VIP Member
Both our kids (23 & 24) would like to take it away! Mojave beige is a great colour but a crap name. If they called it Mojave sand I’m sure it would be more popular. We have only managed about 30 nights in ours this year but have a plan for 4-5 weeks in Europe next year. It is a second car for us so gets used regularly but we are still getting used to it and, indeed, have forgotten our Bluetooth speaker this weekend. I must make a list and check it really.Many thanks - beautiful photo. I've had it almost a week and I agree very much about the thought that has gone into the design. I showed my 21 year old son around it yesterday and he's going to get one when he (a) afford it and (b) he can get insured. So that will be the T.12 then...I plan to do some reasonably local trips over the the next few months and then range wider afield in Spring onwards. Ireland and Europe defo on the cards in a year or so.
Enjoy, it is a great vehicle.