david white
Staff member
Pitch Locations
Quite a few people are asking about pitch locations, the good news is we can hopefully get us all in one field this year and keep good size pitches whether you are electric or not. Also if you want to hide away we will have access to another field adjacent to the main camping area. We also have access to two toilet blocks you will not be far away from the loo's wherever you pitcch.
Day Visitors
The campsite are requesting numbers from us, for this Day visitors can now be booked online, price is just a fiver per vehicle and you can arrive from 10.30am
Quite a few people are asking about pitch locations, the good news is we can hopefully get us all in one field this year and keep good size pitches whether you are electric or not. Also if you want to hide away we will have access to another field adjacent to the main camping area. We also have access to two toilet blocks you will not be far away from the loo's wherever you pitcch.
Day Visitors
The campsite are requesting numbers from us, for this Day visitors can now be booked online, price is just a fiver per vehicle and you can arrive from 10.30am