Crippling Slow Forum Load Again



VW and loving it...
Hi guys,

Not sure what's happened again but I'm suffering from awful page load times again since this morning? (3 to 4 minutes a page)

Has something changed on my profile?

Once again it's all machines, all networks and all browsers but other users aren't experiencing the same things. It's not a local thing.

Having to access via tapatalk on my phone which is far from ideal.

Try rebooting you're Router!
Try rebooting you're Router!
Multiple networks...

Different routers...

Different machines

Different buildings...

Not a local issue but thanks for the suggestion.

Why does this keep happening?

Just tested it and it's definitely related to my profile.

If another user logs in on my machine or I go in as a guest it's instantaneous, so it's not network, it's not browser, it's something in the settings for me as a user or on the server.

I've a video of it happening and me logging in as a guest at the same time showing the difference if it helps with your investigations.

I will look into your setting to see if there is anything obvious
Thanks Kev,

My wife just tried to register so at least someone in the family has a working profile and she got an error message saying 'The forum is not accepting new registrations at this time"

Probably unrelated but looks like things may be a little buggy.

Let me know if you need anything from me.


Apologies, just edited this to correct a couple of spelling mistakes. Struggling with Tapatalk, fat fingers and bad eyesight :)
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I frequently have the same problem, thought not at present.

Like Mark, if I access the forum not logged in, all is ok.

VW California Club
