Colour or your van



Looking to buy

I’ve just signed up, we have finally made the decision to go for it and get a beach. So excited and a gazillions questions, I will be pouring over these forums in the next few months. My first question (out of all of them I know this is probably the most silly but...) how did you decide on the colour of your van?? We really like the grape yellow with tinted windows but I’m worried although we like that now we may regret being so bold later?

MrsD x
Mine was 3rd hand, price was right and colour okay: It‘s something called natural grey. Until now I love it. Although there are a lot of nice colours atmGrape yellow? I kinda like it too
I would go with what makes you happy.

I had a black T5, which I thought was fairly ‘safe’ as a colour, but quite a few were put off by it when it came to sell it.

Whatever colour you go for, someone will love it, someone will say it’s not their thing. Do what makes you smile when you walk up to’ll only regret if you don’t.
I don't like metallic paints so that limited us to white and red (or yellow for a Beach). We've had both now.
Ours is Grape Yellow it's a great colour for the Beach.
Ive had a yellow one for nearly three years - if i had to replace it id buy the same - its a holiday colour bright and sunny. Id consider orange, baby blue or lime but they done make them
:welcome Choose a colour you like, not what anyone else thinks or what will will help when you come to sell it because it ewill be your baby! . "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!" I was like you exactly a year ago, ask away, the cali gurus are amazing. I have ordered a Candy white Beach because i think white looks amazing and its Free :thumb

Only one more month and its here whoop whoop :upsidedown

Options is an absolute mind field, it can soon make an affordable beach very expensive so choose wisely and like you said,there is a thread on every option availabka on here so have a good look around.

This forum is half the fun of buying a Cali! Enjoy!
Mine is metallic grey (I think its called Standard Grey), i quite like it but had what was available rather than ordered the colour. Wouldnt have been my first choice, but its very good as a stealth camper.
Good afternoon,

We got a demo model, which was grey. I like the colour because it is neutral and won't cause too much attention.

If I would buy a brand new one I would love to have a two tone California, white/blue or even white/red. But at the end of the day even then the colour will be decided by the "governor"...;) (which she doesn't like the two tone...).

When I see the pictures here there are a few breathtaking California vans on the road. Even at the moment people approach me to talk to me about the California. I could imagine if I would have a different colour...

There is a negative vote on here somewhere that asks for least favourite colours, but I say go with what you want and forget about what others will have you buy.

We bought a used Ocean in Blackberry, a marmite colour of ever there was one *not literally, I’d say marmite was darker* and I was sceptical at first, but right now I wouldn’t want any other colour.
If you ever want to leave it parked anywhere unobtrusively then an obtrusive colour wouldn't be, well, unobtrusive.

Only an issue if you like to 'stealth camp' (eg not draw too much attention when you park the van on an - ahem - 'tolerated' camping spot by a stunning lake shore). Or if you want to avoid too much attention when it's parked overnight outside the house of your - ahem - 'old family friend' in the next town.

Our next Cali will be mid-beige.
Personally I think the VW Cali colour range is really boring. They should look at some of their own passenger cars - e.g. that orange! They even have it as an option in the Caddy range but not the Cali! Why? Yellow only for the Beach? Why?
Another vote for Blackberry from me but like many will tell you it’s your van and your money, these vans are built for fun so have fun picking your colour and your list of options that way you’ll enjoy the final product.
You should get whatever colour makes you smile whenever you get in your Cali! For us that was Acapulco Blue, but horses for courses.
There are plenty of people that love grape yellow and a whole thread dedicated to yellow beaches on here somewhere....
Wow this forums great already. Thank you:) it’s all so exciting, we have to wait until February though and I want it now!! But the sensible me knows it’s better to save up more of a deposit, it will take me till February to decide on the must haves (and the colour) anyway - and it will be winter really soon so no need to rush I guess but...*throws self on floor, I want it now!
Mines a Oryx white Beach.... Love it, and would pick it again.... Shown below with a peppering of grape yellow on the front bumper.

I love Blackberry we had it on our T5 SE have gone for onyx this time around which we like very much , but do have a hankering for mojave
To me the choice of colour was not dependend on what i liked but what i thought practical.

