VIP Member
Just a note, I'm sitting here at -15C, roof up, no isotop, nothing on windows etc., heater at 6 and its pumping out enough heat to be cosy, rather loud though. Although I have a problem with the heater not starting sometimes, think it has to do with the movement sensor that turns the heater of when driving as when the problem occur I have manage to get it working again by driving around for 5 min, stopping and then try again. Although this is the first time in 6 months ownership that I had the problem, so it might be associated with the cold. Anybody had the same issue?
Edit: Found this trick to avoid warm air blowing on, and offsetting, the temp sensor.
Edit2: this post says that if you have problems starting the continuous (aux) heater, and tries the immediate (engine/cab) heater, you have to drive around to be able to start the continuous heater again. I think I did that once. VW really made operating this unit super confusing.
Edit3: After reading up on how the heater works, I think that the footwell, where the sensor resides, was warm when I parked so the heater didn't start. Then I tried the engine heater and as a consequence inhibits both heaters until you drive >6km/h. After understanding this I open det door when I stop and all works fine since. Sleeping downstairs, at setting 4 with -15C outside, no window covers or anything, it's absolutely fine, but I'll get some window covers and an Isotop just to lessen the draft from the canvas and windows. https://www.caliboard.de/topic/2207...haltet-sich-ab/?do=findComment&comment=380334

Edit: Found this trick to avoid warm air blowing on, and offsetting, the temp sensor.
Edit3: After reading up on how the heater works, I think that the footwell, where the sensor resides, was warm when I parked so the heater didn't start. Then I tried the engine heater and as a consequence inhibits both heaters until you drive >6km/h. After understanding this I open det door when I stop and all works fine since. Sleeping downstairs, at setting 4 with -15C outside, no window covers or anything, it's absolutely fine, but I'll get some window covers and an Isotop just to lessen the draft from the canvas and windows. https://www.caliboard.de/topic/2207...haltet-sich-ab/?do=findComment&comment=380334

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