CP250 canisters adaptor for Cadac

We decided to get a small BBQ for the camper. So we looked into this to see what is on the market. To make a long story short we decided to go for the Cadac Safari 2.

My problem was that I am not that familiar with all the gas connection, so I looked it up. Wow, there are so many. But, of course, we wanted to ensure that we get gas cylinders in the countries we plan to travel in. So which was the most widely spread connection?

The gas cylinder based on the EN417 seems to be the one that is widely available in Europe. But the EN417 does not necessarily describe the valve / connection (so I believe based on my research). The connection the cylinder need to have is the "Lindal Valve".

I believe that this is a kind of adapter that could help to use the smaller and cheaper gas cartridges.

View attachment 80150

But I am not 100% sure. I still look into it.

Yes, The Lindal Valve Threaded EN417 canister is the one. The adaptor you have pictured is probably the same as the ones I’ve purchased. While they appear to fit a small portable stove, the Cadac regulator is to be a bit too big for the adaptors, despite them all being designed for The Lindal Valve Threaded EN417 connection.
We decided to get a small BBQ for the camper. So we looked into this to see what is on the market. To make a long story short we decided to go for the Cadac Safari 2.

My problem was that I am not that familiar with all the gas connection, so I looked it up. Wow, there are so many. But, of course, we wanted to ensure that we get gas cylinders in the countries we plan to travel in. So which was the most widely spread connection?

The gas cylinder based on the EN417 seems to be the one that is widely available in Europe. But the EN417 does not necessarily describe the valve / connection (so I believe based on my research). The connection the cylinder need to have is the "Lindal Valve".

I believe that this is a kind of adapter that could help to use the smaller and cheaper gas cartridges.

View attachment 80150

But I am not 100% sure. I still look into it.

Be very careful with these adaptors, most are made in China of varying quality. We purchased 2 from different brands but the locking seal was not good and leaked gas, so decided not to use.
On the subject of gas canisters we have a Cadac last time we camped the canister keeps getting ice cold on the outside and pressure dropping off a lot. Switched the stove off and then it was ok for a while then same thing happened .. is this due to a leak somewhere ? and why does the canister freeze up ?
Yes, this seems to happen to me, even when the ambient temperature isn’t low. Perhaps my amazon Campingaz CP250’s are a bit moody. Maybe they skimped on the propane content!
Okay, so my handy friend returned the machined adaptor with a few health warnings!

It works, as long as you don’t screw the adaptor too far into the Cadac regulator. Too tight and the gas flow stops. Too loose and it leaks. The machines adaptor is on the right, with the machined aluminium now silver in colour.

I did a video on my iPhone, but the website doesn’t seem to like the file type.
I too am trying to get this connection working and bought the same items in your first post, I will be returning the cheap adaptors and just bought this from amazon.

G-works Butane nozzle Convert between nozzle type to screw type gas canister Butane Adapter​

no info on inside dimensions but it looks like a better quality adaptor.

If it fits/works i will let you know
Just connected it up to my fridge in my splitty and it worked a treat, (not ran it on gas for 15+ years) this is a great weight and space saving fix,
Excellent work. Thank you very much. I have ordered one. Bit pricey at £18, but the cheaper versions are a bit dodgy, especially after they’ve been machined to fit!
That's what I thought too but it fits really well, if it didn't I would send it back to amazon,
Just connected it up to my fridge in my splitty and it worked a treat, (not ran it on gas for 15+ years) this is a great weight and space saving fix,
Ok. now forget this gas can, adaptor and all that malarkey ... can we see the splitty please? pretty please? ;) :bananadance2
Those two are just lovely! These will need a separate thread on here ...

absolutely gorgeous! and thank you for sharing :thumb
Also have an adapter to connect to click-on Campingaz cannisters
Hi there, which adapter is that? If I understand correctly, you have an adapter to convert from the Campingaz Easyclic system to EN417?
Thanks in advance!

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