CAMPINGGAZ 907 In France ?!



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Hi all,

Currently in France and want to swap my 907 for a full one , does anyone know which particular supermarket does this and do I just take the empty into the store itself?

I have seen gas bottles outside at petrol stations etc but haven’t seen any Campinggaz 907’s on show at all??

Any advice appreciated.

The Carrefour hypermarket I visited didn't offer bottle exchanges. Neither did Hyper U. Could be a regional thing.
The Carrefour hypermarket I visited didn't offer bottle exchanges. Neither did Hyper U. Could be a regional thing.
I've usually found that although the cash desk folks don't have a clue how to sell a refill when a supervisor is called or you visit the customer services desk they has a barcode to scan that gives them the correct price for the exchange.
Leroy Merlin sometimes have 907s for exchange, we used to call in the one at Calais on the way home in the hope that we could get a refill at French prices rather than UK ones.
We were on Carrefour (Matour) a couple of days ago. No 904 or 907 on the shelves, but was pleased to see they stocked the 901, which is a handy size. I'd have snapped that up, buf my current one isn't quite empty. I wasn't sure if 1000041337.jpgthe price quoted was with or without exchange.
We were on Carrefour (Matour) a couple of days ago. No 904 or 907 on the shelves, but was pleased to see they stocked the 901, which is a handy size. I'd have snapped that up, buf my current one isn't quite empty. I wasn't sure if View attachment 127772the price quoted was with or without exchange.
That price should be without exchange. At Intermarche I paid 55 Euro as I didn't have an exchange. An exchange would have reduced price by 25 Euro.
We were on Carrefour (Matour) a couple of days ago. No 904 or 907 on the shelves, but was pleased to see they stocked the 901, which is a handy size. I'd have snapped that up, buf my current one isn't quite empty. I wasn't sure if View attachment 127772the price quoted was with or without exchange.
You should avoid one which does not have the screw in cap, mainly because they should not accept such a bottle even when empty for exchange.
Shelf price in a supermarket is almost always the outright buying price, in France expect to pay about £25 at most for a 907 refill.
I’ll try an Intermarche shortly in Hossegor and update you shortly
We have found most "brico" shops sell them (Mr Bricolage; Bricomarche etc).

We paid 28.40 Euros = £23.93 last month.
Back in June we paid 28 euro for a 907 at an Intermarche, but it was a "buy" not "exchange" - maybe the guy was misinformed, but he offered to take our old one but certainly didn't demand to have it back. It wasn't worth the space and hassle for the sake of £15 value (or whatever it is) of an empty so we left it with him.
Hi all the trick is that when you enter the store go to the information desk and hand them the empty bottle, they will give you a barcode to use at the till....after you have picked up the full bottle of the shelf.
I went to the customer service desk and the lovely lady took me to the gas, made sure I picked the right one and then took me to the cashier. All excellent service at the Brico Marche ….
Hi all the trick is that when you enter the store go to the information desk and hand them the empty bottle, they will give you a barcode to use at the till....after you have picked up the full bottle of the shelf
I went to the customer service desk and the lovely lady took me to the gas, made sure I picked the right one and then took me to the cashier. All excellent service at the Brico Marche ….
Super U always had 907s on the shelf in the store. 2weeks ago. 62euro non exchange.
Hi all the trick is that when you enter the store go to the information desk and hand them the empty bottle, they will give you a barcode to use at the till....after you have picked up the full bottle of the shelf.
And that is the way to do it!
Also on the bottle you are clearly informed that the bottles are "Éxcangeble en Magasin" (no google translate required).
Supermarché CORA
et le magasin Decathlon
mais les prix sont très variables
Hi all,

Currently in France and want to swap my 907 for a full one , does anyone know which particular supermarket does this and do I just take the empty into the store itself?

I have seen gas bottles outside at petrol stations etc but haven’t seen any Campinggaz 907’s on show at all??

Any advice appreciated.

Not a helpful reply but a little related experience since this post reminded me of recent (couple of months ago) experience whilst travelling round Ireland in our van.
We stopped to buy a refill bottle of camping gaz at a garage. Fella asked me if I remembered how much it cost last time I bought one, but it was a year ago and I couldn't remember.
I offered to Google - 'good idea' says yerman. 'I think I paid 38 euros' says he whilst I googled.
Google prices varied between 50 and 60 I told him.
Then he phoned the fella he'd bought it from and was reminded he'd paid 45 euros for it. 'So that'll be the sell price' says he. 'Oh no', says I, 'you've got to make something and half way between 50 and 60 is 55 so that should be the sell price'. He wouldn't hear of it and beat me down to 50, which is what I paid. Lovely, quirky little exchange. He'd obviously not read The Art of the Deal.
Supermarché CORA
et le magasin Decathlon
mais les prix sont très variables
Hi Decathlon in france do not stock the 907 as we visited 2 and neither had them they only stock the disposable bottles
D avoir corrigé pour Decathlon
Il y a quelques années j avais acheté mon réchaud deux feux

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