thatcham ! cut a long story short had it insured ok with them with phone call, though if you get a good quote on line best to ring them after and check the security bit.
After that we switched to SAGA then to LV and back to SAGA. ( cheapest and best cover for us)
Now With LV again until July this year as we are with Boundless ( big discounts) and checked out LV for cover, EVERYTHING IS COVERED ( EVEN THE KITCHEN SINK )
As said our last insurer was SAGA and I know LV quote will go up and will once again switch back to one of them.
Tried so many for quotes in 6 years and only down to these that insure camper/motor homes to have realistic quotes for us. ( Over 40 years driving licence, no claims, no penalty points, low mileage 7,000-8,000 miles/yr and low insurance postcode, vehicle on drive)
They give discount for our front and rear warning sensors and dash cam too .
Think that covers it all?
Tried C&MC, Admiral, Safeguard and not having much luck. Admiral who we are insured with at the moment couldn't find the model, gave them a reg of a VW Ocean (used VW website), then told the price of the new T6.1 was too high for them to cover!. C&MC have quoted £764, Safeguard £939 (with discount)!!! told they couldn't 'mirror' our no claims protected as we made one claim 2x years ago (first and only time in 30 years - car caught fire on the drive late in the evening, electrical fault not ours, insurance classified the car as written off). Any suggestions on who else to try, anyone know if VW insurance is any good? Never owned a California before expecting higher premium but not this high, mentioned Autowatch Ghost immobiliser insurance companies not heard of it, premium slightly lower if a tracker fitted.

Any advise greatly received :)
I joined ‘Boundless’ and then used the link to LV. Insured my 2016 Ocean FC etc for under £300. Added my wife’s mini as well. 60% cheaper than Tesco who we were with and who wouldn’t do the Ocean anyway !!!
I joined ‘Boundless’ and then used the link to LV. Insured my 2016 Ocean FC etc for under £300. Added my wife’s mini as well. 60% cheaper than Tesco who we were with and who wouldn’t do the Ocean anyway !!!
Boundless...Is that what used to be CSMC?
Boundless...Is that what used to be CSMC?
Boundless is the revamped CSMA.Who had a link to Frizzell Insurance who are now part of LV. Boundless membership can be worthwhile if only for their recovery deal with Brittania Rescue.
Boundless is the revamped CSMA.Who had a link to Frizzell Insurance who are now part of LV. Boundless membership can be worthwhile if only for their recovery deal with Brittania Rescue.
Thank you, will check it out. Db.
Boundless is the revamped CSMA.Who had a link to Frizzell Insurance who are now part of LV. Boundless membership can be worthwhile if only for their recovery deal with Brittania Rescue.
Personally I prefer to pay for continuation of VW Assistance then you can get help with the Roof, Leisure Electrics etc: Home and Abroad just as you do during the new vehicle warranty period.
Personally I prefer to pay for continuation of VW Assistance then you can get help with the Roof, Leisure Electrics etc: Home and Abroad just as you do during the new vehicle warranty period.
Makes sense, especially for foreign trips. The appeal of Britannia, to me, is that its me that’s covered rather than a specific vehicle, so my “fleet” of 3 are all covered and my partner who doesn’t live at my address gets similar cover for her car. All under one well priced policy.
All your thoughts and comments fully accepted guys. Each of you have good reasons for your companies.
I already have Full European RAC, through my old company. For someone like me, I found Fully Comp cover with joining ‘Boundless’ (yes the old CSMA), for my 2016 Ocean 204 AND my wife’s Mini Cooper S, irresistible !!! £427 with LV!!!
I have four vehicles insured with lv and have had a couple of knocks sorted with no issues. I am confident after several emails with the clubs members concerns, that i have the right policy for my families transport at this time and at a reasonable price. Others may have concerns and that is for them to investigate, if for any reason my choices change i will keep you all informed. Remember your van is for fun at the end of the day and all the other stuff is just there to spoil it...........keep smiling
Comfort, I hit a stag in the highlands in my cali that caused £4500 of damaged, I couldn't fault them really. Just waiting to see what my premium will be this year.
I am looking at moving to Comfort (currently with LV but too many ‘ifs ,buts, maybe’s with them) however on phone Comfort seem to have two policy options 1) Campervan (which incorporates a protected no claims
2) Motorhome (which they say includes VW Cali Ocean) doesn’t offer protected no claims aspect and £50 cheaper.
Any advise as to these options ... which did you go with ?
I went with the motor home policy. I was a bit bemused too- but the motor home had higher personal possessions cover for a lower fee (£60 for me) and I could put more named drivers on. Apart from that the girl said it was the same cover including Europe , 8k miles, parked on drive and I’m allowed to leave it at my static caravan for seven days without telling them every time for no extra charge. They ran it by the underwriters (48 hour rule)
Just paid a small premium with LV to convert my policy from a VW Beach to a VW 'Camper van" policy.
Only did this as l added a slidepod kitchen unit, 'Campervan 'policy covers the vehicle to carry gas and all risks associated with cooking ie fire and any associates damage.
Been with Safeguard from new, good cover, European breakdown assistance, annual price increases have been relatively low. Can’t see a reason to change...yet.
Been with Safeguard from new, good cover, European breakdown assistance, annual price increases have been relatively low. Can’t see a reason to change...yet.
Safeguard would not cover to and from place of work and definitely no class one business cover which was surprising, ended up with Comfort who offered all cover we needed for just over £450.
Been with Safeguard from new, good cover, European breakdown assistance, annual price increases have been relatively low. Can’t see a reason to change...yet.
Ended up with Comfort who offered the assurance of full cover on habitation area which LV (our previous insurer) could not !
I am insured with LV on a multicar policy for the other cars in the house but after reading the threads here I went with Grove & Dean brokers who arranged a "motorhome gold" policy that seemed to cover all that I need, with change from 280 quid. I am in a sweet spot for car insurance though - will start to get more expensive again at some point as I age... Limited mileage and limited European cover but that suited my needs
Makes sense, especially for foreign trips. The appeal of Britannia, to me, is that its me that’s covered rather than a specific vehicle, so my “fleet” of 3 are all covered and my partner who doesn’t live at my address gets similar cover for her car. All under one well priced policy.
I have had to use Britannia rescue in France 2 times and Spain 2 times and UK once. Very good as in Europe they contacted a English speaking call centre in Holland that then contact a local breakdown service.

In France my VW sharan developed a intermittent fault. Britannia put me up in a hotel for 5 days while the local VW garage failed to find the fault. In the end I drove back to UK with Britannia reassuring me that they would rescue me again if needed but not to use paying motorways as in France on those the police have to rescue you. My local garage sorted the problem and I headed back south again.

I have had 2 flat batteries, one my fault. 1 dead water pump fixed quickly and in UK a tyre blow out. All sorted quickly.

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