First there is the temperature. In summer (driving to greece) we dont want anything darker than lets say your yellow. White being the best colour to keep the heat out, I think your option is fine.

Than there is that other factor, the element of disguise. The beauty of the california is that it looks like a regular van. For two reasons.

I dont want to attract attention to people with bad intentions. When you are clearly on holiday, they know you carry all your stuff with you, including probably some electronics.
This is why we chose fully white, this makes it look more like a regular ‘work’ van.

The other reason is that we sometimes sleep on a parking spot where we are actually not allowed to spent the night. Than we close our curtains and keep the top down and the ‘reflection thing’ behind our front screen. (Sorry i am dutch, dont know all the english words). We never got caught because nobody expects a person in the van. This is a great advantage if you are the type of traveler that doesnt plan where they are going too much. Because sometimes you just might end up in places (wich can be realy nice!).

For the element of disguise, fully white, like a builders van, was best for us.

It is also why we did not take the ‘sunsscreen/blinds on the side of the roof’ option. Apart from it having an effect on aerodynamics (and we were scared it would ‘whistle/wisper’ with certain winds) it gives away you are a mobile home.

I dó actually love the holiday colours, such as the yellow. But another reason why i did not choose the two block colours on our t6 is because it belongs to someting that its not. The oldfashioned van, was very, very different. The colour blocks looked like an integral part of its design. On a t4/5/6 it doesnt. And when you think about it, and are honest with your self, you know that it is actually a cosmetic trick that does not belong to this model, even tho you realy want it to.

Being very happy with our white van, i have different ideas about colours when considering something that is not available with VW. If i was to repaint the van for example (or sticker it?), we would probably go for completely different arguments and therefor colours.
We have a brand new T6 coast and sometimes wished it looked older and cheaper. In poorer countries our van lookes realy new and expensive. Not handy at all. Often we were afraid of leaving it behind to go and do stuff.
Even considered (very shortly ;) to put a logo sticker on it of a cleaning company.
When in nature, sleeping illegally over night, we feel the van should blend in more to draw less attention. Also, i realy dislike seeing those ugly ordinairy (mostly white) campervans standing in nature everywhere and ruining the view on the landscape. It has such a selfish feel to it.
This is why we will choose a very mat, light olive green colour if we ever repaint it. It will make it look cheaper and let it blend in better with nature.

The fact that all those ‘ugly ordinairy campervans’ are allmost always white, should also make you think! There is a reason why campers and caravans are white, and it has nothing to do with aesthetics.

These were my thoughts, after long long thinking, on the choice of colour. Good luck with making yours. I am sure you wont regret a thing cause the cali will simply bring you too much joy in life to be bothered any further once you have it.
Letting the family “decide” cost us a year’s delay (combined with the Dieselgate anyway).

If you have a favourite, go with it, the Cali is a fantastic vehicle in every colour!
I am the second owner of my Black Cali, Black being way down on my list of colour choice had I bought new. I had the pick of three Cali's from the same dealer, Mojave, Bamboo, or Black. Similarly specced, apart from the Black one had the LED lights and Sat Nav I wanted.

I am now happy with Black, good for stealth as others have said, particularly with the limo tint I've added to the rear windows. Apart from the awning and hook up/water filler (black anyway), at a casual glance it looks like a commercial van when parked up. Yes it does show the dirt, but when washed looks really smart!

I would still be undecided if buying new, probably would have gone for Indium Grey. At least I didn't have to agonise over colour choice by buying second hand - although I guess some might still be looking for their ideal colour!

I’ve just signed up, we have finally made the decision to go for it and get a beach. So excited and a gazillions questions, I will be pouring over these forums in the next few months. My first question (out of all of them I know this is probably the most silly but...) how did you decide on the colour of your van?? We really like the grape yellow with tinted windows but I’m worried although we like that now we may regret being so bold later?

MrsD x
Well I ordered mine in Indium Grey which would probably need the least washing! When it was in build the salesman, Lukasz Korbel at Robinson’s Van Centre Peterborough, called me to say VW had done it two tone with black at the bottom. He said if I’d accept it there’d be no extra charge. It’s bloody handsome!

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