.doors not locking and Windows opening jeez!

Robert Hubbard

Robert Hubbard

Essex uk
T5 HighTop
Can't find the thread but maybe it's a first. When I try to lock the door via the key, it doesn't lock and the windows open, which obviously isn't the best thing. I tried the local dealer and they passed me on to others who also washed their hands of it and told me to take it where I bought which was in France. I'm in the Uk for a bit so it's a nuisance, VW eh?
Anyone Esle had the problem
Be great to hear from you guys rob
Hi Rob and welcome, I'm sorry that your first post has to be one with a problem.

Can I ask if this happens with both remote keys or only if the key is being turned in the lock.?

If you turn the key to unlock and hold the key it will open the window, you should also be able to hold the key in the other direction and close the window..

Does it behave if you lock with the remote fob?
Welcome on your first (as many come here regarding problems dealers can't sort out)

As said above , try the other fob and rule out there's a problem there to start with.

Think the fob can be programmed to open the windows by double clicking the unlock button.
Maybe something is wrong.
If they changed the fob battery without pairing it back with the verhicle it could end up doing strange things

Ps . We are talking T5 and 6 that is....
Fill in your details.
Long press on the remote buttons normally does the windows, double lock press disables the "Safe Lock" or dead lock as we call it over here..
Hi Rob and welcome, I'm sorry that your first post has to be one with a problem.

Can I ask if this happens with both remote keys or only if the key is being turned in the lock.?

If you turn the key to unlock and hold the key it will open the window, you should also be able to hold the key in the other direction and close the window..

Does it behave if you lock with the remote fob?
Hi Liz, good reply better than VW service, but armed with your response I'm going in again. Don't have the other key with me and it's the remote fob that does it. I'll check the turnkey. Thanks Rob
Okay then it does sound like you are trying to lock the car with the unlock button, perhaps one of the buttons is faulty on the remote.
A single press on lock or unlock is the normal operation
A double press on the lock button will lock it and remove the deadlock (so that handles work on the inside) this is if you lock a person in the car they can still get out.
A long press on the unlock button will unlock then lower the window after 2 seconds.
A long press on the lock button will lock then raise the window after 2 seconds.
Okay then it does sound like you are trying to lock the car with the unlock button, perhaps one of the buttons is faulty on the remote.
A single press on lock or unlock is the normal operation
A double press on the lock button will lock it and remove the deadlock (so that handles work on the inside) this is if you lock a person in the car they can still get out.
A long press on the unlock button will unlock then lower the window after 2 seconds.
A long press on the lock button will lock then raise the window after 2 seconds.
Ok guys, got it sorted it looks like there was a wrong press button somewhere that escalated, went back through the steps and for the moment it's ok. Also I recontacted the local VW service and got hold of the manager who said all VW cars now have the same key format and they could have helped and apologised. Every cloud....
There are certain posts that I copy into word, print off and put into the van in case of problems. This is one!

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